Coimbra Ceramicas Iva

Coimbra Ceramicas Iva Posto de Vendas da Fábrica, Visitas Guiadas, workshops, Interacção com as peças, passeios turísticos;

Esta página foi criada tendo como objectivo a divulgação da cerâmica tradicional de Coimbra, assim como, dar a conhecer ao cidadão comum, os métodos de produção da mesma através de, visitas guiadas à fábrica e workshops de pintura de peças. A short History of Coimbra Pottery

One of the most emblematic symbols of Coimbra is its Pottery. Its refined beauty and historical background make it special

and impossible to confuse with any other faience.

15th century faience
Due to the variety and range of motifs, the 15th century faience uses main themes that attract great interest among us. The 15th century uses polychromatic scenes full of geometric forms and its main figures are the c**k, the fish, fish scales and the peac**k. These influences came from the Oriental and Arabic traditions.

17th century faience

The 17th century faience is closely related to the Discoveries. It was only after Vasco da Gama returned from India that the Chinese porcelain became known in Portugal. He also brought some Chinese pieces whith him to the king D. Manuel I, who was immediately fascinated by them. At that time, the Portuguese controlled all the goods that went through the Indian Ocean, which is why the first to reproduce thi art, which was as beautiful as it was expansive. The Portuguese faience was mostly influence by the Chinese porcelains that had been made during the Wan-Li dynasty (1573-1619). Although the artistic essence was kept, the true sense almost disappeared because the Portuguese potters couldn't understand the Chinese drawings and characters. Therefore, as time went by, the Chinese influence almost disappeared and the Portuguese culture became more prominent. The 17th century Coimbra pottery started to portray pure and faithful reproductions of Portuguese hunting scenes, where feathers as well as wild animals such as boars, deer, rabbits and dogs can be seen. Manufacturing:
Coimbra pottery is still produced according to traditional production processes. Each piece is completely handmade and goes through several steps. Firstly, in order to obtain the raw pottery, a mixture of several materials such as clay, kaolin, talcum and water is made and it is a first fired to 1040º-1150ºC. After this, the pieces are painted. This painting process involves traditional knowledge and secrets. The decorations is done entirely by hand, then signed and dated by the artisan, thus making each piece exclusive and unique. The final process involves dipping the pieces in glaze, which after a second firing to 1130º gives the pieces a typically milky tone. This last firing also makes the pieces durable so that they can be used in ovens and microwaves.


Avizinha- se a quadra natalícia.
Dê valor e compre o que é português.
Presenteie os seus familiares e amigos com uma peça de cerâmica.
Manufacturada e pintada à mão.
Adquira em Cerâmicas Iva situada na Palheira ou através da página do facebook.
Entregamos no domicílio ou enviamos através dos CTT.
Somos artesãos.
Bem hajam!


Avizinha- se a Quadra Natalícia.
Compre artigo português, manufacturado e pintado à mão.
Presenteie os seus amigos com uma das nossas peças.
Consulte a nossa página:
Cerâmicas Iva.


Avizinha- se o Carnaval, a Semana Santa e a Páscoa.
Se visitar a Cidade de Coimbra não parta sem ir até à Cerâmica Iva.
Observe todo um espaço antigo e com História,pinte um azulejo ou uma peça e receba a Arte em sua casa.
Constate o trabalho minucioso totalmemente executado à mão.
Aguardo a Vossa presença,pois ela mantem- me Viva e dá- me força para continuar.
Marque a hora e irei apanhá- lo/a no Largo da Portagem.
Aceito um grupo numeroso ou não.
Convosco todo o trabalho tem outra cor!!!!!!!


Avizinha- se a Quadra Natalícia......
As luzinhas, os enfeites, a música.....
Tudo tem Magia........
Vá ao Cantinho da Marisol e entre neste Mundo Mágico do Natal!
Constate que os tons transformados em cores nas peças da Cerâmica Iva têm uma função apelativa!
Aproveite e visite a fábrica, tornando este Natal mais quente e com outro sabor!!!!!
Adquira artigo Português.


Leve o nosso produto e divulgue- o pelos quatro cantos do Mundo.
Será apreciado e reconhecido!


A Cerâmica Iva ( ex ARCER ) é uma fábrica , que tem resistido a todas as crises económicas com muito sacrifício.
Temos tentado dar o nosso melhor inovando programas, para ela não encerrar.
Adira a um dos projectos e mantenha- nos Vivos, para que a nossa Cidade possa exibir O encanto das Artes Manuais!


Vá ao espaço Cantinho da Marisol( Rua do Adro/ Coimbra) e faça um Touro livre à Cerâmica Iva.
Personalize a sua peça.....
Mexa na pasta, formas, Vidre e enforne......
O restante vá descobrir........
Encantos e Tradições


Laborar na Cerâmica é um trabalho árduo......
Exige concentração, total dedicação e criatividade, sem fugir às reproduções fiéis.
O resultado final é Fantástico!
As montras ficam apelativas com as peças, realizadas por nós, e com as suas cores brilhantes.
É Tradição Coimbrã de há muitos séculos.....
Os portugueses descobriram o mundo....
Venha descobrir como se mantém a Tradição!


A Arte, a História e a Cultura estão traduzidas em peças de Cerâmica.....
É uma História na História da Gente.
São manufacturadas com carinho, empenho e dedicação.
Teste a sua paciência!
Vá interagir com os materiais e com as peças!
Entrada, pintura e touro livre......
Tire um pouco do seu tempo e vá até à Palheira.....
Descobre um Mundo diferente!


Não deixe a Arte e a História morrer!!!!


A Cerâmica Iva( ex ARCER) é uma fábrica com um século de existência.
Prima pelas reproduções fiéis dos Séculos xv,, xii,xviii e Célia.
Está aberta ao público e podem constatar in loco desde a matéria prima até ao terminus da peça.
Tem um showroom e o visitante pode pintar um azulejo ou um modelo que gostar.
Vá visitar o Museu com a maquinaria antiga e inteire-se da História da Cerâmica, que é a Marca da nossa cidade e um Marco na passagem dos visitantes.
Descubra a Tradição......

Here below you will find some examples of Coimbra's tradicional pottery. Shall you require any futher explanations about...

Here below you will find some examples of Coimbra's tradicional pottery.
Shall you require any futher explanations about our ceramics, or if you would like to purchase some of our pieces, do not hesitate in sending us a private message or leave a post on our page. Tank you!

Vous pouvez voir quelques exemples de potterie tradicionelle de Coimbra. Si vous êtes interéssé á acheter une piéce vous pouvez nous envoyer une message privé. Merci

Podem conhecer alguns exemplos da loiça tradicional de coimbra. Caso estejam interessados em adquirir alguma peça podem enviar mensagem privada. Obrigado

Bule de CháRefª - 48 - DMed - 22x19x14cmPreço S/envio - 64€

Bule de Chá
Refª - 48 - D
Med - 22x19x14cm
Preço S/envio - 64€

Bilha Peq.Refª 213Med - 11,5x11cmPreço S/envio - 23 €

Bilha Peq.
Refª 213
Med - 11,5x11cm
Preço S/envio - 23 €


Yuppi! We now have Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook up and running. Site coming soon. Please like us. Obrigada


Lets learn a little bit more about Coimbra's pottery...

One of the most emblematic symbols of Coimbra is its Pottery. Its refined beauty and historical background make it special and impossible to confuse with any other faience.

15th century faience
Due to the variety and range of motifs, the 15th century faience uses main themes that attract great interest among us. The 15th century uses polychromatic scenes full of geometric forms and its main figures are the c**k, the fish, fish scales and the peac**k. These influences came from the Oriental and Arabic traditions.

17th century faience
The 17th century faience is closely related to the Discoveries. It was only after Vasco da Gama returned from India that the Chinese porcelain became known in Portugal. He also brought some Chinese pieces whith him to the king D. Manuel I, who was immediately fascinated by them. At that time, the Portuguese controlled all the goods that went through the Indian Ocean, which is why the first to reproduce thi art, which was as beautiful as it was expansive.
The Portuguese faience was mostly influence by the Chinese porcelains that had been made during the Wan-Li dynasty (1573-1619). Although the artistic essence was kept, the true sense almost disappeared because the Portuguese potters couldn't understand the Chinese drawings and characters. Therefore, as time went by, the Chinese influence almost disappeared and the Portuguese culture became more prominent.
The 17th century Coimbra pottery started to portray pure and faithful reproductions of Portuguese hunting scenes, where feathers as well as wild animals such as boars, deer, rabbits and dogs can be seen.

Coimbra pottery is still produced according to traditional production processes. Each piece is completely handmade and goes through several steps.
Firstly, in order to obtain the raw pottery, a mixture of several materials such as clay, kaolin, talcum and water is made and it is a first fired to 1040º-1150ºC.
After this, the pieces are painted. This painting process involves traditional knowledge and secrets. The decorations is done entirely by hand, then signed and dated by the artisan, thus making each piece exclusive and unique.
The final process involves dipping the pieces in glaze, which after a second firing to 1130º gives the pieces a typically milky tone. This last firing also makes the pieces durable so that they can be used in ovens and microwaves.



Palheira, Assafarge

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 11:00 - 18:00
Terça-feira 11:00 - 18:00
Quarta-feira 11:00 - 18:00
Quinta-feira 11:00 - 18:00
Sexta-feira 11:00 - 18:00
Sábado 11:00 - 18:00


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