If you really must have a puppy for Christmas 🎄you can get one at Canil de Município de Peniche Just call and ask for Enf. Beatriz Antunes at +351 967 285 896 who is taking care of them an all other. All is spotless clean as always and that dark hole under ground…that is just “quarantine” 💯 Nothing bad is happening there, promise 🤞or, or write to [email protected] and tell them what you see and ask them why 👀
Thanks to assistance by Nika Stipic and her friends, Eric is safe again and looking for NEW new beginning ❤️🐾💯
Check out also other good work by Nika on Instagram at www.instagram.com/sunshy_skincare
Tragedy called Municipal Shelter in Peniche, Portugal
PAN - Pessoas Animais Natureza - o partido que protege os animais... Quando é que vais finalmente intervir e ajudar estes animais no inferno chamado Canil Municipal de Peniche? https://photos.app.goo.gl/nBm1yyK8hAthTs6v5
Inês de Sousa Real
Estamos à espera que também queimem como os cães e gatos como em Santo Tirso?
Peniche, Portugal Município de Peniche Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas
1) Are you aware that there is NO PUBLIC INFORMATION about Canil de Peniche even though there are more than 60 dogs and cats there at any given time?
2) Are you aware that it is almost end of the year and we have not seen a single official adoption post?
3) Are you aware that your Canil has an "underground area" where dogs don't even see the sun with more then 8 cages and often more than 15 dogs there?
4) Are you aware that the playground is not used as a playground but as a cage?
5) Are you aware that Canil Municipal de Peniche is not officially certified the responsible authority - ICNF.pt?
6) When
Why is this ok, Peniche?
On the pictures you can find the incomplete information we were able to collect between May and August 20, 2022. We helped, we cleaned, we got dogs adopted. But then we caught the employees trying to hide a valuable lost hunting dog from it's owner. So we are not welcome in anymore.
Feel free to ask us for proofs - videos, photos, documents, witness testimonies.
Also feel free to take a look at the trafic state of most animal here...Make sure you scroll all the way down and play the videos!
But most of all! Take action! Do something! These wonderful animals deserve no less!
#peniche sim… isto são excrementos secos de cachorros por todas as paredes da gaiola bi Canil Municipal de Peniche! …Que tal um jantar de sábado de Henerique Bertino e Enf. Beatriz Antunes servida no Canil de Município de Peniche! Menos do que a quantidade legalmente exigida de comida servida na gaiola cheia de fezes com um lado de água amarela mijada! Aproveite Reguila e Beju!
Município de Peniche Henrique Bertino - Presidente de Camara Municipal de Peniche - QUANTOS CÃES ESTÃO DENTRO DO CANIL MUNICIPAL DE PENICHE AGORA E QUAIS SÃO OS SEUS NOMES?
É uma pergunta simples, é INFORMAÇÃO PÚBLICA. DÊ-NOS A RESPOSTA, Bertino!!!
Henrique Bertino... Como é o seu domingo? É assim que os Animais do CROA Canil de Município de Peniche passam o domingo. Obra de Henrique Bertino, Dra . Vet Sara Neto e Enf. Beatriz Antunes. Isso você paga com seus impostos! Criminosos abusadores de animais de estimação. Todos eles!
Município de Peniche Diga-nos quantos cães esta dentro no Canil Municipal de Peniche! E diga-nos os seus nomes
P.S. Uma simples explicações legais. “Criminal” neste contexto não é um termo legal, apenas uma figura de linguagem. Não temos 100% de certeza se eles têm ou não alguma condenação criminal anterior. 🤷♂️ Eles deveriam ser.
O nome dela é Leila! E você - que a jogou no Baleal ontem - por favor entre em contato. Tudo bem. Você tem minha palavra. Eu só quero ter certeza de que os filhotes estão bem.
P.S. Mas se você machucar os cachorrinhos... E prometo que vou descobrir... Farei com você o que você fez com aqueles cachorrinhos e a mãe dela. Como o Good God é minha testemunha, você vai experimentar a mesma coisa que eles fizeram.
P. S. If you would like to support Leila’s recovery, please use the following link: https://revolut.me/janpavukanimals
Bertino News 15 de outubro de 2022 #penichleaks
"Henrique Bertino Batista Antunes - el Presidente de Camara Municipal de Peniche - é um criminoso que abusa de animais. Enf. Beatriz Antunes é uma criminosa. CROA Canil Municial de Peniche é uma empresa criminosa. Punto." Opinião de Jan Pavuk da Projecto4Patas e da sua equipa jurídica.
O assunto está sendo investigado pelas autoridades locais, estaduais e da União Européia com base em evidências fornecidas pelo Projecto 4 Patas.
Faça suas próprias opiniões: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nBm1yyK8hAthTs6v5
(English below)
O @Projecto4Patas apresentou as provas a todas as polícias portuguesas, ao ICNF e a outras instituições. Agora estamos apresentando as provas ao público e aos jornalistas.
Além disso, porque ele está atuando junto com pessoas como Enf. Beatriz Antunes e outros, é mais do que provável que CROA e Canil Municipal de Peniche possam ser definidos como uma empresa de crime organizado nos termos da lei portuguesa.
#BertinoNao #porpeniche2023 Município de Peniche
And to all people who KNOW IT ALL even though they HAVE NEVER BEEN IN CANIL...
1) Tell me who is working and who is looking
2) Tell me who is being PAID to WORK at Canil and who IS NOT
3) And now go take a look in the mirror and think a little bit about WHAT DO YOU DO..
Projecto 4 Patas Peniche simply wants to help animals of Peniche and beyond…that is our ONLY goal ❤️💯🐾
…if you believe we are doing something contrary to the valid laws, please let us know
(This post is a bit "heavy" on the legal a technical "stuff" but it is necessary to make certain things clear to the "powers that be". Feel free to skip this post and wait for a post tomorrow if it is not your "cup of coffee")
1) If you believe we are doing something against the law, please let us know and we will correct it. No questions asked. Laws are the standard we hold ourselves accountable too. We would never break and will never break any law - Portuguese or European or other intentionally.
Also...Please talk to us and help us to improve our work. We helped and talked to CROA employees from May until August! We tried everything! All this noise is only because they refused all the help and slammed the doors shut to our faces.
2) And if you really really do not feel like talking to us, for example simply because you think “that Jan Pavuk is a complete fool”...
3)….then please just sue us!
No need to threaten us - that includes all the Portuguese locals and foreigners who are fighting for the legally mandated welfare of pet animals - people with physical violence on Facebook or in person.
We welcome any and all legal challenges to what we do and what we say. If you and your lawyer thinks you have legal basis to sue us, just please do it! It’s standard process in any democratic country. We fully welcome opportunities to explain ourselves. (Just please make sure your intentions are in line with existing laws. Frivolous lawsuits aimed at shutting up people who try to speak the truth to the best of their knowledge are against the law.
…We have been offering the same “treatment” as we are asking for…And we are happy to re-enter into dialogue with any well meaning stake-holders.
We were helping at Canil Muni