I know it’s been a while since I’ve shared an update, and I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for the silence. Life has been… well, life has changed quite a bit.
The birth of my daughter has been the biggest, most beautiful shift in my world, but it’s also meant less time for anything else. I’m still adjusting to the rhythm of it all. And to be honest, I’ve been feeling a bit down lately, not just because of the exhaustion, but emotionally, I’ve been struggling with a lot of loss and dissapointment.
A few weeks after my daughter was born, I received some really difficult news. You all know Teimoso, right? He was one of the most special souls I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing, and I know many of you loved him too. He was a one-of-a-kind horse—so kind, so gentle. I never thought I’d encounter another like him.
Sadly, after his adoption, I was told that Teimoso had passed away.
It hit me hard. Grief over losing him lingered, especially with everything else happening at once.
On top of that, we had to make the heartbreaking decision to let Nina and Lucky go, as their health was rapidly declining. With winter coming, we didn’t want them to suffer. It’s never easy, but we do our best to make the kindest decisions we can.
But then, out of nowhere, I got a call asking if I knew a horse named Teimoso. My heart sank—I thought it was a mistake. But it turns out, he’s not gone after all.
The girl who adopted him gave him to someone else, who then sold him, pretending he had died. The shock of it all was overwhelming, especially after having loved him and griefed about him for weeks. But, thankfully, we have microchips, and that’s how we found out that Teimoso is safe and living in a wonderful 5-star home up north. He’s thriving and looks fantastic. It’s bittersweet—such a relief to know he’s doing well, but also a reminder of the grief I went through thinking he was lost forever. And again dissapointed in human kind ( nothing new)
Thank you to everyone who has supported us through all of this. I’m slowly finding my way back to balance, and I’m grateful for your patience.
I’ll be sharing more soon, but for now, just wanted to let you all know what’s been happening.
With love,