The classroom and growing and thriving 🎉🥰🙏
Made this short video to explain about the different memberships and content 💪
Working with piaffe, levade, school halt
Sharing a short clip from our lesson with Christofer Dahlgren this week. I love when the horses really understand the training. Here, Minor is like "ups lost the hindquarter, let me fix that!"
Disclaimer: We are working with really difficult stuff here. Piaffe, Levade, School halt. You can see that in Minor. We are deep in the development zone, that's why I take lessons ;) But I also get calm standing immediately when I let go of the rein.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade 🍋
I have a nasty inflammation in my right shoulder, and while it's already heaps better, I still can't move my arm normally. So I did some liberty with all the horses today 🥰
While lots of transitions and more "action" are great when I work with Weto, I take care to alternate phases of activity with phases of calmness with Minor. I think he will make a great liberty pony, don't you think? <3
Here is a short film of our work today!
#equestrianlife #horsesofinstagram #pferdeliebe #akademischereitkunst #acdemicartofriding #ponylove #instahorse #horselover #chestnuthorse #libertyhorsetraining
Transitions forward - collection - forward
Transitions are a very important training element. How you get into and out of an exercise matters!
Let's look at this short example, collection in trot. If during the transition into collection, the horse is already, or still, crooked and stiff, we will have the same problems in the collection. The horse will be on the shoulder and struggle to lift the trunk.
We are often too quick to work in collection, and it seems many prefer "collection at all costs" to a nicely balanced forward. We see lots of backwards working front legs and haunches without proper bending of the joints. Stepping on the place with stiff legs and without lift is not collection. It's also not very useful for anything.
Right now, I'm training for more collection with Minor (you could also call it piaffe...), but I'm very picky about the "how". I want Minor to keep lift and to not loose the lift when I transition into collection and back into forward. For Minor, it's easier to transition into collection than to transition out of it, and I really liked this short moment in time, because he tried very much <3
My new course is slowly taking shape...FROM ZERO TO HERO - LEADING TRAINING FOR THE ART OF RIDING...very soon ready to release! So excited 🤩 Watch the video to learn what's going to be in the course:
The average view time of videos on social media is 4,57 seconds… So this video is a bit of a rebel act ;)
It’s winter in Poland and the ground is frozen. It snows, melts, snows. Not the best conditions for training! I’m so glad I can train the academic groundwork with my horses. Slow, safe, and yet very effective!
Warming up the joints gently, stretching, lifting, straightening, building strength…
The academic groundwork is so versatile: from basic to advanced, for young and older horses. We school our eye and feel, and build our connection.
In a world that’s more and more crazy, dare to slow down and to enjoy the moment together.
Interested? I just released new videos in the groundwork module of my classroom - full length training sessions with my horses. The groundwork module also contains videos on how to get started with groundwork, how to teach the aids, and videos about each side movement: Shoulder-in, quarter-in, half-pass, pirouette, renvers pirouette. There is also lots of info about the school halt and how to start collection in groundwork.
Curious? The first month is 25% off! Stay as long as you like and join a community of lovely horse people.
Link to the classroom in the bio and in comments!
The other day I wanted to film some work in hand with Minor, but my camera had a malfunction. Well, actually the sim card was full and the camera started to film random 2 seconds until it quit entirely. I strung all the pieces together and out came a nice short movie 😅
At the moment I'm practicing some work in hand from the outside. It's a new thing for us and here you can see maybe our fourth practice session.
Merry Christmas everyone 🎄
Festive greetings from my desk ✨
School halt
School halt at liberty 🥰
The school halt is bending the haunches at standstill.
The horse should lengthen the upper line and lift the chest.
We can do a right bended, a left bended, and a straight school halt.
When doing a right or left bended school halt, the horse needs to have correct stellning and bending with the rib cage lifting up on the outside and lowering on the inside. That’s why the horse takes up the inside front leg - because its lowering on the haunches and because of the bend, the inside front leg doesn’t have space over the ground anymore, so the horse takes it up. Have a look at Minor’s tail in the video and how it’s lowering.
Unfortunately, we often see bad executions of school halt and that it is taught as a trick (teach horse to lift front leg and rock weight back). This leads to activation of the wrong muscles and that you can’t really use the school halt for anything.
The school halt is a tool and it needs to be possible to do varying degrees of school halt: just 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%. From a school halt at 100% of the horse’s current capacity, you can’t make any transitions, because the haunches are too bended. So in order to use the school halt to work collection (school walk, collection in trot, or even school canter), we need to reduce the bending of the haunches to a degree from which the horse can do the transition.
In my video classroom, I have a whole video series about how to develop the school halt in a healthy and non-stressful way. Link is in the bio and I’ll put the link in the comments 🙂
#academicartofriding #bentbranderuptrainer #schoolhalt #collection
“Piaffe is not stepping on the place. It is developing the bending of the haunches in trot. And this takes time.”
Bent Branderup
So glad to be home and continue to work on my homework from Bent! At the moment I’m experimenting with takt (German for rhythm) and frame. Sometimes we get a few nice steps!
#academicartofriding #bentbranderuptrainer