The Dodo Park

The Dodo Park A dream which will become true very soon,
The Dodo Park Project 🦤
Columbidae family breeding Center

By 🖊️ Nasser Bin Mohamed Al-JbrThe Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis): A Study of its Recognized SubspeciesThe Laug...

By 🖊️ Nasser Bin Mohamed Al-Jbr

The Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis): A Study of its Recognized Subspecies

The Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) is a small, graceful member of the dove family found across a wide range of habitats throughout Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent. This article aims to shed light on the six scientifically recognized subspecies of the Laughing Dove, each with its own unique distribution and characteristics.

1. Spilopelia senegalensis senegalensis
The nominate subspecies, S. s. senegalensis, is widely distributed from Senegal in the west, stretching east to Somalia, and extending southwards to South Africa. It also inhabits western parts of the Arabian Peninsula, from Medina in Saudi Arabia down to Aden and Mukalla in southern Yemen. This subspecies is well-adapted to a variety of environments, often seen in both rural and urban settings.

2. Spilopelia senegalensis phoenicophila
S. s. phoenicophila is native to the oases located south of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and western Libya. In recent times, it has expanded its range to northern Morocco and Algeria, showcasing its adaptability and resilience.

3. Spilopelia senegalensis aegyptiaca
The Nile Valley is home to S. s. aegyptiaca, which ranges from the Suez Canal and the delta region southward to Wadi Halfa. This subspecies is well integrated into the Egyptian landscape, often associated with the lush riverine settings along the Nile.

4. Spilopelia senegalensis sokotrae
S. s. sokotrae is confined to the island of Socotra. Its isolated distribution has likely led to unique adaptations, though further studies are needed to fully understand its ecological niche on the island.

5. Spilopelia senegalensis cambayensis
Found from eastern Arabia and eastern Iraq to Pakistan and India, S. s. cambayensis is another widespread subspecies. Its presence across such diverse regions reflects the species' ability to thrive in a variety of climatic conditions.

6. Spilopelia senegalensis ermanni
The range of S. s. ermanni spans from Transcaspia and Kazakhstan in the west to western China's Xinjiang province, and south to northern Afghanistan. This subspecies is adapted to the more temperate climates and often encounters different challenges compared to its African and Middle Eastern counterparts.

While these six subspecies are widely accepted, there are others that are not universally recognized scientifically:

- Spilopelia senegalensis dakhlae: Found in the Dakhla Oasis of central Egypt.
- Spilopelia senegalensis aequatorialis: Native to Ethiopia.
- Spilopelia senegalensis divergens: Inhabits northeastern Botswana.

The diversity within the Laughing Dove species is well-documented thanks to the efforts of photographers who have captured the beauty of these birds and artists who have illustrated the subtle differences between them. Special thanks are extended to these individuals for their contributions to avian studies and for helping to enhance our understanding of this charming dove.

In closing, we celebrate the Laughing Dove's adaptability and the rich tapestry of subspecies that adorn the landscapes they inhabit. Their gentle cooing and distinctive 'laughing' call continue to delight bird enthusiasts and casual observers alike, contributing to the natural symphony that plays out across their diverse ranges.

The Laughing Dove's ability to coexist with humans has also played a role in its widespread distribution. It is often found around human habitation, taking advantage of the food and water sources provided by gardens, parks, and agricultural fields. This close relationship with humans has not only facilitated the expansion of its range but also ensured its resilience in the face of changing landscapes.

As we appreciate the nuances of each subspecies, it is crucial to understand the importance of their conservation. Despite their adaptability, habitat destruction, pollution, and other environmental pressures pose challenges to their populations. Conservation efforts must be informed by ongoing research to ensure that these birds continue to thrive and that the diversity within the species is preserved for future generations.

The Laughing Dove serves as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of nature. Each subspecies, with its own distinct range and adaptations, contributes to the overall biodiversity of the regions they inhabit. It is the responsibility of ornithologists, conservationists, and the public to protect these irreplaceable facets of our natural world.

In summary, the Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) is not just a single entity but a mosaic of subspecies, each with its own story and place within the larger ecological tapestry. Through continued research, awareness, and conservation action, we can ensure that the laughter of these doves continues to echo across their vast homelands.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the talented photographers and artists who have so vividly captured the essence of the Laughing Dove, and to the birdwatching and scientific communities for their dedication to studying and preserving these birds. Together, we can celebrate and protect the gentle song and delicate presence of the Laughing Dove across the globe.

In the spirit of shared knowledge and appreciation for the natural world, let us continue to support and promote the well-being of the Laughing Dove and its many subspecies.

Best regards,
Nasser Bin Mohamed Al-Jbr

by 🖊️  “ Nasser Bin Mohamed Al-Jbr “The Common Ground Dove, scientifically known as Columbina passerina, is a species of...

by 🖊️

“ Nasser Bin Mohamed Al-Jbr “

The Common Ground Dove, scientifically known as Columbina passerina, is a species of bird belonging to the doves & wild pigeons family, Columbidae. This species is also known as the "Common Ground Dove" or "passerina Dove". It is found in tropical and warm regions of both South and North America.

The Common Ground Dove is characterized by its small size, being only about 15 centimeters long. Its plumage is generally light brown or gray-brown, and it has black spots on the upper part of the head and neck. It has a long, thin tail. Males and females are similar in appearance, but differ slightly and noticeably in colors.

The name "passerina" is of Spanish origin and refers to small birds. It is believed that the name refers to the size and traits of the Common Ground Dove, as it is one of the smallest birds in the dove family.

The Common Ground Dove is found in open grassy areas such as fields, plains, and meadows. It feeds primarily on seeds, grains, and fruit. It is a social bird and typically lives in small groups consisting of several pairs. It is characterized by its loud, intermittent sound that resembles laughter, which distinguishes it from other species.

The Passerina Dove or common dove is considered a terrestrial bird (Ground-dove), which means it tends to live and feed on the ground rather than flying a lot.

When the mating season comes, the Common Ground Dove performs complex group mating displays that include wing-flapping, jumping, and singing. The female lays two eggs in a small nest built from grass or low branches. The parents usually take care of the young, cooperating to provide food and care for them until they grow and become able to rely on themselves.

The Passerina Ground Dove is a common and widespread species, and there is currently no major threat facing it. Some individuals are affected by the loss of their natural habitat due to land clearing and the destruction of natural habitats. However, the species in general is considered stable, robust, and not threatened with extinction.

Eighteen scientifically recognized subspecies of this type of dove have been identified so far.

1. Columbina passerina passerina:
First classified by Swedish scientist Carolus Linnaeus in 1758.
" Distribution "
South Carolina along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts to southeast Texas.

2. Columbina passerina pallescens:
Described by the scientist "Bird, San Francisco" in 1860.
" Distribution "
Delta Colorado and east Baja California across southern Arizona to southern Texas, and south through Mexico to Belize and Guatemala.

3. Columbina passerina socorroensis:
Described by the scientist Ridgway in 1887.
" Distribution "
Socorro Island in the Revillagigedo Archipelago (Western Mexico).

4. Columbina passerina neglecta:
Classified by Carriker in 1910.
" Distribution "
Honduras south to Costa Rica and Panama.

5. Columbina passerina bahamensis:
Classified by Maynard in 1887.
" Distribution "
Bermuda and the Bahamas (except Inagua Island).

6. Columbina passerina exigua:
Classified by Riley in 1905.
" Distribution "
Great Inagua Island (Southern Bahamas) and Mona Island (Puerto Rico).

7. Columbina passerina insularis:
Classified by Ridgway in 1888.
" Distribution "
Cuba, Pine Island, Cayman Islands, Hispaniola, and nearby islands.

8. Columbina passerina jamaicensis:
Classified by Maynard in 1899.
" Distribution "

9. Columbina passerina navassae:
Classified by Wetmore in 1930.
" Distribution "
Navassa Island, southwest of Hispaniola.

10. Columbina passerina portoricensis:
Classified by "Low, B.R" in 1908.
" Distribution "
Puerto Rico, Culebra, Vieques, and the Virgin Islands (except St. Croix).

11. Columbina passerina nigrirostris:
Classified by Danforth in 1935.
" Distribution "
St. Croix and the northern Lesser Antilles (south to Dominica).

12. Columbina passerina trochila:
Described by the scientist Bonaparte in 1855.
" Distribution "

13. Columbina passerina antillarum:
Classified by "Low, B.R."
" Distribution "
Southern Lesser Antilles (from St. Lucia and Barbados south to Grenada).

14. Columbina passerina albivitta:
Classified by the scientist Bonaparte in 1855.
" Distribution "
The northern coast of Colombia and Venezuela (south to the Orinoco Valley), and the marine islands from Aruba east to Los Testigos, Margarita, and Trinidad.

15. Columbina passerina parvula:
Classified by Todd in 1913.
" Distribution "
Central Colombia (Upper Magdalena Valley).

16. Columbina passerina nana:
Classified by Todd in 1913.
" Distribution "
Western Colombia (Cauca Valley and the dry upper Dagua Valley).

17. Columbina passerina quitensis:
Classified by Todd in 1913.
" Distribution "
Central Ecuador from Carchi and Imbabura south to Southern Azuay.

18. Columbina passerina griseola:
Classified by Von Spix in 1825.
" Distribution "
Extreme southern Venezuela, the Guianas, and Amazonia from Rio Negro and Rio Madeira east to coastal Brazil (south to Bahia).

Those names are subspecies of the Common Ground Dove and depend on their geographical distribution. Subspecies are usually named based on the regions they are found in or some distinctive physical characteristics.

These subspecies are a great example of biological diversity and how species can evolve and adapt to different environments. Although these subspecies share many basic traits, each one possesses unique features that distinguish it from the others, whether in color, size, or behavioral patterns.

Our understanding of the different species of birds like Columbina passerina helps us gain a greater understanding of biological diversity and how we can protect and preserve it for future generations.

- Paris Academy of Sciences
- Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences
- North American Bird Guide
- Carnegie Journal of Natural History
- U.S. National Museum
- Washington Biological Association
- Puerto Rico Agricultural University
- Bulletin of the British Bird Scientists Club

Best Regards,

Nasser bin Mohammed Al Jaber

The species known as (Stephan's Dove) is a type of dove that inhabits forests, This species is scientifically named Chal...

The species known as (Stephan's Dove)
is a type of dove that inhabits forests,
This species is scientifically named Chalcophaps stephani, and it was named after the German naturalist Hermann von Rosenberg-Gruszczynski, also known as Hermann Stephan.

Within this species, there are several recognized subspecies. For example, there is a subspecies called Chalcophaps stephani wallacei, which is named in honor of the renowned British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace. Another subspecies is called Chalcophaps stephani mortoni, which pays tribute to the Australian naturalist Arthur Brian Morton.

These subspecies are known for their original habitats in specific regions. For instance, Stephan's Dove (Chalcophaps stephani wallacei) inhabits the Indonesian archipelago, while Stephan's Dove (Chalcophaps stephani mortoni) resides in the Solomon Islands.

These are some of the well-known subspecies of Stephan's Dove, distinguished by variations in appearance, habitat, and nomenclatur

In addition to the aforementioned subspecies, there may be further subspecies of Stephan's Dove that are not widely known. These subspecies vary in certain characteristics such as color, size, and genetic patterns.

The multiple subspecies of Stephan's Dove provide significant biological diversity and contribute to the overall biodiversity of the natural world. It is important for scientists and environmentalists to study and understand these subspecies, their habitats, and the impacts of environmental changes on them. This knowledge is crucial for preserving the diversity of life, protecting endangered species, and safeguarding their natural habitats.

It is fascinating to note that individuals interested in birdwatching and observing wild birds can discover these different subspecies of Stephan's Dove and appreciate their beauty and charm in the wild.

Best regards,

Nasser Bin Mohammed Al-Jbr



" Good morning 🌞 to the whole world 🌍 "Europe 1. Portugal 🇵🇹: Bom dia2. Spain 🇪🇸: Buenos días3. Andorra 🇦🇩: Bon dia4. Fr...

" Good morning 🌞 to the whole world 🌍 "

1. Portugal 🇵🇹: Bom dia
2. Spain 🇪🇸: Buenos días
3. Andorra 🇦🇩: Bon dia
4. France 🇫🇷: Bonjour
5. Monaco 🇲🇨: Bonjour
6. Italy 🇮🇹: Buongiorno
7. San Marino 🇸🇲: Buon giorno
8. Vatican City 🇻🇦: Buongiorno
9. Malta 🇲🇹: Bongu
10. Greece 🇬🇷: Καλημέρα (Kaliméra)
11. Albania 🇦🇱: Miremëngjes
12. North Macedonia 🇲🇰: Добро утро (Dobro utro)
13. Kosovo 🇽🇰: Mirëmëngjes
14. Montenegro 🇲🇪: Dobro jutro
15. Serbia 🇷🇸: Добро јутро (Dobro jutro)
16. Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦: Dobro jutro
17. Croatia 🇭🇷: Dobro jutro
18. Slovenia 🇸🇮: Dobro jutro
19. Hungary 🇭🇺: Jó reggelt
20. Slovakia 🇸🇰: Dobré ráno
21. Czech Republic 🇨🇿: Dobré ráno
22. Austria 🇦🇹: Guten Morgen
23. Liechtenstein 🇱🇮: Guten Morgen
24. Switzerland 🇨🇭: Guten Morgen (German), Bun di (Italian), Bonjour (French)
25. Germany 🇩🇪: Guten Morgen
26. Poland 🇵🇱: Dzień dobry
27. Belarus 🇧🇾: Добры дзень (Dobry dzien)
28. Lithuania 🇱🇹: Labas rytas
29. Latvia 🇱🇻: Labrīt
30. Estonia 🇪🇪: Tere hommikust
31. Finland 🇫🇮: Hyvää huomenta
32. Sweden 🇸🇪: God morgon
33. Norway 🇳🇴: God morgen
34. Denmark 🇩🇰: Godmorgen
35. United Kingdom 🇬🇧: Good morning
36. Ireland 🇮🇪: Maidin mhaith
37. Netherlands 🇳🇱: Goedemorgen
38. Belgium 🇧🇪: Goedemorgen (Dutch), Bonjour (French)
39. Luxembourg 🇱🇺 : moien
40. Iceland 🇮🇸: Góðan dag
41. Faroe Islands 🇫🇴: Góðan morgun
42. Greenland 🇬🇱: Ullut eqqortoq
43. Ukraine 🇺🇦: Доброго ранку (Dobroho ranku)
44. Belarus 🇧🇾: Добры дзень (Dobry dzien)
45. Moldova 🇲🇩: Bună dimineața
46. Romania 🇷🇴: Bună dimineața
47. Bulgaria 🇧🇬: Добро утро (Dobro utro)
48. Turkey 🇹🇷: Günaydın
49. Cyprus 🇨🇾: Καλημέρα (Kaliméra)
50. Georgia 🇬🇪: დილა მშვენიერი (Dila mshvenieri)
51. Armenia 🇦🇲: Բարի լույս (Bari luys)
52. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿: Sabahın xeyir
53. Kazakhstan 🇰🇿: Қайырлы таң (Qayyrlı tań)

1. China 🇨🇳- 早上好
2. India 🇮🇳- सुप्रभात
3. Indonesia 🇮🇩 - Selamat pagi
4. Pakistan 🇵🇰 - صبح بخیر (subha bakhair)
5. Bangladesh 🇧🇩 - সুপ্রভাত
6. Russia 🇷🇺 - Доброе утро
7. Japan 🇯🇵 - おはようございます
8. Philippines 🇵🇭 - Magandang umaga
9. Vietnam 🇻🇳 - Chào buổi sáng
10. Iran 🇮🇷 - صبح بخیر (sobh bekheir)
11. Türkiye 🇹🇷 - Günaydın
12. Thailand 🇹🇭 - สวัสดีตอนเช้า
13. Myanmar 🇲🇲 - မင်္ဂလာနံနက်ခင်း
14. South Korea 🇰🇷 - 좋은 아침입니다
15. Iraq 🇮🇶 - صباح النور
16. Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 - صباح الخير
17. Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 - Xayrli tong
18. Malaysia 🇲🇾 - Selamat pagi
19. Nepal 🇳🇵 - शुभ प्रभात
20. Afghanistan 🇦🇫 - صبح بخیر (soba bakhair)
21. Yemen 🇾🇪 - صباح الخير
22. North Korea 🇰🇵 - 좋은 아침입니다
23. Taiwan 🇹🇼 - 早安
24. Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 - සුභ උදෑසනක්
25. Syria 🇸🇾 - صباح النور
26. Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 - Қайырлы таң
27. Cambodia 🇰🇭 - បុណ្យភ្ជាប់បន្ទាន់ព្រឹក
28. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿- Sabahın xeyir
29. United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪 - صباح الخير
30. Tajikistan 🇹🇯 - Субҳ ба хайр
31 Hong Kong 🇭🇰 - 早上好
32. Jordon 🇯🇴- صباح الخير
33. Laos 🇱🇦 - ສະບາຍດີ
34. Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - Доброе утро
35. Singapore 🇸🇬 - 早上好
36. Turkmenistan 🇹🇲 - Ýylaz şäherleň
37. Palestine 🇵🇸 - صباح الخير
38. Lebanon 🇱🇧 - صباح الخير
39. Oman 🇴🇲 - صباح الخير
40. Kuwait 🇰🇼 - صباح الخير
41. Georgia 🇬🇪 - დილა მშვენიერი
42. Mongolia 🇲🇳 - Сайн байна уу?
43. Armenia 🇦🇲 - Բարի լույս
44. Bahrain 🇧🇭 - صباح الخير (Arabic)
45. East Timor - Bondia
46. Bhutan 🇧🇹 - ཞེས་པའི་སྔ་དྲོ།
47. Macau 🇲🇴(China) - 早上好
48. Brunei 🇧🇳- Selamat pagi
49. Maldives 🇲🇻 - މިއަދަކު
50- Qatar 🇶🇦 صباح الخير

1. Algeria 🇩🇿 : صباح الخير
2. Angola 🇦🇴 : Good morning , Bom dia
3. Benin 🇧🇯 : Good morning , Bonjour
4. Botswana 🇧🇼 : Good morning , Dumela
5. Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 : Good morning , Bonjour
6. Burundi 🇧🇮 : Good morning , Mwaramutse
7. Cameroon 🇨🇲 : Good morning , Bonjour
8. Cape Verde 🇨🇻 : Good morning , Bom dia
9. Central African Republic 🇨🇫 : Good morning , Bonjour
10. Chad 🇹🇩 : Good morning , Bonjour
11. Comoros 🇰🇲 : Good morning , Bonjour
12. Democratic Republic of the Congo 🇨🇩 : Good morning , Bonjour
13. Djibouti 🇩🇯 : Good morning , Bonjour
14. Egypt 🇪🇬 : صباح الخير
15. Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶 : Good morning , Buenos días
16. Eritrea 🇪🇷 : Good morning , ጠዋት
17. Ethiopia 🇪🇹 : Good morning , ሰላም
18. Gabon 🇬🇦 : Good morning , Bonjour
19. Gambia 🇬🇲 : Good morning
20. Ghana 🇬🇭 : Good morning
21. Guinea 🇬🇳 : Good morning ,Bonjour
22. Guinea-Bissau 🇬🇼 : Good morning , Bom dia
23. Ivory Coast 🇨🇮 (Côte d'Ivoire): Good morning , Bonjour
24. Kenya 🇰🇪 : Good morning , Habari ya asubuhi
25. Lesotho 🇱🇸 : Good morning , Lumela
26. Liberia 🇱🇷 : Good morning
27. Libya 🇱🇾 : صباح الخير
28. Madagascar 🇲🇬 : Good morning, Manao ahoana
29. Madeira 🇵🇹 : Good morning , Bom dia
30. Malawi 🇲🇼 : Good morning , Mwauka bwino
31. Mali 🇲🇱 : Good morning , Bonjour
32. Mauritania 🇲🇷 : صباح الخير
33. Mauritius 🇲🇺 : Good morning , Bonjour
34. Mayotte 🇾🇹 : Good morning ,Bonjour
35. Melilla : Good morning , Buenos días
36. Morocco 🇲🇦 : صباح الخير
37. Mozambique 🇲🇿 : Good morning, Bom dia
38. Namibia 🇳🇦 : Good morning
39. Niger 🇳🇪 : Good morning , Bonjour
40. Nigeria 🇳🇬 : Good morning
41. Republic of the Congo 🇨🇬 : Good morning , Bonjour
42. Réunion 🇷🇪 : Good morning , Bonjour
43. Rwanda 🇷🇼 : Good morning , Mwaramutse
44. Saint Helena , Ascension and Tristan da Cunha : Good morning
45. São Tomé and Príncipe 🇸🇹 : Good morning , Bom dia
46. Senegal 🇸🇳 : Good morning , Bonjour
47. Seychelles 🇸🇨 : Good morning , Bonzour
48. Sierra Leone 🇸🇱 : Good morning
49. Somalia 🇸🇴 : Good morning
50. South Africa 🇿🇦 : Good morning , Goeie môre
51. South Sudan 🇸🇸 : Good morning
52. Eswatini 🇸🇿(formerly Swaziland): Good morning , Sawubona
53. Tanzania 🇹🇿 : Good morning , Habari ya asubuhi
54. Togo 🇹🇬 : Good morning , Bonjour
55. Tunisia 🇹🇳 : صباح الخير
56. Uganda 🇺🇬 : Good morning , Oli otya
57. Western Sahara 🇪🇭 : صباح الخير
58. Zambia 🇿🇲 : Good morning
59. Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 : Good morning

North & South America
1. Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 - Good morning
2. Argentina 🇦🇷 - Buenos días
3. The Bahamas 🇧🇸 - Good morning
4. Barbados 🇧🇧 - Good morning
5. Belize 🇧🇿 - Good morning
6. Bolivia 🇧🇴 - Buenos días
7. Brazil 🇧🇷 - Bom dia
8. Canada 🇨🇦 - Good morning
9. Chile 🇨🇱 - Buenos días
10. Colombia 🇨🇴 - Buenos días
11. Costa Rica 🇨🇷 - Buenos días
12. Cuba 🇨🇺 - Buenos días
13. Dominica 🇩🇲 - Good morning
14. Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 - Buenos días
15. Ecuador 🇪🇨 - Buenos días
16. El Salvador 🇸🇻 - Buenos días
17. Grenada 🇬🇩 - Good morning
18. Guatemala 🇬🇹 - Buenos días
19. Guyana 🇬🇾 - Good morning
20. Haiti 🇭🇹 - Bonjour
21. Honduras 🇭🇳 - Buenos días
22. Jamaica 🇯🇲 - Good morning
23. Mexico 🇲🇽 - Buenos días
24. Nicaragua 🇳🇮 - Buenos días
25. Panama 🇵🇦 - Buenos días
26. Paraguay 🇵🇾 - Buenos días
27. Peru 🇵🇪 - Buenos días
28. Saint Kitts and Nevis 🇰🇳 - Good morning
29. Saint Lucia 🇱🇨 - Good morning
30. Saint Vincent & the Grenadines - Good morning
31. Suriname 🇸🇷 - Goedemorgen
32. Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹 - Good morning
33. United States 🇺🇸 - Good morning
34. Uruguay 🇺🇾 - Buenos días
35. Venezuela 🇻🇪 - Buenos días
36. Anguilla (UK) 🇦🇮- Good morning
37. Aruba (Netherlands) 🇦🇼- Goedemorgen
38. Bermuda (UK) 🇧🇲- Good morning
39. Bonaire (Netherlands) 🇧🇶- Goedemorgen
40. British Virgin Islands (UK) 🇻🇬- Good morning
41. Cayman Islands (UK) 🇰🇾- Good morning
42. Clipperton Island (France) - Bonjour
43. Curacao (Netherlands) 🇨🇼- Goedemorgen
44. Falkland Islands (UK) 🇫🇰- Good morning
45. French Guiana (France) 🇬🇫- Bonjour
46. Greenland (Denmark) 🇬🇱- God morgen
47. Guadeloupe (France) 🇬🇵- Bonjour
48. Martinique (France) 🇲🇶 - Bonjour
49. Montserrat (UK) 🇲🇸 - Good morning
50. Puerto Rico (US) 🇵🇷 - Good morning
51. Saba (Netherlands) - Goedemorgen

1-Republic of Fiji 🇫🇯 Good Morning
2- Vanuatu 🇻🇺 Good Morning
3- New Caledonia 🇳🇨 Bonjour
4- Noru Good Morning
5- Kiribati 🇰🇮 Good Morning
6-Solomon Islands 🇸🇧 Good Morning
7- Samoa 🇼🇸 Good Morning
8- Tonga 🇹🇴 Good Morning
9- Tuvalu 🇹🇻 Good Morning
10- Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬 Good Morning
11- New Zealand 🇳🇿 Good Morning
12- Australia 🇦🇺 Good Morning
13- Palau 🇵🇼 Good Morning
14- Marshall Good Morning

Good evening, 🙃🫶🏻I am pleased to share with you some beautiful and unique pictures of a pair of Santa Cruz Ground Doves,...

Good evening, 🙃🫶🏻

I am pleased to share with you some beautiful and unique pictures of a pair of Santa Cruz Ground Doves, a species Endangered with extinction. Therefore, documenting these images is critical.

These photos were taken as part of my project for the breeding of wild pigeons & doves in Qatar. They document our success in breeding these bird species in captivity.

The breeding of the Santa Cruz Ground Dove is part of several projects we are undertaking for the breeding of bird species threatened with extinction from the pigeons family.

This project is known as
The Dodo Park Project

& principally serves as a breeding center for the wild pigeons & doves family, known as the
Columbidae Breeding Center.

The Santa Cruz Ground Dove is closely linked to two extinct species of dove, Alopecoenas stairi and Alopecoenas salamonis. This dove is primarily found in the Santa Cruz islands, part of the Solomon Islands chain, and may also be found on other islands.

This species of dove feeds on seeds and wild fruits, in addition to insects and worms. Its primary habitat is the Solomon Islands.

Regarding conservation status, the Santa Cruz Ground Dove faces a significant extinction threat. It is listed on the Red List of threatened species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This status underlines the urgent need to conserve this dove species and enhance breeding efforts.

In colloquial language, this species of dove is known as the "Santa Cruz Ground Dove". Its scientific name is "Alopecoenas sanctaecrucis".


This species of dove was first discovered by the German scientist Ernst Walter Mayr in 1935.

we have been working hard to conserve this species and enhance its survival and breeding capabilities.

I hope these pictures I have shared with you provide a deep insight into the beauty of this dove species and the importance of its preservation. For more information and updates related to my project, please visit my website


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Best regards,

Nasser Bin Mohammed Al-Jbr

The Dodo Park

Good evening and what a lovely photo 😃🫶🏻This is a Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove, also known as "occipitalis" in scientific ...

Good evening and what a lovely photo 😃🫶🏻

This is a Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove, also known as "occipitalis" in scientific classification as Ptilinopus occipitalis occipitalis.
I took this picture at my breeding project for wild pigeons and doves in Qatar 🇶🇦, known as The Dodo Park Project , a Columbidae Breeding Center.

This dove is one of the species that feeds on fruit and lives in the Philippines 🇵🇭. Two subspecies of the Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove are scientifically recognized:
1- Ptilinopus occipitalis occipitalis
2- Ptilinopus occipitalis incognitus

As for its conservation status, it is not threatened with extinction and is considered a non-migratory resident species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. It is colloquially called the "Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove" and its scientific name is "Ptilinopus occipitalis". This subspecies is known as "occipitalis".

In English, it is known as:

The scientific name is:

This species was discovered by the English zoologist George Robert Gray in 1844.

Regards Roger

Nasser Bin Mohamed Al-Jbr

Black-chinned Fruit-DovePtilinopus leclancheri in The Dodo Park Project 🇶🇦 Columbidae Breeding Center Nasser Bin Mohamed...

Black-chinned Fruit-Dove
Ptilinopus leclancheri

in The Dodo Park Project 🇶🇦
Columbidae Breeding Center

Nasser Bin Mohamed Al-Jbr


A dream which will become true very soon ,
The DoDo 🦤 Park Project
Columbidae family breeding Center




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