Apples'N'Pears Flatcoats

Apples'N'Pears Flatcoats Home kennel of Flat Coated Retrievers with focus on beauty, work and heath. Based in Poland. There is also best working flatcoat girl Finka.

Home of Flat Coated Retriever bitch Merunka, her daughter Farfalla and grandson Slash.

"Carmen" Apples'N'Pears GONNA BE ROYAL ( FAMOUS Perro Cobrador  x Dakotaspirit Rakas) - has perfect results of eye exami...

"Carmen" Apples'N'Pears GONNA BE ROYAL ( FAMOUS Perro Cobrador x Dakotaspirit Rakas) - has perfect results of eye examination. I am supper happy for Michalina. Michalina Mleczko Marta SwatFlat Coated Retriever (Friendly) Poland

Dylano, beautiful father of our litter.

Dylano, beautiful father of our litter.

Excellent news about father of our litter Dylano. He finished his champion title. Big congratulations, let’s hope for lo...

Excellent news about father of our litter Dylano. He finished his champion title. Big congratulations, let’s hope for lovely puppies.

🩵🩵🩵 Dylano z Brdských lesů🩵🩵🩵

o: MultiCH Best of Breed Crufts 23’ Diamante Blu Chilkoot🇮🇹
m: C.I.B. Grand ChCZ WVW-24 VetCh HR VetCh CZ KCh RKCZ ChCZ ChSK ChPL Interessante Jolla od Ivanského jezera🇨🇿

11.1.2025, NV Brno, rozhodčí Lenka Frnčová

třída pracovní ▶️ EXCELENT 1 CAC


Foto: Kristina Kunclová 📸

Porto and Leslie out of our breeding credits

Porto and Leslie out of our breeding credits

Happy Birthday to Call Me litter ( Baxer x Farfalla)- enjoy your life !

Happy Birthday to Call Me litter ( Baxer x Farfalla)- enjoy your life !

This pack of flatcoat siblings celebrate their Birthday. All the best for them ! Fado and Finka puppies.

This pack of flatcoat siblings celebrate their Birthday. All the best for them ! Fado and Finka puppies.

Harriet became Polish Show Champion gaining her las CAC from respected judge and breeder Carina Ostman SE.

Harriet became Polish Show Champion gaining her las CAC from respected judge and breeder Carina Ostman SE.

11 grudnia 2018 we Wrocławiu urodziła się szóstka flacików z miotu BORN, dzieci Merunki i Steviego. Wszystkiego najlepsz...

11 grudnia 2018 we Wrocławiu urodziła się szóstka flacików z miotu BORN, dzieci Merunki i Steviego. Wszystkiego najlepszego na urodziny dla tych bardzo mądrych i ładnych piesków. Mamusia dalej dokazuje i pozdrawia. Wszystkim właścicielom życzę, by Wasze pieski dokazywały równie długo co mamusia

Harriet - Kielce

Harriet - Kielce

CACIB Poznan - sędzia Borje Sorensen SE - „Farfalla” Apples’N’Pears Always Pretty - Best Weteran, V-CACIB, Zwycięzca Poz...

CACIB Poznan - sędzia Borje Sorensen SE - „Farfalla” Apples’N’Pears Always Pretty - Best Weteran, V-CACIB, Zwycięzca Poznania Weteranów 2024! Farfalla w świetnej formie i pełna entuzjazmu.

Finka this time during show. CACIB Poznań photo by Jaroslaw Wojtecki

Finka this time during show. CACIB Poznań photo by Jaroslaw Wojtecki

Some photos of Finka (Dakotaspirit Rakas) from CACIB Poznań - she got excellent 3 in champion class. Thank  you Fotograf...

Some photos of Finka (Dakotaspirit Rakas) from CACIB Poznań - she got excellent 3 in champion class. Thank you Fotografia Jarosław Wojtecki .
Finka a litle working treasure sometimes goes to shows. She is beautiful example of flat coated retruever bitch.

Slash and Zoja as puppies. They live again together. Brother and sister.

Slash and Zoja as puppies. They live again together. Brother and sister.

Warren is back to show ring. Still growing but I am happy. 😃

Warren is back to show ring. Still growing but I am happy. 😃

Warren - Cacib Wroclaw - exc.1. CAC, res. CACIB ( open class)

Warren - Cacib Wroclaw - exc.1. CAC, res. CACIB ( open class)




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