big Happy Birthday do our vet Dr. Yiannis!!
🇵🇹 Um paciente muito especial!
🇬🇧 A very special patient!
ATTENTION!!Percy's surgery
We thought we would put up a video of what happens ´behind the curtain´ here at the Lagos Vet Clinic.
We have posted a video of Percy, the cat. He had been missing for a few weeks and came back with labored breathing. With imaging, we diagnosed a hernial tear of the diaphragm muscle.
With a hole into the chest, lots of organs decided to take up residence in the thorax instead of the abdomen. In all, we found duodenum, pancreas, jejunum, stomach, spleen and some liver lobes all in the chest, squeezing out the lung and heart function.
As you can see in the video, we pulled all of the organs out of the chest and returned them back to where they belong. We closed the defect in the diaphragm and placed a chest drain to remove the residual air and fluids.
Mantenha-os hidratados / Keep it cool!!
O calor está a chegar por isso vamos hidratar os nossos amigos =) Não se esqueça de dar ao seu animal água fresca e sombras!
Se o seu animal mostrar sinais de calor, refresque-o com toalhas molhadas e ligue-nos...
Heatwaves are on the way so lets keep our furry friends nice and hydrated :) Don't forget to supply your pet with plenty of water and shady spots!
If you pet shows any sign of extreme heat, cool him / her down with wet towels and give us a call...
Aqui está um bom exemplo de preguiça!! Nem para beber água se levanta =)
Here is a classic example of laziness!! She didn't even get up to drink water =)
Dica: nos gatos, um dos problemas mais frequentes, são as patologias do tracto urinário. Estes podem surgir por vários motivos, sendo um deles o baixo consumo de água. Há gatos que precisam de ser estimulados para beberem água. Tente, por exemplo:
- ter a água em recipientes mais largos (há gatos que não gostam que os bigodes toquem no recipiente) e que não reflectiam a sua imagem
- fontes de água
- de vez em quando abrir a torneira do bidé (os gatos adoram água em movimento)
- ter vários recipientes com água espalhados pela casa. Sempre com água limpa e fresca.
Tip: in cats, urinary problems are a very common disease. This can happen for several reasons, such as not drinking enough water. Cats need to be estimulated to drink water. Try, for exemple:
- have their water in bowls a little bit bigger (cats don't like to touch the bowl with their whiskers) and without a mirrow effect.
- water fountain
- open the faucet bidet
- have a few places with water. Allways with clean and fresh water.