
almeidadressage Rui Almeida & Jenny Almeida
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A UNESCO confirmou hoje a inscrição da Arte Equestre Portuguesa na lista do Património Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade, na sequência da candidatura apresentada em parceria pela Associação Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro-Sangue Lusitano, pela Parques de Sintra e pelo Município da Golegã 😃


Today, UNESCO has confirmed the inscription of Portuguese Equestrian Art on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage, following the joint application submitted by the Portuguese Association of Purebred Lusitano Horse Breeders, Parques de Sintra, and the Municipality of Golegã 😃

Programa - Feira do Cavalo Lusitano 2024 🌰

Programa - Feira do Cavalo Lusitano 2024 🌰


🎉🎊 Big congratulations to the champion of champions today;

⚜️Tulum LP⚜️

by Lord Plus, owned by Laurence Pirotte! 🎉🎊

Picture by


O Presidente da República vai condecorar pela primeira vez a Escola Portuguesa de Arte Equestre, por ocasião das celebrações dos 45 anos da instituição, cuja Gala comemorativa decorre no dia 13 de setembro, às 21h30, no Sagres Campo Pequeno, em Lisboa. Bilhetes já à venda:


The President of the Republic will award the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art for the first time on the occasion of the institution's 45th anniversary celebrations. The commemorative gala will take place on 13 September at 9.30pm at Sagres Campo Pequeno in Lisbon. Tickets on sale now:

©PSML/Pedro Yglésias


Therapeutic riding “. . . is that kind of training you do, where you take a handicapped horse, so to speak, and you improve this animal to such an extent that at the end of his training, it looks like a super horse, worth a million. You build muscles where there are none, you strengthen the weak parts of your horse, you change his temperament, and you transform the whole body and the mind. In short, you make the horse into something which it wasn’t before. The entire training process has a healing effect on the animal, and this I consider the ultimate goal of horsemanship.
- Karl Mikolka, Oberbereiter, Spanish Riding School ❤️🙏




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Outra Treinador/a de cavalos em Lisbon

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