Węże zbożowe z 2024 szukają domów - jedzą mrożonki, gotowe do odbioru.
Keeping snakes since 1997, breeding since 2001. Working now mostly with scaleless corn snakes. Snake Art breeding ethics:
1) I breed snakes for myself.
Szczecin, Wąska 13
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Snake Art breeding ethics: 1) I breed snakes for myself. If I choose to breed - it's because I want to leave something for myself for future breeding. I treat breeding as a form of art and I want to breed the best animals, I don't want to produce many snakes only with the purpose of sale! 2) I do not have a great number of babies. Usually only a few females produce clutches in a year. 3) I usually DO NOT repeat pairings. If I do, it's usually because I didn't get the animal I wanted in the first clutch. 4) Each baby is kept separately and all data on it are recorded. 5) The babies have fed well for me (no less than 5-7 times, often more). I do not sell problem feeders or babies with any problems. 6) I feed defrosted/prekilled. I do not sell babies that do not eat defrosted. 7) I do not sell to people who treat animals as toys and fad articles, feed live rodents to snakes for fun and do not want to treat animals without complying to their needs. If that's your first snake inform me and I'm going to share what I know with you. If you are unwilling to learn about the animal's needs and treat your snake according to his needs - I'm not going to sell you my baby. 8) Breeders always have a privilege of choosing the best babies. I may refuse to sell a very promising baby to a non-breeder if there is a breeder interested. 9) I ask questions about the buyer's and want to keep in touch. I expect the buyers to inform me about the progress or problems and to send pictures. If you do not want to keep in touch buy your baby snake in a pet store.