Corallus Unlimited

Corallus Unlimited As a Hobbie, I own and breed Corallus Hortulanus snakes. Contact: [email protected]

Love is in the air... 💕  &

Love is in the air... 💕

ATTENTION EVERYONE!We have people from the Corallus community that deserves our attention and help! C&R Corallus found o...


We have people from the Corallus community that deserves our attention and help! C&R Corallus found out one of the animals is positive for arena virus and they are gonna test every animal to make sure it won't spread to anyone's collection!

Since they are so important and bring SO MUCH to our community, I ask everyone that can, make a donation to help them!

You can donate in here:

You can read their announcement below and understand more what's going on:

"Yesterday we had some devastating news, one of our animals "Patches" has tested positive for arenavirus. He had no symptoms of IBD and was tested as a matter of precaution when he developed a respiratory infection. Alongside the arenavirus was mycoplasma, an antibiotic resistant bacteria. Obviously at the moment we are still trying to process this heartbreaking news but from the outset we need everyone to know we will deal with this in the best and most responsible way we can.
Going forward we have already spoken to the purchasers of any atbs currently in our care and reserved.
Long term we have decided
1. Patches is being put to sleep next week (the first available appointment our vet had) and we will have a full post mortem to look for inclusions caused by IBD since he showed none of the neurological symptoms associated.
2. Pairings we have made this year and we are confident have had no contact with the positive individual will be tested multiple times and moved into the house as a biosecurity measure. Should these pairings produce offspring these will be tested also, at this point we will have to add the cost of testing to any animal we part with but we hope that perhaps this can become the normal within the hobby. Protect your animals because you can just never be sure, for years we have done random testing as a precaution but obviously now we need to step up and test everything we own and produce. Whilst arenavirus is thought to be present in a high number of captive boas with no issues we feel we have to be mindful that the potential is still there, especially within mixed collections.
3. All individuals that have had direct contact with Patches will be tested as a matter of urgency, these will be done multiple times. We are hopeful that our standard hygiene procedures will have been effective in preventing spread but obviously direct contact produces a higher risk.
4. We will begin testing everyone, currently the cost of this is looking to be upwards of £15000 and we cannot do this without support. We fully appreciate that an additional cost on our offspring is alot to ask but in return you will have as much reassurance as we or anyone can give that that animal is negative. Without continuing to breed we simply cannot afford to test, over the last 10 years we have done all we can to provide the best quality animals and share a passion for a genus we truly love. We have always tried to support anyone as much as we possibly can and now we ask that that kindness is returned in your continued support and confidence that we will always do the best we can for our animals and yours.
All that being said we urge other breeders to take the same approach, together we can ensure that UKCB are the best quality."

Colin & Rebecca have recently had a snake in test positive for arenavirus. There are many strains … Will Taylor needs your support for Support for C&RCorallus

3rd time is a charm they say. Is it? 🤭 -20-11

3rd time is a charm they say. Is it? 🤭 -20-11

Another baby from 2020.  -20-10

Another baby from 2020. -20-10

A quick shot of  -20-01 the lighter of the litter

A quick shot of -20-01 the lighter of the litter


Para quem não pode assistir em directo, f**a aqui a gravação!

Um grande obrigado à Ilha Exótica, Pet Morphs e Frogz Project pelo convite!


É já hoje! Conto convosco para a aparecerem por lá! O directo vai estar na página da Ilha Exótica, Pet Morphs e Frogz Project.


Próxima 4ª feira estarei no directo com a Ilha Exótica, Pet Morphs e Frogz Project a falar sobre Corallus Hortulanus e mostrar os meus animais. Apareçam por lá e juntem-se a nós.

Next Wednesday I'll be LIVE with Ilha Exótica, Pet Morphs e Frogz Project talking about Corallus Hortulanus and showing my animals. Everyone is welcome to come and join us, but you gotta understand portuguese 😁

It's been a while since since I posted something about this evil 🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry! It doesn't cooperate too much 🙆🏻‍♂️       ...

It's been a while since since I posted something about this evil 🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry! It doesn't cooperate too much 🙆🏻‍♂️

What about this one? It's gonna be hard af to choose only a few holdbacks when you get a litter like this 🙆🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️CU-2...

What about this one?

It's gonna be hard af to choose only a few holdbacks when you get a litter like this 🙆🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️



One of my favorites! The only bit of pattern (so far) is located on the back of the head. 😍CU-20-11                     ...

One of my favorites! The only bit of pattern (so far) is located on the back of the head. 😍



Quick pic of what's coming in a few weeks... I'm trying to photograph every baby with a good camera borrowed from a grea...

Quick pic of what's coming in a few weeks... I'm trying to photograph every baby with a good camera borrowed from a great friend.
ATBs are SOOO photogenic 😍



CU-20-05 already shed and feeling shy... Cute isn't it? 😍Btw, smartphone pic and no filters AT ALL!                     ...

CU-20-05 already shed and feeling shy... Cute isn't it? 😍

Btw, smartphone pic and no filters AT ALL!


2020 litter! I knew this one would be good... And the word good isn't enough to describe what I think about this litter!...

2020 litter! I knew this one would be good... And the word good isn't enough to describe what I think about this litter!

First time mom ( )! The father is the one and only

11 live
0 still borns
0 slugs

10 red
1 yellow



Donate if you can. We never know when it will be our turn.

Donate if you can. We never know when it will be our turn.

Hey everyone! I have never had to use this site and for that I am thankful, but with the corona virus a… Carolina Pereira needs your support for Save Vitória!

Does she looks pregnant? 🤷‍♂️😁 Yet, still looks beautiful!

Does she looks pregnant? 🤷‍♂️😁 Yet, still looks beautiful!

Quero agradecer à LIVE Pets pela atenção, profissionalismo e amizade! Dá gosto trabalhar com pessoas assim.Para quem se ...

Quero agradecer à LIVE Pets pela atenção, profissionalismo e amizade! Dá gosto trabalhar com pessoas assim.

Para quem se questionar de onde vem o alimento para os meus animais, aí tem a resposta!

M&M enjoying its new cage! 😎

M&M enjoying its new cage! 😎





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