Spider Shop

Spider Shop Spider Shop - największy sklep z pająkami w Polsce If you are wholeseller this is your best choice :D .

Please contact me by e-mail [email protected]
Actual pricelist www.spidershop.pl
We are one of the biggest sellers and "producers" of spiders in Poland. We have more than 10 years experience and customer in a whole world.


Był sobie chłop, co do restauracji zabrał babę,

wydał na nią wielką fortunę, szli niby na kawę,

za tydzień po babie ni widu, ni słychu,

lepiej przyszedłbyś i pająka kupił po dychu.


No i nastał ten dzień...

Dzień, w którym ładnie ubrane chłopy zabierają ładnie ubrane baby do ładnej restauracji. Resztę historii na pewno znacie 💸💸💸


Lepiej bierzcie nogi za pas i przyjdźcie do Spider Shopu, bo z okazji walentynek mamy dla was -25% na pająki 🕷️🕸️🕷️

Oferta oczywiście stacjonarnie 🏠

Chilobrachys sp south thailand blue. We have still some left

Chilobrachys sp south thailand blue.

We have still some left


Phormingochilus sp Sabah "red" grand opening

Uwaga!!! Ze względu na dość niskie temperatury wstrzymujemy wysyłki pająków. Jeżeli pogoda się poprawi to być może wznow...


Ze względu na dość niskie temperatury wstrzymujemy wysyłki pająków. Jeżeli pogoda się poprawi to być może wznowimy je w środę, o czym będziemy jeszcze informowali. Trzymajcie się ciepło!


Due to quite low temperatures we won't be shipping spiders. If the weather is better on Wednesday we will consider shipping and we will let you all know about it. Stay warm!

One of most interesting spider we found from Dipluridae family.Trechona venosa.What is interesting they live in burrows....

One of most interesting spider we found from Dipluridae family.

Trechona venosa.

What is interesting they live in burrows. Not in nests built from spider web like other Dipluridae

🎄🎄🎄Feliz Natal!!! 🎄🎄🎄Merry Xmas everyone!!! We wish you all joyful and peaceful Christmas. Remember it's not what's unde...

🎄🎄🎄Feliz Natal!!! 🎄🎄🎄

Merry Xmas everyone!!!

We wish you all joyful and peaceful Christmas. Remember it's not what's under the tree that matters most, it's who's around it. ❤❤❤

We will share some more stories from our recent trip to Brazil during holidays 😎

Ps. Next shipping will be realised on 7th January!

Take care guys 😃🕷🕸🕷

Another species from the same locality in Manaos.Probably some Spinosatibiapalpus

Another species from the same locality in Manaos.

Probably some Spinosatibiapalpus

In the same are with Ephebopus uatuman and foliatus we found another species. Probably Holothele

In the same are with Ephebopus uatuman and foliatus we found another species. Probably Holothele

Let's meet our new Pamphobeteus member in hobbyLadies and gentelmens 🤗Pamphobeteus skis.I know, funny name but it's desc...

Let's meet our new Pamphobeteus member in hobby

Ladies and gentelmens 🤗

Pamphobeteus skis.

I know, funny name but it's described specie

We updated our females offer, now more than 30 species avaiable 💪💪💪0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4cm BL 0.1 Birupes simo...

We updated our females offer, now more than 30 species avaiable 💪💪💪

0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4cm BL

0.1 Birupes simoroxigorum 2-2,5cm BL

0.1 Brachypelma auratum 3cm BL

0.1 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4cm BL

0.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum (electric blue) 2-2,5cm BL

0.1 Cyriocosmus elegans semi adult

0.1 Cyriocosmus ritae 1-1,5cm BL

0.1 Davus pentaloris 2-2,5cm BL

0.1 Davus sp panama subadult

0.1 Hapalopus formosus 3,5cm BL

0.1 Hapalopus sp guerilla 2,5cm BL

0.1 Harpactira baviana 3cm BL

0.1 Harpactira baviana subadult

0.1 Hysterocrates gigas 3cm BL

0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai 2,5cm BL

0.1 Lasiodora parahybana 3cm BL

0.1 Latrodectus geometricus L6-7 ł

0.1 Megaphobema robustum 2,5cm BL

0.1 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra 2cm BL

0.1 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra subadult

0.1 Nhandu chromatus 2-2,5cm BL

0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp Ho Chi Minh 2,5cm BL

0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp Vietnam Silver 2,5-3cm BL

0.1 Pamphobeteus sp mascara 2,5-3cm BL

0.1 Pamphobeteus sp mascara 6cm BL

0.1 Pamphobeteus sp paisa 2,5-3cm BL

0.1 Phidippus regius Bahamas L6/7

0.1 Phormictopus sp sierra de boaruco 3,5cm BL

0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia 3cm BL

0.1 Pterinochilus chordatus 3cm BL

0.1 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 3cm BL

0.1 Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2,5cm BL

0.1 Sericopelma sp chiriqui 2-2,5cm BL

0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 2,5cm BL

0.1 Theraphosa blondi 2,5cm BL

0.1 Theraphosa stirmi 2,5cm BL

0.1 Xenesthis sp blue 3cm BL

0.1 Xenesthis sp bright 2,5cm BL

0.1 Xenesthis sp light 3cm BL

Check out real photos of offered spiders 🕷🕷🕷

Only this weekend it's 10% discount for all of them 😎

Don't wait, quantities are limited!

Enjoy 😁

Another finding from Manaos.Only few meter from each other we found Ephebopus uatuman and Ephebopus foliatus. Amasing th...

Another finding from Manaos.
Only few meter from each other we found Ephebopus uatuman and Ephebopus foliatus. Amasing that there is no crossbreed.
What you think about this?
For comparison there is also uatuman in two different sizes

Siema wariaty 😃Był już u Was Mikołaj? Pochwalcie się prezentami w komentarzach 😎

Siema wariaty 😃

Był już u Was Mikołaj? Pochwalcie się prezentami w komentarzach 😎

Another spider we found in Manaos. Almost in the middle of the city. Neischnocolus sp. Any sugestion on species?

Another spider we found in Manaos. Almost in the middle of the city.
Neischnocolus sp.
Any sugestion on species?

Almost ready💪💪💪Most of the Black Friday orders will be shipped today 😃As we promised there is small surprise for you ins...

Almost ready💪💪💪

Most of the Black Friday orders will be shipped today 😃

As we promised there is small surprise for you inside the package (check out the orange card ;))

And here it is!!! Black Friday 2024 💪💪💪Short reminder about this year's special offers:- 20% discount for all slings 🕷🕷🕷...

And here it is!!! Black Friday 2024 💪💪💪

Short reminder about this year's special offers:

- 20% discount for all slings 🕷🕷🕷
- special Mysteryboxes (spiders worth 2 times more than it's price) 💣💣💣
You can find them here:

Offers are valid for the whole weekend 🔥🔥🔥

We also have a little surprise for Black Friday orders 😉

Enjoy guys!!! 😎

WARNING!!! Black Weekend info below We started our trip in Amazon jungle near from Manaos. One of first spider we found ...

WARNING!!! Black Weekend info below

We started our trip in Amazon jungle near from Manaos. One of first spider we found was Acanthoscurria simoensi. We found in total 3 spiders in burrows and probably one adult male.

I want also inform you that we prepared special mysteryboxes for Black Weekend 💣💣💣

Mysterybox Asia
Mysterybox Africa
Mysterybox America

There will be 2 versions of each box:

50€ (consists of spiders worth at least 100€)
125€ (consists of spiders worth at least 250€)

with really nice spiders inside 😃

The number of Mysteryboxes will be very limited!!!

Moreover you will get 20% discount on all slings 🔥🔥🔥

We start on Friday and end on Sunday 😎


Już niedługo zaczniemy wrzucać zdjęcia z naszej wyprawy do Brazylii. A tutaj macie przedsmak tego co będzie
Stay tuned ...

Zauważyłem dzisiaj ciekawe zjawisko. Wylinka Chilobrachysa  tropical blue zmieniła w sekundę kolor z niebieskiego na zie...

Zauważyłem dzisiaj ciekawe zjawisko.
Wylinka Chilobrachysa tropical blue zmieniła w sekundę kolor z niebieskiego na zielony po spsikaniu woda.
Zobaczymy czy będzie znowu niebieska jak wyschnie. 🤔


Grabowa 6

Godziny Otwarcia

Wtorek 10:00 - 19:00
Środa 10:00 - 17:00
Czwartek 10:00 - 17:00
Piątek 10:00 - 17:00



Strona Internetowa


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