
Acupets Acupets es una clinica veterinaria que ofrece servicios veterinarios tradicionales y medicina veteri Centro Holistico Veterinario


The use of veterinary acupuncture for pain relief is expanding among small animal practitioners. Although acupuncture was developed as part of the medical system in Ancient China, research into the scientific basis of its effects is expanding rapidly. Acupuncture is very effective for analgesia on a...


Today is the 3rd Annual World TCVM Day to recognize TCVM practitioners everywhere and spread awareness about the benefits of TCVM.


¡Felicitamos a todos nuestros Tecnólogos Veterinarios!

Estos profesionales desempeñan un papel fundamental en la práctica de la medicina veterinaria. Todos los días traen consigo desafíos, y a la medida que seamos resilientes estaremos mejor preparados para manejar las situaciones que pueden ocurrir en las clínicas.

La resiliencia no es únicamente un esfuerzo individual, el Colegio está presente para brindar una red de apoyo, capacitación y compañerismo para abordar los retos y salir hacia adelante como colectivo.


➡️ Share your thoughts 🙏
This is why I love Chinese Medicine!

☯️ We look at the root cause, and we treat the person as a whole, not the disorder.

☯️ We look at the tongue, observe the skin, eyes, hair...we take the pulse, ask questions on sleep, digestion, diet, immune system., reproductive system and so much more!

☯️ We investigate thoroughly and then we make a TCM diagnosis and create a treatment plan accordingly 🙏

⬇️Your daily Acupuncture & TCM posts rock here ↙️


Los puertorriqueños dejan su marca en todos lados; eso incluye a los perros. La revista Dogue sacó una de sus ediciones del mes de julio y en una portada tenía


La aplicación gratuita de Primeros Auxilios para Mascotas pone en la palma de sus manos consejos para emergencias y para el cuidado diario de las mascotas. Contiene vídeos, cuestionarios interactivos y sencillos consejos paso a paso.

Descarga aquí para IPhone:
Descarga aquí para Androide:


Here's what research says about the complementary therapy


CONGRATULATIONS to veterinary graduating class of 2022! All of us at AAEP are proud of your accomplishment and are here to support you as you officially join the profession as .

May the Veterinarian’s Oath continue to inspire you throughout your career and always serve as a gentle reminder of why you sacrificed so much to become a veterinarian. Best wishes!


Amigos, conozcan a Parcha ♥️ Fue rescatada por una de nuestras súper seguidoras hace varios meses y ya está lista para adoptar.

Es una pitbull rescatada en un bosque en Utuado. Tiene aproximadamente 6 años, es una perra muy dulce, tranquila y dormilona, se puede quedar en casa sola, sabe caminar con correa. NO gatos y sería preferible que fuese única en el hogar.
Está esterilizada, vacunada, desparasitada y al día con sus preventivos de gusano del corazón.

Para más información: 7876678512


Did you know Chi offers courses around the globe?
Chi offers courses in 6 continents and 22 countries and regions.

Chi University เปิดการสอนใน 6 ทวีป และ 22 ประเทศทั่วโลก
ประเทศไทยก็เป็นหนึ่งในประเทศที่ได้รับเกียรติ ผ่านการรับรองและได้มาตรฐานในการเปิดสอน 📚🥳

สำหรับปีการศึกษา 2022 จะปิดรับสมัครใน 31 มี.ค. นี้
เริ่มเรียน 1 เม.ษ. 2022
รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมรบกวน inbox


What’s Equine Electro -Acupuncture ? Acupuncture is defined as “ the stimulation of specific point(s) on the surface of the body by insertion of a filiform needle which induces local, segmental, central and autonomic effects which result in homeostatic and/or therapeutic effects. It has been used for a variety of equine clinical conditions and is a familiar treatment modality to both horse owners and equine veterinary practitioners.
Research studies have documented that acupoints are located in areas of focused neuroimmune modulation. Analgesia induced by acupuncture is associated with the release of the neurotransmitters including beta-endorphin and serotonin and its anti- inflammatory effect is produced by regulating proinflammatory factors including interleukin-6 (IL-6) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). These effects are closely associated with what is referred in The Ling Shu book of the “Huang-Di-Nei-Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine) to as the De Qi response, or the “arrival of Qi”. Probably one of the most popular and modern modalities is Electroacupuncture (EA). It involves the use of a mild electrical current by attaching electrodes and applying a mild electric current to the needles. EA enables pe*******on of electric energy into the percutaneous and muscle tissue which promotes a more profound local and systemic analgesic response. Some of the indications will include muscle pain management, lameness, colic, and impaction; and other Patterns including diarrhea, infertility, and facial or radial nerve paralysis. EA can be considered a “boost” to the conventional Dry needle acupuncture, whereas it is indicated . ( text edited from Dr Huisheng Xie , DVM , PhD )
In the picture , horse successfully treated with EA for facial paralysis 🐴 .

Do you want to know more about how acupuncture could help you horse(s) ?? Send me a message and I will be happy to help !


Acupuncture, what’s the point?

The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of sterile, single-use needles into specific points of the body. Over 300 acupoints exist, and these points are areas where large collections of free nerve endings, blood vessels and inflammatory cells are present. Each point has local, and systemic effects.

These points follow meridians and have been known for hundreds of years. But interestingly follow closely the relatively newly discovered myofascial lines!

How cool is that. How will these ancient traditional methods fit into the new emerging concepts.

A new entry into our new library area! Where we will host Articles written by experts from around the world. Follow this link for an introduction to acupuncture…


Did you know a horse with a moderate hair coat starts requiring additional calories for body temperature regulation when the outside temperature drops to approximately 50°F? Cold weather prompts special considerations for your horse's diet and care:


Harvard scientists discovered the neuroanatomical basis for acupuncture points that trigger a specific anti-inflammatory signaling pathway, advancing the understanding of acupuncture’s therapeutic potential.The team, led by Harvard Medical School neurobiologists, found the specific type of neuro


🤷 Many people new to TCM may ask, "Why does my physician ask so many questions?"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
📋 An initial consultation, I will ask a number of questions about your health and lifestyle, many of which may seem unrelated to your main reason for seeking TCM. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
🖊 However, these questions are linked together and your answers provide valuable input into the diagnostic process. Along with tongue and pulse diagnosis, asking these questions allows me to create a unique treatment plan for you as an individual.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#漢方シンガポール #漢方薬 #針灸 #養身 #陰陽


Maurice now Keshava got adopted on Saturday afternoon by a very special person and veterinarian, Dr. Jimenez from Acupets in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. Maurice could not be in better hands. Dr. Jimenez has had German Shepherds before and he was looking for one rescued. He knows very well the breed, he is very kind to animals, a honest veterinarian. Keshava (aka Maurice) was already implementing new rules in Dr. Jimenez clinic. Sato Care Alliance wishes Maurice a long and happy life.


Avenida Esmeralda # 7

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 08:00 - 17:00
Martes 08:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 08:00 - 17:00
Jueves 08:00 - 17:00
Viernes 08:00 - 17:00
Sábado 08:00 - 17:00




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