
TaraCook Comida natural para o seu animal A TaraCook surgiu da necessidade de melhorar a saúde e bem-estar da nossa cadela Tara e consequentemente das suas irmãs.

Permanente fechado.

A Tara, já comia há 3 anos, a ração mais hipoalergénica do mercado mas as manifestações alérgicas continuaram a vários níveis, reflectindo-se na sua pele e pêlo, sempre baço e oleoso, olhos com muitas conjuntivites, ouvidos com muitas otites, para além do dificil trânsito intestinal. Não havendo opções de alimentação natural para animais no mercado, começámos a inserir determinados alimentos na su

a alimentação, retirando a ração. Há 4 anos que a Tara e as suas duas irmãs, Maggie e Maria, comem alimentação natural com significativas melhorias na saúde e bem-estar geral. Todo o processo foi sempre acompanhado por veterinários que teremos o prazer de trabalhar em parceria e que comprovaram a diferença que a alimentação fez a nossas cadelas.




Dr Steven Gundry: "What if your dog could live to celebrate its 20th or even 30th birthday? It might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but with the right care, it’s actually possible! In this episode, I welcome back two experts who can show us how.

Joining us are Dr. Karen Becker, one of America’s most respected veterinarians, and Rodney Habib, founder of Planet Paws, the world’s largest pet health community on Facebook. They are also authors of the New York Times bestselling book, “Forever Dog”. We had a great conversation about it several years ago (episode 181 if you’d like to check it out!)

They’re back with a brand new book and also New York Times bestseller, “The Forever Dog LIFE: 120+ Recipes, Longevity Tips, and New Science for Better Bowls and Healthier”."

💬 Comment GUNDRY for the full video.

On this episode you’ll learn:
🐶All about the dog that lived well into their 20s (and how you can help your pup do the same) (03:42)
🐶What the L.I.F.E strategy is and how you can implement it in your dog’s life for longevity (07:43)
🐶What a “sniffari” is (and why it’s more crucial for your dog’s health than just a walk) (11:00)
🐶How you can improve your memory by 20% while you sleep (11:22)
🐶Whether or not carrying your pet in a baby carriage or pouch is beneficial for their health (14:50)
🐶The absolute worst thing you can do to your pet (8:47)
🐶Why 70% of pets today suffer from anxiety (and how you can help them through diet) (19:49)
🐶The steps to diversify your pet’s microbiome for better health with just a teaspoon a day (20:54)
🐶The most convenient and cost-effective protein source to boost your pet’s meals (25:39)
🐶One of the best training treats that can build your pup a gut of steel (27:36)
🐶How you can transition your pet to a raw food diet (and tips for doing it on a budget) (32:02)
🐶Whether or not purchasing chicken from big box stores for your pet is a good idea (35:39)
🐶Why what your dog eats is just as important as WHEN they eat (37:35)

Só para lembrar que estamos de volta, mas agora para ensinar os tutores dos cães saudáveis a fazer a alimentação do seu ...

Só para lembrar que estamos de volta, mas agora para ensinar os tutores dos cães saudáveis a fazer a alimentação do seu patudo em casa, com o nosso Workshop.
e eles também 🐶🐶🐶

Mostramos-lhe comida caseira para cães e gatos. Recebemos uma fiel amiga como convidada especial para provar uma refeição cheia de bons nutrientes, veja!


Green bananas🍌 can prevent and reduce cancers by over 60%, according to the American Association of Cancer Research, so maybe stop hunting for those yellow bananas in the supermarket!

You can boost your dog’s immune and gut health with unripe, green bananas, which have less sugar and more fiber than in their ripened state. Research shows that green bananas offer:

🍌Pectin and prebiotics to build the microbiome and increase the production of butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids

🍌Leucocyanidin, a flavonoid that may help to prevent GI ulcers by inhibiting the release of histamine in the gut

🍌Resistant starch (non-digestible) fiber that helps to prevent intestinal disease, increase mineral absorption and B vitamin synthesis, control blood sugar, improve immune response, and may even prevent intestinal c*ncer

Need a treat for a dog with a sensitive stomach?

Quartered slices of green banana are a perfect training treat, whether your dog is prone to diarrhea or not. Suggested amounts, chopped into bite sized pieces:

Giant breeds: 1 green banana a day
Medium to large breeds: ½ green banana a day
Small breeds: ¼ green banana a day

In Chapter 3 titled TREATS and TOPPERS of The Forever Dog LIFE, we give you a rainbow 🌈 of options to treat your dog to better health including recipes that use bananas in a creative way and baking options like green banana flour that is a low glycemic healthier alternative to plain white flour! Now available in bookstores.


The holy grail of longevity foods, protecting your dog like a suit of armour.🫐

Blueberries are an awesome source of prebiotic fiber and are chock-full of polyphenols. Studies have found that blueberries delay the aging process by promoting the repair of DNA strands.🧬 Diets supplemented with this blue antioxidant powerhouse can potentially sustain the body’s antioxidant levels and protect against oxidative damage💥, making them one of our top recommendations you can share from your refrigerator!

We use a lot of frozen blueberries as training treats, when fresh blueberries aren’t in season. But be forewarned: more than one blueberry for every two pounds of body weight a day (i.e., five blueberries for a ten-pound dog) can lead to completely benign dark blue p**p, so feed a few, then move on to other Longevity Foods, found in The Forever Dog LIFE, as healthy rewards.


The Importance of Veggies in Your Pet’s Diet 🥦🥬🥕🫑

Vegetables make up only a small percentage of your pet’s nutritionally optimal, species-specific diet, but they provide crucial roughage, and are important sources of prebiotic fibers, antioxidants, polyphenols and bioactive substances not found in other foods. Microbiome research also points to pets needing more roughage than many are getting. 🌟

Here are some healthy, gut-loving veggies you can safely feed your 🐶 or 🐱. ⬇️

For tips on offering veggies to your pet, read today's free article on our website: https://bit.ly/44P3SJG


What's the secret to the world's oldest dog? 🐶🤔

We’re back in Portugal 🇵🇹 to celebrate the 31st birthday of a very special pup - Bobi, the world’s oldest living dog - and we want to share it with you!! 🥳🙌

Everyone has had so many questions - what does he eat, is he neutered, what’s his secret???

So we want to give our Inside Scoop community the opportunity to virtually meet Bobi, celebrate this magical story with us, and let you ask Leonel your questions on this special live Q&A with Leonel and Bobi!

We hope you join us Sunday at 12pm ET for what will undoubtedly be a once-in-a-lifetime episode! Have your questions ready for the live chat or if you can't watch live presubmit them on our post in the Inside Scoop and catch the replay.

👉To subscribe and join our weekly Livestreams, just click the link below or head over to the Planet Paws and hit the "Subscribe” button. Also includes access to over 4 years of lives, interviews, ebooks and more in our Archives!


Mas que honra, final de tarde extraordinária na DOG SUMMIT com a Dr. Karen Becker e Rodney Habib Pet Health Media OBRIGA...

Mas que honra, final de tarde extraordinária na DOG SUMMIT com a Dr. Karen Becker e Rodney Habib Pet Health Media OBRIGADO







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A nossa história

A TaraCook surgiu da necessidade de melhorar a saúde e bem-estar da nossa cadela Tara e consequentemente das suas irmãs. A Tara, já comia há 3 anos, a ração mais hipoalergénica do mercado mas as manifestações alérgicas continuavam a vários níveis, reflectindo-se na sua pele e pêlo, sempre baço e oleoso, olhos com muitas conjuntivites, ouvidos com muitas otites, para além do dificil trânsito intestinal. Não havendo opções de alimentação natural para animais no mercado na altura, começámos a alterar gradualmente a sua alimentação para uma alimentação 100% natural, retirando a ração. Há 5 anos que a Tara e as suas duas irmãs, Maggie e Maria, comem alimentação natural com significativas melhorias na saúde e bem-estar geral. Todo o processo foi sempre acompanhado por veterinários com quem temos o prazer de trabalhar em parceria e que comprovaram a diferença que a alimentação 100% natural fez às nossas cadelas.

Para podermos partilhar a nossa alimentação com os demais patudos interessados, tivemos que fazer várias formações, como Higiene e Segurança na Alimentação (H.S.A) e Análise de Perigos e Controlo de Pontos Críticos (H.A.C.C.P), bem como construir a TaraKitchen segundo todas as normas europeias.

Estamos neste momento a postos para poder melhorar a saúde e aumentar a felicidade de todos os cães e gatos através de uma melhor alimentação.

Faremos todos os possíveis para acertar no gosto particular de cada patudo, alterando e adaptando cada menu.

Outra Serviços para animais de estimação em Cintra

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