Portugal Silver Coast Raw and BARF

Portugal Silver Coast Raw and BARF Quality Frozen Raw Food for Cats and Dogs. We specialise in single protein 80/10/10 (muscle meat/off


What is BARF?

BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Feeding.

There are different schools of thought as to what exactly is “Biologically Appropriate” when it comes to dog and cat food, and a simple Google search will give you many different answers.

Though cats are obligate carnivores, dogs are omnivores, in that they have evolved to be able to eat and remain relatively healthy with both animal and plant foods. This is where schools of thought differ as to what diet would then be considered optimal, and whether dogs require plant foods in their diet or actually thrive on a 100% animal protein diet.

Though I have strong views on this matter, I will leave this for you to decide, and welcome a healthy debate.

A full guide on Raw Feeding is available in the Group Files

Everyone who has ever had the fortune of being owned by a "heart dog" will know what I mean when I say that they leave a...

Everyone who has ever had the fortune of being owned by a "heart dog" will know what I mean when I say that they leave a gaping hole when they leave.

Bruce was a true heart dog: the softest, most beautiful, and funniest best boy ever. There was just one thing wrong with him. From a pup he had many health issues, from chronic collitis to constantly itchy paws and ear infections.

This went on for years, through many vet visits and prescription diets. Eventually we learned that most of his symptoms were alleviated by feeding him a raw meat diet. Through trial and error we learned that he was best served by sticking to animal proteins, and staying away from most plant food sources. We also learned exactly which proteins worked best for him.

Then a number of life changes happened, and we decided to go travelling. Bruce was the perfect Travel Dog, perched on his throne in the back of our car, but finding appropriate food for him was challenging at times.

Eventually we landed on the beautiful Portuguese Silver Coast, where we have now made our home. We will never know whether it was something in the environment, or whether it was due to struggling to find appropriate food, but once again Bruce's allergies and health problems started flaring up.

I will never forgive myself for deciding to try a new treatment to deal with his problems, as within a month my sweet heart dog was gone, after most likely having had an adverse reaction to the medication he was given.

And this, this is why I have now decided no dog of mine will ever have to go through these problems again, if it can at all be helped. I have stocked up on a large amount of very high quality single protein raw mince from a highly reputable Dutch provider.

Starting with my background as a nutritionist, I have been educating myself in the field of optimum dog nutrition, and would love to share my knowledge with you all, if you would care to join me on this journey.







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