Savannah Servals
- Strona główna
- Polska
- Radzymin
- Savannah Servals
Our small Savannah cats family.
Strona Internetowa
Bądź na bieżąco i daj nam wysłać e-mail, gdy Savannah Servals umieści wiadomości i promocje. Twój adres e-mail nie zostanie wykorzystany do żadnego innego celu i możesz zrezygnować z subskrypcji w dowolnym momencie.
Our Story
It started as a cattery located in Poland. I had one litter of 4 beautiful F4kittens. 3 of them found their perfect forever homes and live the best life I could ask for them. One girl stayed with me because I just couldn't imagine not having her in my life.
Life is tricky and unpredictable.
I moved with my cats to PNW where we live together happily ever after.