Magnum In Parvo hodowla West Highland White Terrier

Magnum In Parvo hodowla West Highland White Terrier Hodowla Magnum In Parvo jest zarejestrowana w ZKwP od 2004 roku.

Obecnie w naszej hodowli są cztery sunie LIBERA FREDY Adoxa (Misia), DIANA FREDY Adoxa (Tosia) oraz EMMA Magnum In Parvo (Zosia) oraz KALINA Magnum In Parvo. Obecnie w naszej hodowli są trzy sunie LIBERA FREDY Adoxa (Misia), DIANA FREDY Adoxa (Tosia) oraz EMMA Magnum In Parvo (Zosia).

The last foto off our puppies together ❤💙💙💙

The last foto off our puppies together ❤💙💙💙

Happy Easter for everyone 🐣🌷🪻

Happy Easter for everyone 🐣🌷🪻

The last photo of our puppies together ❤❤❤💙

The last photo of our puppies together ❤❤❤💙

Our puppies are 8 weeks old ❤❤️❤️💙

Our puppies are 8 weeks old ❤❤️❤️💙

Our puppies from litter S at the age of 6 weeks on the table for the first time ❤️❤️❤️💙

Our puppies from litter S at the age of 6 weeks on the table for the first time ❤️❤️❤️💙

Our puppies are five weeks old

Our puppies are five weeks old

Have a nice evening 🙂

Have a nice evening 🙂

Today, despite the heat, we went for a walk in the forest. With our dogs by our side, we gathered mushrooms and berries....

Today, despite the heat, we went for a walk in the forest. With our dogs by our side, we gathered mushrooms and berries. It was worth it! 🌳🍄🐕

Szczenięta z miotu P skończyły 8 tygodni

Szczenięta z miotu P skończyły 8 tygodni


Jeziorno 29A

Strona Internetowa


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Our Story

Hodowla Magnum In Parvo jest zarejestrowana w ZKwP od 2004 roku. Pierwszą sunią w naszej hodowli była Baccara Solanus w domu Maja (2001-2017). Z pierwszego miotu zostawiliśmy Amelię Magnum In Parvo (2004-2017). Obecnie w naszej hodowli są dwie sunie LIBERA FREDY Adoxa (Misia) i DIANA FREDY Adoxa (Tosia).