Thanks to the At Your Service team for their amazing help at our farm. They did everything from cleaning our paddocks to creating new trails that will be used by our program participants. We love companies with a strong commitment to social responsibility. If you think your company would be interested in doing an activity like this at our farm let us know by emailing us to [email protected]
Volunteering at Horses of Hope
Hoy completamos el entrenamiento de 8 voluntari@s nuevos, quienes ya están listos para este nuevo semestre de Equinoterapia que comienza este lunes 13 de enero!!
We're working hard preparing for volunteer training this Saturday, December 14th 8:30 - 12:30 and our next session that starts in January. For more information about volunteering or therapeutic riding lessons, contact us at [email protected] or 787-379-9305
Estamos trabajando duro preparándonos para la capacitación de voluntarios este sábado 14 de diciembre de 8:30 a 12:30 y nuestra próxima sesión que comienza en enero. Para más información sobre voluntariado o clases de equitación terapéutica, contáctanos a [email protected] o al 787-379-9305
#horsesofhope #caballosdeesperanza #horsebackriding #horsebackridingpr #volunteerpuertorico #volunteersneeded #therapeuticriding #equineassistedservices #caballosdepuertorico #equitacionpuertorico
Volunteers are the driving force behind Horses of Hope—without them, none of this would be possible. 💙 They dedicate their time to support our clients and care for our horses, making a lasting impact every day.
To celebrate our incredible volunteers and our founder Elaine’s retirement, we hosted a fun-filled party with food, games, and meaningful connections. 🎉
Thank you, volunteers, for everything you do!
Interested in joining our volunteer team? Fill out the form on our website:
#volunteerpuertorico #volunteerinpr #voluntarios #voluntariospuertorico #horsesofhope #caballosdeesperanza #caballosdepuertorico #VolunteerOpportunity
Did you know that horses' teeth continuously grow throughout their lifetime? This helps compensate for the wear and tear caused by grinding rough forage like hay and grass. This slow but continuous growth helps them maintain functionality, but if not properly managed, it can lead to sharp edges or uneven wear, which can lead to discomfort and difficulty eating. This is why regular dental care, like floating (filing), is essential.
Around twice a year, our horses have their teeth filed to prevent any sharp or uneven edges from developing. In the video, you can see Tesoro has a chipped tooth. The equine dentist is filing his teeth in a way to ensure the broken tooth can grow back properly.
Your support is needed to ensure our horses receive the care they need! Become a Monthly Miracle Maker and donate to provide our horses with the feed, supplements, and farrier and dental services they need!
Sabías que los dientes de los caballos crecen continuamente durante su vida? Esto les ayuda a compensar el desgaste causado por la molienda de forraje duro como el heno. Este crecimiento lento pero continuo les permite mantener la funcionalidad, pero si no se maneja adecuadamente, puede llevar a bordes afilados o desgaste desigual, lo que puede causar incomodidad y dificultad para comer. Por eso es esencial el cuidado dental regular, como el limado de los dientes.
Alrededor de dos veces al año, nuestros caballos tienen sus dientes limados para evitar que se formen bordes afilados o irregulares. En el video, puedes ver que Tesoro tiene un diente roto. El dentista equino está limando sus dientes de manera que el diente roto pueda crecer correctamente.
Necesitamos su apoyo para garantizar que nuestros caballos reciban el cuidado que necesitan! Conviértase en un hacedor de milagros mensual y haga una donación para brindarles a nuestros caballos el alimento, los suplementos y los ser
Today we held our Open House and we welcomed our wonderful community to our farm to learn more about the amazing things we do at Horses of Hope. Thanks to all the volunteers and collaborators who make all of this possible. 🐴🇵🇷🎉💜 #horsesofhope #farmers #horses #horsesofinstagram #isabelapr #moyovillage #equineassistedservices
Other people’s horses: ‘We’re on our way!’ 👏 Our horses: ‘You called? I’ll be there… in like 5… maybe 10…’ 😅
#funnyhorses #funnyhorsevideos #funnyvideos #lazyhorse #horsefail #horsehumor #horselife #equestrianlife
Fun Facts About Horses: Water Edition! Part 1
As we enter the scorching summer months, it's important that we educate ourselves on how our horses react to hot weather. In this series, we'll share fun and interesting facts about horses and water and how to properly care for them. Follow us @horsesofhopepr to keep up with the series!
A medida que entramos en los abrasadores meses de verano, es importante que nos eduquemos sobre cómo reaccionan nuestros caballos al clima cálido. En esta serie, compartiremos datos divertidos e interesantes sobre los caballos y el agua y cómo cuidarlos adecuadamente. Síguenos @horsesofhopepr para mantenerte al día con la serie!
Traduccion del video:
Los caballos pueden beber hasta 10 galones de agua todos los días! Es posible que beban más debido al clima y a su carga de trabajo. Es fundamental que proporcionemos a nuestros caballos acceso constante a agua fresca y limpia, especialmente en verano!
Síguenos para la segunda parte del serie!
#horsesofhopepr #therapyhorse #horsefacts #equineassistedtherapy #comunidadpuertoriqueña #TerapiaConCaballos #puertorico #rescuehorse #terapiaconcaballos #terapiaequina #equineassistedlearning #therapyhorses #isabelapuertorico #equineeducation #therapyhorsesrock