Ride and Escape

Ride and Escape Come ride horse with us, get to enjoy the lovely Lusitanian Horse. Stay in with us, nice and comfor the accommodation has a lovely pool with a great view.

We offer a unique experience on Riding Holidays with Lusitano Horses. They are well trained and we strive to please our clients.The client chooses between riding lessons , hacks on a variety of trails and we will take you to try the best local food. The client is "the boss"
Please check the reviews.


🇵🇹 Pré-programa do FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DO CAVALO LUSITANO, 28 a 30 de Junho, Hipódromo Manuel Possolo, Cascais.

As inscrições para o FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DO CAVALO LUSITANO já se encontram abertas, alertamos que o prazo limite para as mesmas é já dia 7 de junho.

Mais informações em breve.

Contamos com a vossa presença.

🇬🇧 Pre-program of the INTERNATIONAL LUSITANO HORSE FESTIVAL, 28th to 30th June, Hipódromo Manuel Possolo, Cascais.

Registration for the INTERNATIONAL LUSITANO HORSE FESTIVAL is now open, we remind you that the deadline for registration is June 7th.

Program in English and more Informations soon.

We count on your presence.



Centro Hípico De Stª Barbara


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