Melanie Kerckhof

Melanie Kerckhof As a dog expert my mission is to translate the feelings, thoughts and needs of your dog to you. It is all about reading our dog.

I loved animals my whole life...when I rescued a dog from the shelter, I wished I understand more about them. I took a 2 year intensive dog behaviour class which enables me to understand the behaviour and the cause of the behaviour. My mission is to bring dogs and their owners closer together and live in harmony.


Tell me what you think the basic rules are for a happy dog and I will tell you mine 🙂


I am curious, what is the thing you want to change in the behaviour of your dog?


In my previous post I was talking about the “perfect” dog.
I used brackets because guess what, that dog does not exist🤪.
It is all about managing the environment of our dog and learn how to co-exist, to be aware of what the needs and fears of our dogs are.

If you want to learn more about your dog our why he/she shows behaviour we do not like, you can always contact me! 😇😇👍🐕

First steps in how to read your dog

First steps in how to read your dog


The "perfect" dog... we all want it.
But there are many steps and patience to achieve this.

the puppy-fase: biting hands, furniture, peeing in the house...
the teenager-fase: suddenly stops listening to you, shows behaviour that wasn't there before (this is a fase where a lot of dogs end up in a shelter)...

With a lot of patience and tips, you can have the dog of your dreams :)!!!

If you need any help with understanding why your dog does something and how to fix it, do not hesitate to contact me!!!



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