The latest from the Asylum Front!
- Zadra underwent a teeth correction procedure before Christmas. Fortunately, extraction was not necessary.
- Stapelia has finally parted ways with her coat. A memento of her post-castration exploits is a thickening of the tissues in the muscles, which we do not want to remove during the procedure at the moment, fearing the need to open the peritoneum, but we will monitor it for a possible procedure in the future. Apart from that, Stapelia's health is currently good.
- In the coming days, Slonik will undergo an extraction procedure for his overgrown incisors, which you could “admire” in the photos from the day he was admitted to the Asylum. Fortunately, Słonik's blood test came back normal. We still have to do an X-ray of his head to see if Krecik's dental problems are limited to his incisors or if they also involve his cheek teeth.We also need to take a close look at his ears, because during the first examination his right ear was clogged with a large amount of discharge.
- Silco has finished his coccidiosis treatment and if the check-ups are correct, he will soon be neutered. His general health condition, despite not fully correct liver parameters, is correct, however, the Doctor's attention during the examination was drawn to the recurrent dislocation of the patella in the right limb, which may make itself felt in the future, but at the moment it does not affect Silco's functioning.
- Milne has had a long treatment for purulent inflammation of the soft tissues in her right hind limb. Fortunately, after 1.5 months we can be happy with her very good health and think about spay procedure.
- Meeseeks is slowly dying, although I don't know if that's the right word. His situation has been hard to explain for some time now. Meeseeks is a bedridden rabbit, he doesn't keep his weight. He eats herbs and pellets on his own, and also eats from a syringe, which is why he's still with us... He's on kidney and heart medication, as well as painkillers. There's nothing more we can do for him.
- Krecik came to us with an absolute indication for a procedure to remove the nasal conchae or for euthanasia. Due to the previous treatment, but also the unstable condition of Krecik, we decided to first - before the procedure - stabilize Krecik's condition with the help of drugs - antibiotics and strong immune stimulants. Krecik condition was so good before Christmas that we decided to postpone the procedure until after Christmas. In the meantime, we can postpone the procedure for an indefinite period. Currently, Krecik does not sneeze. There is no discharge or swelling in the nasal passages that would make it difficult for Krecik to breathe. Krecik's appetite and digestive system have also improved significantly. Until now, Krecik was lethargic, but now he is begging to be neutered. First, however, after the antibiotic therapy is finished, we plan to vaccinate Krecik against pasteurellosis, which we have been using in our residents for over a year.
- Kalinka has been battling encephalitozoonosis for over 2 weeks. It all started with a very strong bout of fever, which I mentioned on the blog. The next day, lockjaw, hypersensitivity to touch and ataxia appeared, these symptoms persisted for the next few days, and a twist of the neck also appeared. Today, Kalinka's condition is stable. She has a twisted neck, but fortunately it does not impede her movement and functioning. Fortunately, the day Kalinka's first cerebral symptoms appeared, we immediately started with fenbendazole... This is how the entry about Kalinka last Wednesday evening began.
That all changed on Thursday. The twist in her neck didn’t get any worse, but Kalinka began to lose her balance and roll. Nystagmus also appeared. It was another severe attack of encephalitis.
A few days have passed since Thursday and the situation has only slightly improved. Kalinka still has phases of losing her balance, she rolls, sometimes lies bent over, with her head up, she also has a problem with taking in food, especially since any food done around her is quite stressful for her. Currently, in addition to fentanyl, Kalinka also receives sulfonamides.