Traditional Horse Carriages Lamps and Harness

Traditional Horse Carriages Lamps and Harness Our passion are traditional horse carriages, lamps and harness. We professionally restore and give t We are a small family company established in 1997.

We are located in Poland, south-west side, in Słupice - 160 km from a German border. We restore all types of antique wooden carriages keeping as much of the original as possible, taking care of the details. Our craftsmen are with us from the very beginning, love their work and restore the carriages with the great passion. The work of carpentry, blacksmithing, painting and upholstery is over 20 ye

ars of experience which guatantees the highest quality of the restoration and the satisfaction of our trusted customers. To provide our customers with the comprehensive service we also restore carriage lamps. Repairing all damages, exchanging broken glasses, silver or gold plating, making new elements like original which cannot be restored, painting in high gloss, matte or cracked varnish give the lamps the second life and make them a perfect complement of the restored carriage.

For sale big lamps60cm highGlass 15/13.5 cm

For sale big lamps
60cm high
Glass 15/13.5 cm

FOR SALEVery nice and original pair of lamps, freshly restored, 100% original, silver inside in original condition (only...

Very nice and original pair of lamps, freshly restored, 100% original, silver inside in original condition (only cleaned)
59 cm high
Glasses 13,5 x 12,5 cm
For more information please write on priv

Sehr schönes und originales Lampenpaar, frisch restauriert, 100 % original, innen silber im Originalzustand (nur gereinigt)
59 cm hoch
Gläser 13,5 x 12,5 cm
Für weitere Informationen schreiben Sie bitte an priv

Par de lámparas muy bonitas y originales, recién restauradas, 100% originales, plateadas por dentro en estado original (solo limpiadas)
59 cm de alto
Vasos 13,5 x 12,5 cm
Para más información por favor escriba en priv


Tradycyjne Powozy Konne

„Italien job” - quite enjoyable, one pair pretty damaged but we were up to the task 💪 How do You like it?„Italienische A...

„Italien job” - quite enjoyable, one pair pretty damaged but we were up to the task 💪
How do You like it?

„Italienische Arbeit” - ganz nett, ein Paar etwas beschädigt, aber wir haben uns der Aufgabe gestellt 💪
Wie gefällt es Ihnen?

The next project in progress - original Body Break by Holland & Holland - small wood repairs, new paint and upholsteryDa...

The next project in progress - original Body Break by Holland & Holland - small wood repairs, new paint and upholstery

Das nächste Projekt in Arbeit - originaler Body Break von Holland & Holland - kleine Holzreparaturen, neue Farbe und Polsterung

4-wheeled Dog Cart by ANTONI Paris - refreshing and new paint

4-wheeled Dog Cart by ANTONI Paris - refreshing and new paint

We called this lamp „The Royal Blue” - very important project for us ☺️ It was in a quite good original condition for it...

We called this lamp „The Royal Blue” - very important project for us ☺️ It was in a quite good original condition for its age, the varnish has changed its shade due to its age and under the influence of UV rays but We stood at the height of the task and after many attempts we managed to get the original shade of royal blue 💪💪💪

We love it 🥰🥰🥰
And how do You like it?

Wir haben diese Lampe "The Royal Blue" genannt - sehr wichtiges Projekt für uns ☺️ Sie war für ihr Alter in einem recht guten Originalzustand, der Lack hat altersbedingt und unter dem Einfluss von UV-Strahlen seinen Farbton verändert aber wir standen am Höhe der Aufgabe und nach vielen Versuchen haben wir es geschafft, den ursprünglichen Farbton von Königsblau zu bekommen 💪💪💪

Wir lieben es 🥰🥰🥰
Und wie gefällt es Ihnen?

The Body Break project is finished - lots of work but we are satisfied the same as our client - we think He is ever much...

The Body Break project is finished - lots of work but we are satisfied the same as our client - we think He is ever much more 😉
We are waiting for the relations from the first drive…

Das Body Break Projekt ist fertig - viel Arbeit aber wir sind genauso zufrieden wie unser Kunde - wir denken, er ist immer viel mehr 😉
Wir warten auf die Beziehungen ab der ersten Fahrt ...

Zaczynamy lakierowanieWir beginnen lackierungWe start painting

Zaczynamy lakierowanie
Wir beginnen lackierung
We start painting

New restoration project - we go to work 💪

New restoration project - we go to work 💪

Schiflandauer zu verkaufen gut zustandSchiflandauer for sale good conditionMore info priv  or emeil : tradition1997@gmai...

Schiflandauer zu verkaufen gut zustand
Schiflandauer for sale good condition
More info priv or emeil : [email protected]

For sale big and heavy Gala lamps, beautiful ornaments.For more information please: leave „priv” in the comments or mail...

For sale big and heavy Gala lamps, beautiful ornaments.
For more information please:
leave „priv” in the comments
mail on [email protected]
write on whatsapp 0048663924159 / 0048882618842


We love these times, the sounds of horse hooves and carriage wheels 🥰 And You?

For Sale SchiflandauerZu verkaufen Schiflandauer

For Sale Schiflandauer
Zu verkaufen Schiflandauer

Our new project - Body Break ☺️

Our new project - Body Break ☺️


Słupice 43A



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