Pakadora Association-PDA

Pakadora Association-PDA Together we can be part of the solution!! Help us reduce the suffering 🙏
We are a legal registered charity in Portugal.

To donate Paka Dora Association PDA is a legally constituted Portuguese charity founded in 2022 to protect stray, abandoned, ill or at-risk animals, ensuring improved access to veterinary care and sterilisation to provide the animals with a happier, healthier, and more sustainable future. If you wish to donate, Thank you

Pay pal [email protected] or PT bank

-Multi banco details are:
IBAN: PT50 0045 7211 4036 9826 5419 3

Or visit our website and choose amazon wish list

O objeto social da associação é a proteção de animais errantes, abandonados, doentes ou em risco, garantindo um acesso melhorado aos cuidados médico-veterinários e à esterilização, de forma a promover um futuro mais feliz, saudável e sustentável para os animais.


What convinced me to spay pregnant cats?

When I began my journey into TNR, of course I immediately encountered a pregnant cat. And when I looked for help from the local cat rescue organization, they let me know they could take her in and spay her.

Like many people who have not been involved in cat Rescue, I was horrified. Weren't we out here trying to save their lives? How could we talk about spaying a pregnant cat?

Another woman had seen me setting traps and working hard to trap this elusive cat, and when she found out I was talking to the group who would spay this cat she said oh I can take her, let me take her. I'll let her have her babies and I'll work on finding them homes.

I did catch the cat, and I arranged to bring her to this woman's home. When I got there, the smell of cat urine was overpowering. Walking into the house it appeared clean - but all the furniture was covered in plastic, and there were cats everywhere. Dozens of cats.

We walked into a different room where this very kind lady wanted to just open the carrier and let this shy newly trapped pregnant cat loose in this house with dozens of other cats. I didn't want to offend her, but I could see this was not saving this cat. There's no way I could leave that cat. And so I looked at her and said “you know, I can leave this cat, but I had another offer of a home for her, and they would keep her as their own cat. Would you mind if I gave her to them?”

Yes, I lied. In my defense, I will say I lied out of kindness, because the only reason this woman offered to take the cat was because she was going to be spayed. She didn't need another cat, she didn’t want another cat, and she definitely didn't need a litter of kittens. And, as soon as she knew, there was another home available, she was happy to let her go.

That year, our local shelter was euthanizing 40 healthy tame kittens a week. 40. Healthy, tame, already born kittens.

I took the cat to the cat Rescue; they kept her and she was spayed and adopted out. That cat's life mattered - and she got a home. And I saved several kittens, because by spaying this cat before she had kittens, already born kittens who may have been euthanized got into homes.

Every time I took on a new TNR situation and saw kittens in the bushes -sick kittens, dying kittens, feral kittens - I became more comfortable with spaying every cat I trapped. Every time I saw or heard of a pregnant cat with complications - pyometra, mastitis, complicated births which would have ended in death for the cat without intervention - I became a strong advocate of spay them all. I only hope others who find pregnant cats can put aside the emotional response, look at the reality of Rescue, and know, spaying those pregnant cats save lives.

We went to collect one of our traps today and saw this gorgeous boy ❤️Was Musafa from Salir now Moose. Is loving life wi...

We went to collect one of our traps today and saw this gorgeous boy ❤️
Was Musafa from Salir now Moose. Is loving life with Jane and Kev in Fuseta 🥰


BEFORE YOU GET OFFENDED when someone suggests you neuter your cat please read this.

1. When a cat becomes pregnant, it is not through choice. There is no romantic liaison.... it literally is the equivalent of sexual assault.
The male cat's p***s is barbed and causes excruciating pain for the female.

2. Every rescue is dependent on volunteers. Volunteers who lose family time, money, sleep, weekends and evenings caring for and fundraising to ensure unwanted cats get the correct care.

3.Animals have no voice.. So when somebody speaks on their behalf, stop getting upset.

4.Uneutered Male cats will wander in search of females. They will fight ferociously and cause terrible injury to other males in the process causing sepsis. And dreadful life threatening diseases.

5. Every litter of kittens born in your home and sold adds to the problem by stopping a rescue cat being adopted.

6. Rescues are full to capacity with cats which have been bought on a whim of Facebook and surrendered or abandoned due to boredom or inability to afford vet bills, Neuter, Vaccines, Food, Flea and worm treatment

7. Each rescue has a waiting list. They spend literally thousands of dollars a year on Vet Treatment. Food, Litter. Flea and Worm Treatment, Electricity, Shelter Rent, Fuel... These are just the basics.

8. Behind the scenes volunteers nurse kittens every 2-4 hours, feed ferals everyday, clean litter boxes and field calls from people several times a day. All this while fundraising constantly. Worry about cats who have been surrendered and are traumatised by being torn from its surroundings and carry the guilt of the decisions they have to make.

9. Rescues have volunteers who drive for miles. Trapping stray and dumped cats, picking up unwanted cats and spending hours on the phone trying to find spaces and homes for unwanted pets.

10. Volunteers spend their free time and energy picking up the pieces from people who allow cats to have kittens and refuse to neuter.

Please don’t be offended when someone asks are you getting your cat neutered - rescues see the consequences of these actions every day 365 days a year and are simply giving a voice to the vulnerable creatures so casually given away or sold for a dollar.

Well said!!!!
2nd Chance For Strays 🙏🙏

Good morning 🥰Apologies for the delay in responding to messages.  I am still going through them and organising items for...

Good morning 🥰
Apologies for the delay in responding to messages. I am still going through them and organising items for today and tomorow collections.
I have added up and the grand total is €1,356!!!!
This will pay for Santa's tooth operation next Monday and Margarida's the following Monday.
Food & treatments and sterilsation of 5 female cats in the Silves district on our waiting list.
A huge thank you from our hearts to
All you wonderful bidders 🙏🙏♥️
All our amazing donors 🙏🙏♥️
So many behind the scenes that make this magic work
Friends & Volunteers so special thank you to our A Team Diana, Tracy, Diane Carol & Sam for supporting, taking photos, checking & preparing items and baking a cake Carol!!
My little cat mobile will be out all week at collection points in between trapping as we have 8 cats in this week for sterilsations. Plus I have recovering cats here so please bear with me🥴🙏🙏❤️
Pots exhausted in London from watching the auction 🤣🤣 I know how he feels 🤣🤣🤣

After a stressful week, 3 cats were trapped and were sterilsed today2 females both early stages of pregnancy 😪one to Dra...

After a stressful week, 3 cats were trapped and were sterilsed today
2 females both early stages of pregnancy 😪one to Dra Raquel DreamVet 🙏🙏 and one female and the simease male to Dra Luis Loule under the ARA programe 🙏🙏
all from Santa Margarida taking the total of 28 from this village! hopefully only 2 more to catch there.
Special thanks to friend and volunteer Diane M for trapping and transporting them. No easy feat when covering two sites and in the dark! And then having to drop off at two different vets! Thank you so much 🙏🙏
We need to get the females now before they are all pregnant please help us reduce the suffering by gifting a snip or donating a euro it all helps 🙏🙏
PayPal [email protected]
IBAN PT50 0045 7211 4036 9826 54193
Thank you 🙏🙏♥️

Let's try and get the females before they get pregnant now! 🙏🙏😻

Let's try and get the females before they get pregnant now! 🙏🙏😻

Edited**' any charity have a van or best van hire closet to Guia, Messines? 🙏🙏So the great news is we will have 2 more N...

Edited**' any charity have a van or best van hire closet to Guia, Messines? 🙏🙏

So the great news is we will have 2 more New T10 cat houses built for the cats in Alte. Anyone help with transport please? They are heavy
Need to be collected from Gale to go to Alte Monday at the latest. Happy to pay from personal funds. Please let me know if you have any contacts 🙏🙏🏡😻❤️
Photo of a T10 at the retreat

We had to say goodbye to Diva tonight 💔💔💔Diva was 8 months old and  one of 5 kittens we took from the street last summer...

We had to say goodbye to Diva tonight 💔💔💔
Diva was 8 months old and one of 5 kittens we took from the street last summer.
Diva was the shy scared one and remained feral. Diva seemed traumatized and we hoped that seperating her from her 4 siblings a few weeks ago( they found a fab home together) we could start 1-2-1 again with her and then find her a loving home where she could be spoilt. Fate had other plans with Diva becoming ill a couple of weeks ago and displaying signs of FIP through corona virus despite being vaccinated.
We took her back to Faye tonight hoping for a miracle but the ultra sound showed the fluid in her stomach now going to her chest. We did not want her to suffer so we said good bye, she had a dignified end.
Thank you so much to Faye for your expertise, advice and your compassion shown to us and Diva today.
RIP little feral girl ❤️
Diva will rest at her home here where she has lived and been loved since 8 weeks old.

Good morning 🥰Please go to Auction for street Cats Algarve page, scroll down to see the listed 70 lots ( of the 120) and...

Good morning 🥰
Please go to Auction for street Cats Algarve page, scroll down to see the listed 70 lots ( of the 120) and any questions let me know.
I will add more and belive me there are some amazing things to come but we need bids on some of these items already listed that really have low Starting price!
Please, Share and help us raise as much as we can for the cats and stray dogs like Bella 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Amended 'gift a snip' poster with correct email 🙏🙏🥰

Amended 'gift a snip' poster with correct email 🙏🙏🥰


Update 28th January afternoon

Bella went for a check up xray today and Dra Bruno ( Bella thanks him very much) is not happy that part of her bone has not healed as normal in this time frame. As he had to cut some bone to fix it her leg is now 1cm shorter and after we discussed about her ligament it now turns out her tendon in that leg is loose 😥 so we have to wait 6 weeks to re assess if she needs another operation. Bella is very well in herself and gets around fine.
Bella still needs a home!! so If you woukd like to meet her please email [email protected]

We will raise the funds for further treatment, the spaying will be done later as she is now in season and we already have the funds to cover this. Bella loves people she really is a sweet dog very gentle 🥰

Bella is currently based Silves Messines
We took her from the street in October sadly finding her with a broken leg.
Bella is doing really well, she now owns the sofa 🤣
If you know anyone who like to meet her please pm me. We need a very special home for her although she thinks she is hogging that sofa for ever 🥰
Video of her at the vets today 🌟
Bella is approx 3 - 4 years old about 12kg
Fully vaccinated & microchipped
Negative for liesh, tick fever ect
Very sweet nature. Good with other dogs clean and loves the car rides! A rural home with company of other dogs would be ideal. She loves people and will give you lots of love and a face full of licks ♥️
We are just putting it out to the universe, we are sure her human will find her but you shares just help the magic happen 🌟
Please pm 🙏

Our online auction starts this Saturday 1st February.The funds raised will go towards 2 teeth operations for Santa who h...

Our online auction starts this Saturday 1st February.
The funds raised will go towards 2 teeth operations for Santa who has fully recovered from Flea fever and Margarida who was sterilsed and needs some teeth removed.
Rescued dog Bella vet bills and Food and regular treatment for the colony cats for February.
Please share our auction page Auction for street Cats Algarve and ask you friends to request to join if they would like to bid. Algarve only.
Thank you from our hearts for you support
Please get sharing 🙏🙏🥰
A sneak preview of some of the items up for bids 🙂

2 cats were sterilsed last Thursday. 1 female who stayed  in for a few days to heal and a male who was realised  after t...

2 cats were sterilsed last Thursday. 1 female who stayed in for a few days to heal and a male who was realised after the anesthetic wore off . They have both returned to the caretaker and feeding which is great news. Both Recieved flea /tick and worm treatment.
Hoping to catch 4 more thus week but weather dependent as cats do not like the wind and rain ☔

Do you remember kittens Amber and Jade rescued from a dangerous road  by a wonderful lady in the summer of 2023. These 2...

Do you remember kittens Amber and Jade rescued from a dangerous road by a wonderful lady in the summer of 2023.
These 2 bonded siblings were badly let down on an adoption to the UK in under 2 days before they were to travel in March 2024 😭
Well we were so determined not to let this stop them from travelling. On this occasion our founders had already paid the transport and all vaccinations, passport, rabies & microchips at considerable costs and drove them to North Portugal to the transport van. So off they went to the UK knowing that our contact at Clan McCat Scotland: International Cat Rescue - Charity number Sc051803 had our back and theirs when they heard what had happened ❤️
Amber and Jade were officially adopted this week after being with their 2nd foster for a few months. They even have a new brother 😊
We love a failed foster 🤣 these two are so happy and loved. Yes it took a while but we never give up on the cats. Everything we do is for them.
If you would like to help us continue to help reduce the suffering of stray and feral cats here in the Algarve we appreciate any amount donated 🥰
PayPal [email protected]
IBAN PT50 0045 7211 4036 9826 54193
Thank you from our hearts

Bella 🥰It's been a while!!update in the comments.Photo from Leanne Susan who is her amazing foster 🥰

Bella 🥰
It's been a while!!
update in the comments.
Photo from Leanne Susan who is her amazing foster 🥰





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