TARA-Horse Rescue and Sanctuary

TARA-Horse Rescue and Sanctuary Rescue home for horses and all farm animals. Support us:
Account nr:
IBAN: PL 75 1020 5242 0000 2902 0191 7236
SWIFT (BIC): BPKOPL They have suffered enough.

Tara is the first Polish Horse Shelter, non profit ogranisation, which is now more than 20 years old. We react to animal cruelty, pain and suffering. We save animals, cure and give them home. In majority we save horses but also other farm animals. In general we have around 200 animals, also including cows, chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, dogs, cats and pigs. Those 200 animals include 122 horses. We

bought a lot of them on horse markets, just before they were to be sold to slaughter houses. Many of them spent their lives chained, in darkness and pain. Today they aren’t pieces of meat, today they are free and safe, living a life full of love and good care. They will stay in Tara till the end of their lives, as we don’t let them get adopted. We use the system of virtual adoption – it’s a great financial help for Tara and an awesome chance for adoptive parents. Tara is also fighting and has been fighting for years to erase horses from the list of animals meant for slaughter. In 2016 the Ministry of Agriculture has a new plan to expand the industry of horse meat, to open the market in Asian countries and to give funds to breeders of horses. That's why we have to be faster and do everything we can to change the act on horses, to make them animal companions instead of animals destined for slaughter. Who can look into those beautiful and smart eyes, full of trust, and tell - we won’t help them and let them die in pain and fear? We have to wake up! They need us now more than ever before. We are people, not beasts, so let’s finally start to be human…


Wszędzie, na całym świecie żyją ludzie dobrej woli.


Iga, koty i Rodzynek

Doctor Chmielowski's visit to Granada. This 25-year-old mare suffers from an advanced lung disease, RAO and spring is no...

Doctor Chmielowski's visit to Granada.
This 25-year-old mare suffers from an advanced lung disease, RAO and spring is not her ally. RAO resembles human asthma. A whole series of drugs is ahead of her so that she can breathe and live normally. Granada is a wonderful, calm and trusting girl.In the link her story - https://fundacjatara.info/grenada-ur-28-03-1996-w-tarze-od-2007/
Please donate for her treatment.

And on our Tara's meadows  the first flowers and insects.

And on our Tara's meadows the first flowers and insects.

Sunday volunteering in Tara and more ...Please make a payment to the account for the blacksmith -https://zrzutka.pl/nnjr...

Sunday volunteering in Tara and more ...
Please make a payment to the account for the blacksmith -https://zrzutka.pl/nnjr6j



Piskorzyna 18



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