Uwaga uwaga!! 📣 2025 rozpoczął się dla nas wspaniale! Abstract naszego zespołu International Institute of Translational Medicine - MIMT pod kierownictwem Profesora Krzysztofa Marycza będzie prezentowany w Utah, gdzie odbywa się coroczny kongres ARVO. „Author, #4263004, Mitochondria in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Canine Glaucoma: A Novel Biomarker and Therapy for a Blinding Disease, has been accepted for presentation during the 2025 ARVO”!
The Assosiation for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology to największa organizacja na świecie skupiająca naukowców badających narząd wzroku. W tym roku będę podczas kongresu w Utah prezentować wyniki badań naszego teamu. Jest to dla mnie ogromna radość i wyróżnienie. ✨❤️
Attention please!!! 📣 2025 has gotten off to a great start for us! Abstract of our team International Institute of Translational Medicine - MIMT led by Professor Krzysztof Marycz will be presented in Utah, where the annual ARVO congress is held. “Author, # 4263004, Mitochondria in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Canine Glaucoma: A Novel Biomarker and Therapy for a Blinding Disease, has been accepted for presentation during the 2025 ARVO!”
The Assosiation for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology is the world's largest organization of scientists studying the organ of vision. This year, I will be presenting our team's research results during the congress in Utah. This is a great joy and honor for me.✨❤️