For the love of Damian

For the love of Damian rescuing caring helping sick abandoned and injured cats. TNR adoptions PayPal ftlodcatrescues@gmail. com We were so happy. Mommy rescued all of them. rescue.

Hello my name is Damian I was in a cat rescue shelter with my 4 other brothers. My mommy found me and my brother Vlad while working as a volunteer, she fell in love with us and adopted us at 2 months of age. she would work a few days a week and spend hours with us till she took us home. She also took our cousin Armand who was abandoned with his sister but someone took her. My mommy gave us a lov

ing home spoiled us took such great care of us . we had two other brothers and a sister in our home. Most recently she took, in a 2 month old girl Ginger who was thrown out by her neighbor and then a month later a 3 week old girl we soon came to love them one big happy family mom is the best! She worked hard just to feed us give us a good home. Clean, cozy and comfortable. We all were fixed, given shots and checkups if we got sick mom would spend hours awake nursing us back to health. I became sick,..with bladder problems. The next day my mommy took me to a local vet and he would not help my mommy as her funds were low due to financial crisis. He only offered a bladder drain, pain and relaxer meds(cheaper option) she offered payment plans vet said I cant do that others have left their pets and not paid my mommy stated she was a animal advocate-activist,rescuer and we were her babies , her family she wouldnt do that and did not want to leave me! she pleaded with him to help her save me!!! he said ,..ok bring half the fee he sent me home after my bladder was drained and given 2 meds. the next day mom spend all day making post son FB, calling friends, family, etc trying to get donations to raise the money to take me back to the vet for a full procedure to save my life. Asap she raised more then half she went to the vet to tell him and say I was not well I needed to be brought in. But the vet turned her away acted non caring kept saying within 72 hours cats get better on the meds he should be ok by tomorrow,...and told her just feed and give me water and wait . Well I became worst as I was dehydrated weak, messed up I fell twice unstable to even drink water. My mommy was devastated she stayed up all night after working to raise the rest of my procedure fee. So she can take me to the vet asap am morning, My mommy gave me my meds and brought me to her bed she fell asleep then just when it was 5 am to give me my last meds I passed away in her arms. I cried for the last time to woke her up to say good bye. I am sorry I tried to stay alive to get to the vet but I could not. So my mommy and Daddy took me to see the vet early am Saturday in a box... I love my mommy and all my brothers and sisters. All I ask is that you spread awareness that not all shelters, animal facilities rescues or vets do not have our best interests at heart, They do not have a heart for us animals to allow our parents to care and treat us first and pay later or go on a payment plan. Please help my mommy spread the word to congress to pass the law that we have feelings too and deserve to live. Now my mommy family are depressed without me for Christmas. I love you mommy thank you for loving me and giving me a good home. pagan friendly * now fur ever home cat sanctuary and rescue for. strays help. black cats cats no one wants . vaccination sterilization adoption. non profit . donations heeded daily for food supply vet visits medication . Pay pal. [email protected]

I am reposting re-sharing this as I’m having a very, very difficult time work still is not coming in and I am trying to ...

I am reposting re-sharing this as I’m having a very, very difficult time work still is not coming in and I am trying to do my side business of empanadas I making Celampanada‘s on the beach and it’s not going very well. I’m making a little bit of money here and there, but not not even nearly is enough to even put towards my bill for my storage again, please share repose and donate what you can. This is an emergency I basically only have 12 more days to come Up 13 more days it has to be paid. This has to be paid by the 13th always on the 14th they just keep it and they will auction off everything.

Dear friends, I’ve been out of work for two months I am in need of donations to help my rescue cats. I also fell behind some of my bills. My storage bill is over two months late and I’m trying to avoid auction in my storage facility has a lot of my cats belongings, my personal belongings that are irreplaceable and important , my career and business assets to make a living on. Please donate, it is very, very important. I need to save my belongings from auction . Bill is $750.00 plus late fees every dollar adds up . Please donate what you can . It would be very appreciated every dollar counts. Thank you so much.

Fundraiser on PayPal

Or send direct to my address



Dear animal, lovers and followers I am extremely busy caring for over 25 rescue cats. Majority of them are my own adopted rescue that I’ve had for like  6 to 12 years in the majority of the time every other day I’m walking many blocks, many miles to collect papers from stores for litter and every other day I have to walk all the way to Walmart or try to take a bus back-and-forth and carry large bags of food back so I’m not always online. I will get back to you at my earliest convenience I do check in every now and then every few hours and I try to update the best I can. I am completely honest and straightforward and I give daily updates to what’s going on, I am all over the place and different accounts and pages updating videos, reels stories and updates to the process of what’s going on and my daily fundraisers and I check messages daily. Please be patient with me if you don’t hear back for me right away . Today, I am still in need of help for food. I’m running out of food as of today they will have no food after tonight and I have no food for the outside cats. I am in desperate need of funds and I have still nine cats to get sterilized and vaccinated I’m trying to get 7 to 10 kittens adopted it ages 2 to 3 months. There’s a lot going on and I have no help. I’m doing this all on my own. I am trying to help these cats so I can start the processing of trying to move home in six to 8 months and just taking my first adopted rescues. I cannot take in any more cats. I’m doing the best I can please help if you can. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much.

🙏🏼🙏🏼PLEASE . READ.    This is urgent I am now  running out of dry/ wet food  I  am still in a financial rut. It’s a slow...

🙏🏼🙏🏼PLEASE . READ. This is urgent I am now running out of dry/ wet food I am still in a financial rut. It’s a slow season and not much work is coming in until next monkey . Please find it in your heart to donate what you can or pass this around. I’m in need of money for food and supplies and vet visits. Thank you very much. God bless you.
PayPal ftlodcatrescues@gmail. com

😻😻😻Private rescuer I am but one person caring for over 25 cats/. 10 I had for over 6-10 years of my own adopted rescues A few fosters and 15 outside ferals . Son have been sterilized i need to fix 9 more

Please donate what you can. I need urgent help right now for sterilizations vaccinations, food and supplies and very much needed items. Thank you very much.🙏🏼🙏🏼

For the love of Damian cat rescue is in need of supplies and items to care for the cats 😻😻 and maintain our space 

Also e- Donations - contributions /gift cards for Costco or pet-smart /petco or pay pal donation
PAYPAL ftlodcatrescues . com

Amazon wishlist

Your donations and contributions are greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much. 🙏🏼🌹❤️

* Cleaning items (bleach paper towels atoban Lysol pet wipes )
* chicken coop metal
* cat trees/towers Scratching posts Plastic gloves
* litter Self cleaning litter boxes Large bags of dry food
* packages of wet food

Dear friends, I’ve been out of work for two months I am in need of donations to help my rescue cats. I also fell behind ...

Dear friends, I’ve been out of work for two months I am in need of donations to help my rescue cats. I also fell behind some of my bills. My storage bill is over two months late and I’m trying to avoid auction in my storage facility has a lot of my cats belongings, my personal belongings that are irreplaceable and important , my career and business assets to make a living on. Please donate, it is very, very important. I need to save my belongings from auction . Bill is $750.00 plus late fees every dollar adds up . Please donate what you can . It would be very appreciated every dollar counts. Thank you so much.

Fundraiser on PayPal

Or send direct to my address


Dear friends, we have a storm headed to Puerto Rico in the Virgin Islands is a tropical storm coming to hurricane hurric...

Dear friends, we have a storm headed to Puerto Rico in the Virgin Islands is a tropical storm coming to hurricane hurricane Ernesto. It’ll arrive by Tuesday Tuesday evening. I’m trying to stock up on cat food so I can make sure that their fed the rest of the week as I am still struggling to get more work and to get work coming in to even pay my storage bill my storage has to be paid off by Wednesday night other otherwise it goes into another month plus late charges so at least please send donations for me to cover the cost of cat food. I have to head to Walmart first thing tomorrow morning and stock up on dry and wet food for them. Please donate what you can’t be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.


Update I couldn’t get him to the vet. I had some antibiotics left in the refrigerator so I started giving that to him and I started giving him fresh ginger juice and soak ginger pieces and water. I hear that it’s good for cats are are constipated or they have ailments, every dues, his fever and he’s now eating and drinking and going to the bathroom. He’s feeling just fine.

I need to take tiger into the vet tomorrow morning has not been feeling well the past few days and he has a fever and he needs antibiotics. Please send any donation you can be greatly appreciated.
PayPal ftlodcatrescues @ I’m posting everywhere for

Update nobody donated to take him to the vet. Luckily I still had some antibiotics left that was still good so I gave th...

Update nobody donated to take him to the vet. Luckily I still had some antibiotics left that was still good so I gave that to him for a few days. Plus I gave him fresh ginger water because I’m into natural healing and it’s good for cats or dogs if they’re constipated or they’re having stomach issues or whatever it actually reduced his fever and helped him he’s now thriving he’s eating drinking and going to the bathroom he’s fine no fever or nothing

Dear friends, my tiger is not feeling well. He has a fever. I need to take him into the vet, but I am low on funds to do so, and get antibiotics for him. I just spent the last of donations that I had, and getting two large bags of dry food in a box of cans of wet food for the cats today going through a very difficult time. Finances are very bad work is extremely slow. I was supposed to work on Saturday but a client canceled on me at the last minute although they did give me a cancellation fee but they won’t clear until Wednesday or so so if you can, please donate be greatly appreciate it. I need to take him to the vet ASAP tomorrow I gave him a little antibiotics I had left in the house and I’m trying to get him to drink water. Thank you so much we greatly appreciate it.
PayPal ftlodcatrescues .com


Just what is going on with Facebook when I first started this page I was able  to post my updates about my rescues and Canton dog donation pages now every time I put a post that somebody is trying to scam me now I have some woman posting on my post about her kittens that need to be adopted and if anybody’s interested to contact her with information, why would you cross promote on somebody else’s post about getting help for their own rescue cats somebody explains that to me I just now saw that getting on my page and I didn’t have a notification from a woman making a comment on my post and cats in need of donations. Well I contacted her and she goes oh sorry what oh sorry do you not understand English? You do not comprehend what you did wrong if you’re trying to adopt kittens, then go on adoption page and post it. You don’t post that you’re getting rid of kittens on somebody’s post about helping the rescue kittens the audacity what is wrong with people she’s blocked.

Take they are both girls I have to get names for them. I need donations so I can get them to the vet. They’re about six ...

Take they are both girls I have to get names for them. I need donations so I can get them to the vet. They’re about six weeks old now I’m flying into JFK or LaGuardia or even Newark the first week of September around the seventh and eighth anybody’s interested adopt these two little girls together. Please let me know. I will need an adoption fee so I can get them Sterilized and vaccinated. I could take them to a nearby clinic that’s very very reasonable about $35 for the sterilization I’m not sure about the shots but I’m sure it won’t be more than 50 per cat any and every donation is greatly appreciated. I can fly these babies as a carry-on with me so I can easily take them there but no cost so if anybody is interested in adopting two little girls together two sisters, please let me know. I cannot leave them here outside where kids will mess with them bother them take them away from their mom, separate them and hurt them. Use them for dog fights or God knows poison them like they poisoned other kittens I had or people run over the kittens in the parking lot. I wanna get these kittens out of here to safety to a nice home where someone is going to take care of them and love them if interested, DME


Thank you to those who sent donations last week and last night it’s not much, but it helps out to get some cat food. I still am in need of donations because I have to supply a couple large bags of dry food and a few boxes of wet food for them any and every donation is appreciate it. I also need to take several cats to the vet because I have to get them sterilized and vaccinated so I can prepare them for adoption.


I don’t know why I have a restriction and why I have violations I haven’t done anything all I’m doing is posting about my tats on here but for some reason Facebook is not allowing me to post or share a re-post Mike my updates on other pages are groups for another week so please everyone please share and re-post my updates about the cats I need help I’m out of work now and I’m trying to obtain more work and other work. I’m behind on bills and I’m having a really hard time I’m struggling having the cats being taken care of. I need daily wet and dry food for them and I need donations to take that several of them for vet visits and sterilization and vaccinations. Thank you very much.

That were born to one of the female cats I take care of outside I couldn’t get her to the vet in time so these are her t...

That were born to one of the female cats I take care of outside I couldn’t get her to the vet in time so these are her two kittens. They’re about maybe five weeks old they’re walking around and playing and they’re eating on their own. I’m waiting on donations to get her fixed these two little babies. I’m not sure if there is a boy or a girl I’ll find out but they will be ready for adoption soon. If anybody’s interested in taking his cute little babies, let me know. I do not have a name for them. I have to figure out if they’re a boy and a girl, they’re just starting to let me pet them and touch them. They are so adorable. They’re very healthy. I take good care of my outside cats. Also I do need donations to get the mothers fix. I’ve got to Indore and two outdoor females. I need to be fixed and I have two indoor males and for outdoor meals that still need to be fixed. Please send a donation every and any donation is greatly appreciated and excepted so I can take.these cats to the nearby shelter. what is more reasonable for them to be sterilized and vaccinated I can take a few at a time

Ftlodcatrescues .com

Cotton is doing very well although I may change his name.  He is now 2 months old All the cats were given next guard tha...

Cotton is doing very well although I may change his name. He is now 2 months old All the cats were given next guard thank you to another fellow rescuer who sent me a large box. Full of nexguard supplies for them. All cats are healthy now no mites no parasites nothing . I do however, have to take several cats including cotton to the vet for a check up so who need to be sterilized others need to be vaccinated Please send donations so I could take him to the nearest vet . there is another more r nearby animal shelter, and vet who does very reasonable shots and sterilization. I could probably possibly take a few cats at once but I do need donations. Please donate to help cotton and the other newest 10 rescue cats. So I can orwiarw them for adoption. It’ is greatly
appreciated Thank you so Much.

Ftlodcatrescues . com

🙏🙏PLEASE  SHARE  REPOST ☺️animal, lovers and friends I am completely broke my bank account to my PayPal account and my ...


☺️animal, lovers and friends I am completely broke my bank account to my PayPal account and my cash app is completely empty. I’ve used the last of the money on the last bag of food for the cats. I have no money for sterilizations vaccinations or vet visits, Pet supplies and wet /dry food for them.

💥Work has been very slow and I am trying to obtain more work. I am only but one person who cares for 30 house and outdoor rescues. I have 10 that need to be sterilized and vaccinated six months old 6 males, 5 females. $1,000 cost
Cash donations can be excepted through PayPal or Western Union or a check sent to my PO Box or direct payment to the vet. Please contact me for information.

💥I now have seven small kittens, six weeks old and 28 week old kittens that need vet care, and I need to find Foster’s and adoptions for them pictures coming soon.

 I go through about six large 16 to 18 pound bags of dry food per week and eight boxes of wet food. Walmart is the cheapest.$125 dry food /.  $300 wet food🙏❤️

💥I still am in need of a pet stroller. The one I had outside my door was stolen by a neighbor as well as a few cat trees. , pet play pen for kittens .  containers of our bags of clay litter is always needed.🙏

💥 I also could use new carriers, or cages . 🙏 and supplies to maibtain our space that includes daily upkeep/  extermination,

please help if you can it is greatly needed as I must get these cats taken care of and placed in foster and forever homes. I need your help I can’t do it alone.

💥I accept PayPal ftlodcatrescues . com,

Or contributions can be mailed to D Marin
P.O. Box 9021658
San Juan PR 00902-1658

 please donate what you can. It is all greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.🙏🙏❤️

❤️for the love of Damian

🙏🙏PLEASE  SHARE  REPOST ☺️animal, lovers and friends I am completely broke my bank account to my PayPal account and my ...


☺️animal, lovers and friends I am completely broke my bank account to my PayPal account and my cash app is completely empty. I’ve used the last of the money on the last bag of food for the cats. I have no money for sterilizations vaccinations or vet visits, Pet supplies and wet /dry food for them.

💥Work has been very slow and I am trying to obtain more work. I am only but one person who cares for 30 house and outdoor rescues. I have 10 that need to be sterilized and vaccinated six months old 6 males, 5 and females. $1,000 cost
Cash donations can be excepted through PayPal or Western Union or a check sent to my PO Box or direct payment to the vet. Please contact me for information.

💥I now have seven small kittens, six weeks old and 28 week old kittens that need vet care, and I need to find Foster’s and adoptions for them pictures coming soon.

 I go through about six large 16 to 18 pound bags of dry food per week and eight boxes of wet food. Walmart is the cheapest.$125 dry food /.  $300 wet food🙏❤️

💥I still am in need of a pet stroller. The one I had outside my door was stolen by a neighbor as well as a few cat trees. , pet play pen for kittens .  containers of our bags of clay litter is always needed.🙏

💥 I also could use new carriers, or cages . 🙏 and supplies to maibtain our space that includes daily upkeep/  extermination,

please help if you can it is greatly needed as I must get these cats taken care of and placed in foster and forever homes. I need your help I can’t do it alone.

💥I accept PayPal ftlodcatrescues . com,

Or contributions can be mailed to D Marin
P.O. Box 9021658
San Juan PR 00902-1658

 please donate what you can. It is all greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.🙏🙏❤️

❤️for the love of Damian


Dear friends, two weeks ago, somebody Musta reported my page because all of a sudden I had restrictions and violations. Facebook claimed that I posted something that was a violation. I don’t know what they claim they deleted it, but nothing was deleted off my page. The previous post were still there and because of that I’m restricted from re-posting and re-sharing my post For help for the cats on other cat and dog donation groups and pages so please if you can, please share and re-post this I’d greatly need help work is very slow. The economy is very shot in Puerto Rico. I’m sure it is in a lot of places, but I have very difficult difficulty here sustaining steady, work in my field of work and my line of work it’s extremely extremely bad and slow in the summertime especially I have not worked an appointment in a few weeks and I’m behind on my bills and I’m trying to keep up and sustain deli supply of food, wet and dry food for the cats and other needed items, so please share and re-post this. It is very urgent very important that I start getting some donations and I have several cars that need to get sterilized a few others that need their vaccinations and registration so I can prepare them for adoption. Please help me as best you can. Any donation is greatly appreciated and welcome. Thank you so very much.


Dear friends, those following me, I need you to re-post and re-share my latest update to help my rescue cats for some odd reason I have a restriction on my page somebody reported my page I don’t know why, but it’s not Facebook is not allowing me to re-share a re-post my updates to get help for my rescue cats. Please share and re-post. Thank you so much for any and every cat and dog donation group page you can I’m on several but I’m not allowed to post. I’m not allowed to re-post or share my updates to other pages in group so please share and re-post my latest updates to help my rescue cats on other cat and dog donation groups . Thank you very much.


P. O. Box 9021658 San Juan P. R

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