Update 28th January afternoon
Bella went for a check up xray today and Dra Bruno ( Bella thanks him very much) is not happy that part of her bone has not healed as normal in this time frame. As he had to cut some bone to fix it her leg is now 1cm shorter and after we discussed about her ligament it now turns out her tendon in that leg is loose 😥 so we have to wait 6 weeks to re assess if she needs another operation. Bella is very well in herself and gets around fine.
Bella still needs a home!! so If you woukd like to meet her please email [email protected]
We will raise the funds for further treatment, the spaying will be done later as she is now in season and we already have the funds to cover this. Bella loves people she really is a sweet dog very gentle 🥰
Bella is currently based Silves Messines
We took her from the street in October sadly finding her with a broken leg.
Bella is doing really well, she now owns the sofa 🤣
If you know anyone who like to meet her please pm me. We need a very special home for her although she thinks she is hogging that sofa for ever 🥰
Video of her at the vets today 🌟
Bella is approx 3 - 4 years old about 12kg
Fully vaccinated & microchipped
Negative for liesh, tick fever ect
Very sweet nature. Good with other dogs clean and loves the car rides! A rural home with company of other dogs would be ideal. She loves people and will give you lots of love and a face full of licks ♥️
We are just putting it out to the universe, we are sure her human will find her but you shares just help the magic happen 🌟
Please pm 🙏
It's Christmas day and we are so pleased that storm has been discharged from the hospital 🥰 Huge thankyou to Tracy Burton for collecting her and caring for her and her remaining siblings Nettie, Midge and Tyson we are so sad that Moonface and Zorro did not survive and remember them today in our thoughts 🙏
our cats here have a special treat of chicken and rice and lots of treats.
enjoy the rest of your Christmas holiday 🎉🎄❤️
Excuse my pj's I just needed one day in them!
We are so grateful and humbled by the compassion shown to us this year 🥰
Huge thank you from our hearts to Ali Fill who donated items to Kay Cox to sell for us to help the cats.🙏❤️
Kay raised €80!
We so need funds to pay unexpected vetinary bills , food, flea/worm treatments, sterilsations and sundries so every euro helps us so much 🙏🙏
Please consider joining our teaming platform for only €1 a month! https://www.teaming.net/pda
You can cancel anytime and it's easy to set up from the UK or here. Please reach out if you need more information.
We are still working today we will be at The Food Co. Portugal Almincil so if you are near pop by and see us 😻🎄🙏
Video of Pots and Elissa not sure who's nails are sharpest 😂😂😂
Save the date!!!!
Due to so many requests Auction for street Cats Algarve we are holding our next auction on the 1st February 🥳
If you have new, nearly new or items in excellent condition that we can collect from the 6th January please get in touch 🥰
Thank you from our hearts to you all for supporting Pakadora Association-PDA
Have a wonderful festive time 🎉 we are still sterilsing until the 21st 😳
Video of 5 kittens still seeking rural homes 🙏❤️
Save the date!!!!
Due to so many requests Auction for street Cats Algarve we are holding our next auction on the 1st February 🥳
If you have new, nearly new or items in excellent condition that we can collect from the 6th January please get in touch 🥰
Thank you from our hearts to you all for supporting Pakadora Association-PDA
Have a wonderful festive time although we are still working until the 21st 😳
Video of 5 kittens still seeking homes 🙏❤️
All cats from yesterday were sterilsed apart from this little Fella who was already castrated 😳
He is very poorly. We asked for tests when he went for castration in Loule as he is anemic. He is negative for Felv and FHiv and has good kidney funtion. He is now on antibiotics and iron supplement and will see our main vet on Monday.
3 cats sterilsed under ARA PROGRAMME and we paid for 3 at Messines.
This little fella we have to pay for his vet bill as these are not covered under the Loule project.
Any help with this is really appreciated as we still have Bella' bills. 🙏🙏❤️
PayPal [email protected]
IBAN PT50 0045 7211 4036 9826 54193
We were asked if we could help rehome a black female feral cat that was attacked by a dog and taken in by Alison for 6 months! This cat really wanted to be free so it was time to let her go to a new home .
We are so lucky to have found a great couple who we have worked with sterilising their small colony near Salir. The colony is cared for by their house so we set up a plan.
Note It is not recommended to move feral cats. They are very territorial and it can be difficult to be accepted if a cat just turns up in a feral colony.
We choose Mel and Simon colony as their cats are quite friendly and only 5 cats. No main roads and a lovely barn to shelter.
Mitzi Moo is crated ,ideally for a few weeks , she is doing ok. In the video she is a bit spaced out but today she is fully with it and doing well !
The colony cats are saying hello while feeding next to her and if she does become stressed in her crate we will realise her early. So far all good , the bad weather helps as cats dont like rain or wind! I think she is quite cosy
Introducing Spirit one of 5 kittens rescued back in the summer.
4 months young healthy boy
Very sweet temperament
Tested and negative for Felv & Fhiv
Regular parasite treatments given
Playful but also very gentle.
Ideal home indoor ( with a catio?)
Prefer the company of another cat or choose another of the five!!! Pm us 🙏🏠🤞🐾😻💞
Thank you The Frankie Foundation for the video 🙏
These two beautiful 6 month old kittens are seeking a loving indoor home.
They have just been sterilised had a good flea/tick and worm treatment. Using litter tray.Lovely gentle personalities. One is a bit shy but once they find a loving home I'm sure she will blossom. Please share here and abroad we can find transport at a reasonable cost 🙏🙏🐾😻🐾💞
Special appeal 🥰We need ;
Cat food ideally whiskers or felix , or canned food
Kitten food Advance dried food
Flea / tick & worm treatment
Cat litter ( prefer wood pellets)
Sand from Toys r us now sorted thank you 🙏
Incontinent bed pads ( cheaper than puppy pads)
Please pm