Parkview Pet Center - Qatar

Parkview Pet Center - Qatar Veterinary Clinic At Parkview Pet Center we bring together everything you need to keep your pets healthy and happy. Come and visit us soon!

All our team members love animals and together we will do our best ensure that our patients, and you, their owners, receive the best possible care and attention. To make sure that we provide the best in clinical care, we've invested in a range of equipment which is unrivaled in Qatar. Our highly-qualified vets work to the highest international standards, using the latest techniques, which involve

less pain for the patient, minimize the risk of infection, and make recovery time as short and safe as possible. Our range of services, including our pet salon, spacious ‘pet hotel rooms’, and retail store packed with goodies you wont find elsewhere in Qatar, have all been created to make sure that your visit to Park View Pet Center will be a refreshing and enjoyable experience. Emergency Phone: 55099494

مرحبا بكم!
هنا في بارك فيو للحيوانات الآليفه نجمع كل ما تحتاجه للحفاظ على الحيوانات الأليفة لتكون صحية وسعيدة.
جميع أعضاء فريق العمل لدينا من محبين الحيوانات ومعا سوف نبذل جهدنا لضمان صحة مرضانا ، وتلقى آفضل رعاية ممكنة والاهتمام.
للتأكيد من أننا نقدم أفضل ما لدينا في مركزنا فقد استثمرنا في مجموعة من المعدات الطبيه (البيطريه) التي لا مثيل لها في قطر.
لدينا الأطباء البيطريين المؤهلين تأهيلا عاليا للعمل بأعلى المعايير الدولية، وذلك باستخدام أحدث التقنيات ، التي تنطوي على تقليل آلام المريض، والتقليل من خطورة العدوى ، وتوفير راحه قصيرة لهم وان تكون آمنة قدر الإمكان.
لدينا مجموعة من الخدمات ، بما فيها ذلك صالون للحيوانات الأليفة ، 'غرف فندقيه واسعة للحيوانات الاليفة، ومتجر يحمل الأكسسوارات الجيدة والجديده التي لن تستطيع العثور عليها في مكان آخر في قطر.
فقد تم إنشاء كافة الاحتياجات للتأكد من أن زيارتك إلى مركز بارك فيو للحيوانات الأليفة ستكون منعشه و تجربة ممتعة. Emergency Phone: 55099494

🚫 أطعمة خطيرة على القطط 🚫الكثير من الأطعمة التي نتناولها نحن البشر قد تكون خطيرة جدًا على صحة القطط. إليكم بعض الأطعمة ا...

🚫 أطعمة خطيرة على القطط 🚫
الكثير من الأطعمة التي نتناولها نحن البشر قد تكون خطيرة جدًا على صحة القطط. إليكم بعض الأطعمة التي يجب تجنب تقديمها تمامًا للقطط:
الشوكولاتة: سم القطط.
البصل والثوم: يسبب فقر الدم.
العنب والزبيب: يضر الكلى.
الحليب ومنتجات الألبان: يسبب مشاكل هضمية.
الكافيين (قهوة وشاي): يؤدي لتسارع ضربات القلب والهزات العضلية.
احرص على تقديم طعام مناسب خصيصًا لها للحفاظ على صحتها وسعادتها!
#بيطري #قطوة #تطعيمات

لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل معنا:
+974 77798572
+974 44171560
+974 44171561


ديدان البطن والبراغيث: هي طفيليات شائعة تصيب القطط والكلاب. يمكن لديدان البطن أن تسبب فقدان الوزن والتقيؤ والإسهال و أحيانا يمكن رؤية الديدان في براز حيوانك الأليف.
أما البراغيث والقراد:فتسبب حكة واحمرار الجلد، للتأكد من وجودها افحص فرو وجلد حيوانك بانتظام.
إذا لاحظت أيا من هذه الأعراض ، استشر الطبيب البيطري فورًا
و للتخلص منها يوصى استخدام الأدوية أو العلاجات الموضعية أو البخاخات.
بالإضافة إلى زيارة الطبيب البيطري بانتظام للحفاظ على صحة حيوانك الأليف و سلامته.
#بيطري #قطوة #تطعيمات

لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل معنا:
+974 77798572
+974 44171560
+974 44171561
+974 44171562

كيف يمكنك اكتشاف وجود بكتيريا على أسنان الكلاب؟1-رائحة فم كريهة2-تغير لون الأسنان (اصفرار أو بقع بنية) 3-صعوبة في الأكل ...

كيف يمكنك اكتشاف وجود بكتيريا على أسنان الكلاب؟
1-رائحة فم كريهة
2-تغير لون الأسنان (اصفرار أو بقع بنية)
3-صعوبة في الأكل أو المضغ.
For a dental check-up for your dog, don’t hesitate to contact us:
+974 77798572
+974 44171560
+974 44171561
+974 44171562

#بيطري #قطر #الدوحة # #قط #قطاوة


التلقيح PCH هو تلقيح ضروري للقطط لأنه يحميها من ثلاث أمراض خطيرة وهي:
(البارفو): مرض فيروسي يسبب إسهالاً وتقيؤاً حادين، ويمكن أن يكون قاتلاً للقطط الصغير
(الكاليسي): يسبب التهابات تنفسية وتقرحات في الفم
(الهربس):يسبب التهابات تنفسية شديدة ومشاكل في العيون.
التلقيح ضد هذه الأمراض يحمي القطط من العدوى والمضاعفات التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى الوفاة، خاصةً في صغار القطط أو القطط التي تتعرض للعدوى بشكل متكرر.
#بيطري #قطوة #تطعيمات

لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل معنا:
+974 77798572
+974 44171560
+974 44171561
+974 44171562

Amira 🐶has relocated from Qatar to the Netherlands! 🌍✈️ We wish her many happy adventures in her new home🏠For more infor...

Amira 🐶has relocated from Qatar to the Netherlands! 🌍✈️ We wish her many happy adventures in her new home🏠
For more information on relocating your pet, contact us at:
+974 77798572
+974 44171560
+974 44171561
+974 44171562
لمزيد من المعلومات حول نقل حيوانك الأليف من قطر إلى أي دولة ✈️ يمكنكم التواصل معنا 🐶🐱

Are you looking for a safe and comfortable place for your pet while you travel this summer?We offer a Pet Hotel at our c...

Are you looking for a safe and comfortable place for your pet while you travel this summer?
We offer a Pet Hotel at our clinic, providing your pet with a comfortable and safe stay along with a variety of excellent services.
Our services include:
*Comfortable Accommodation: Clean and cozy spaces perfectly equipped to host your pet
*Health Care: Continuous veterinary supervision to ensure your pet's health and safety
*Balanced Nutrition: Providing healthy and balanced meals that meet your pet's needs
*Recreational Activities: Fun activities and games to ensure your pet gets the necessary exercise and enjoyment
*Special Care: A dedicated team to take care of your pet and provide all the comfort and care needed
*Regular Updates: Sending periodic updates to pet owners about their pet's condition to keep them reassured.
For more information or to book a spot for your pet, please contact us at Phone:
+974 77798572
+974 44171560
+974 44171561
+974 44171562
*Address: Madinath khalifa North ,Doha
30 Al Hedaya st.
[We are here to ensure that your pet receives the best possible care while you are away, Book now and leave your pet in safe hands]
هل تبحث عن مكان آمن ومريح لحيوانك الأليف أثناء سفرك هذا الصيف؟
نحن نوفر لك فندقًا للحيوانات الأليفة في عيادتنا، ونقدم لحيوانك الأليف تجربة إقامة مريحة وآمنة مع مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات المتميزة.
الخدمات المتوفرة تشمل:
*إقامة مريحة: أماكن مريحة ونظيفة مجهزة بشكل مثالي لاستقبال حيوانك الأليف
*رعاية صحية: إشراف بيطري مستمر لضمان صحة وسلامة حيوانك الأليف
*تغذية متوازنة: تقديم وجبات غذائية صحية ومتوازنة تلبي احتياجات حيوانك الأليف
*نشاطات ترفيهية: أنشطة وألعاب ترفيهية لضمان حصول حيوانك الأليف على المتعة والتمارين اللازمة
*عناية خاصة: فريق متخصص يعتني بحيوانك الأليف ويوفر له كل الراحة والرعاية
*تحديثات مستمرة: إرسال تحديثات دورية لأصحاب الحيوانات الأليفة حول حالة حيواناتهم لطمأنتهم.
لمزيد من المعلومات أو لحجز مكان لحيوانك الأليف، يرجى التواصل معنا على الهاتف:
+974 77798572
+974 44171560
+974 44171561
+974 44171562
*العنوان: مدينة خليفة الشمالية - الدوحة شارع الهدايا رقم 30

"Exciting news! 🎉 You can now find us on both Snoonu and Talabat! Order your favorites with just a few taps and enjoy th...

"Exciting news! 🎉 You can now find us on both Snoonu and Talabat! Order your favorites with just a few taps and enjoy the convenience delivered right to your door.

We send you and your loved ones the warmest of Eid Blessings! On the occasion of Eid, our veterinary clinic will be clos...

We send you and your loved ones the warmest of Eid Blessings!

On the occasion of Eid, our veterinary clinic will be closed on Wednesday 28th June, 2023.

On Thursday 29th June, service will resume from 9am to 9pm. See you then!

Wishing you a happy Ramadan!Our opening hours during Ramadan is from 10 am to 10 pm!

Wishing you a happy Ramadan!

Our opening hours during Ramadan is from 10 am to 10 pm!

Promotion from today 26th June till 9th of July on dental scale & polishing and Spay & Neuter for both dogs and cats 🐈 🐕...

Promotion from today 26th June till 9th of July on dental scale & polishing and Spay & Neuter for both dogs and cats 🐈 🐕💉🦷🪥

To book an appointment DM or call us at +974 4417 1560!

SUMMER OPENING TIMES As from Sunday 19th of June,  our opening hours will be everyday from 9 am - 10 pm.  For any questi...


As from Sunday 19th of June, our opening hours will be everyday from 9 am - 10 pm.

For any questions or to book an appointment, you can DM us or call us on 📞 4417 1560

Shout out to this little superhero 🦸‍♀️ who convinced her parents to rescue a stray cat and give it love & companionship...

Shout out to this little superhero 🦸‍♀️ who convinced her parents to rescue a stray cat and give it love & companionship.

Here is what you should know before adopting a stray cat:

• Have them checked out by a vet to be sure they are disease free. And if your new fur baby is suffering from an illness, the sooner you get treatment for them, the better.

• Make sure they are Spayed or Neutered

• Make sure you will have all their necessities on hand, like food and litter, toys, treats etc.

• Budget for their expenses. Taking a new pet is basically like a new child, they can be really expensive. This could include anything from food to litters to unexpected medical expenses.

• Be patient with them. Taking a stray cat is going to be a challenging process, so patience is key. Allow the cat to get close to you on its own terms.

Would you let your child have a stray cat?

Let us know in the comments!

At Parkview Pet Center, we take pride in the range of services we offer for your fur pals. For inquiries or to make an a...

At Parkview Pet Center, we take pride in the range of services we offer for your fur pals.

For inquiries or to make an appointment, you can DM us or call us on +974 4417 1560.

Although, it is not uncommon for pets to have ticks. These parasites that feed on the blood of their host are very adept...

Although, it is not uncommon for pets to have ticks. These parasites that feed on the blood of their host are very adept at attaching themselves to your pet’s coat. Ticks are efficient carriers of disease because they attach firmly when sucking blood, feed slowly and may go unnoticed for a considerable time while feeding.

Swipe left to see some of the preventions that you can take to avoid ticks.

If you suspect your pet is suffering from the effects of ticks, we recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our vets.

To book an appointment, call us on 4417 1560.

Quality care & Big smiles! At Parkview Pet Center we take pride in delivering personalized, compassionate care to our fu...

Quality care & Big smiles!

At Parkview Pet Center we take pride in delivering personalized, compassionate care to our fur patients. We strive to provide a comfortable environment to feel welcome as soon as they enter our veterinary clinic. This all starts with a warm smile, as you can see on the picture 📸😀

To book an appointment with one of our veterinarians, call us on 4417 1560

Ear mites are tiny parasites that primarily live in the ear canal, where they feed on ear wax and skin oils. Their prese...

Ear mites are tiny parasites that primarily live in the ear canal, where they feed on ear wax and skin oils. Their presence causes inflammation, and can also lead to secondary ear infections. Eggs are laid in the ear, and it takes about three weeks for eggs to hatch and develop into adult mites that can reproduce. 🦠

An ear mite infection will cause your pet’s ears to itch. This often results in them:

• Shaking their head or scratching their ears excessively
• Having red and inflamed ears caused by extra wax and irritation
• Producing a black, dry ear discharge which can sometimes let off a bad smell

Irritation in a pet’s ear can also be caused by allergies leading to an infection that can look similar to ear mites. So, it’s crucial that you get your pet to the vet for a proper diagnosis.

Schedule an appointment if you suspect your pet has ear mites. Ear mites are perfectly treatable and the process to do so is fairly straight forward. For booking, call us on phone 📞 4417 1560

Coco posing for a picture before her consultation and check up for her leg with Dr. Julieta. 📸🐕P.S: Can we discuss this ...

Coco posing for a picture before her consultation and check up for her leg with Dr. Julieta. 📸🐕

P.S: Can we discuss this cuteness?! 😍

We all love taking our dogs for some good outdoor fun, but depending on the weather or air quality here in Qatar, it can...

We all love taking our dogs for some good outdoor fun, but depending on the weather or air quality here in Qatar, it can sometimes be a little tricky to go on long walks.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stay indoors and entertain your dog physically and mentally.

Slide to the left for some useful ways to entertain your dog. Let us know if you have been using any of these tips and what other indoor activities you do with your dog.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Eid! 🥳On the occasion of Eid our veterinary clinic will be closed on Monday 2n...

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Eid! 🥳

On the occasion of Eid our veterinary clinic will be closed on Monday 2nd May, 2022.

On May 3rd service will resume from 8 am to 8pm, see you then! 👋🏻

In case you have not microchipped your fur-friend yet! A microchip is a small, electronic chip that has the same size as...

In case you have not microchipped your fur-friend yet!

A microchip is a small, electronic chip that has the same size as a grain of rice, that carries a unique ID number. The microchip is injected under the loose skin between your dog’s or cat’s shoulder blades and can be done in our vet clinic. It’s no more invasive than a vaccination.

To book an appointment for a microchip insertion or check an existing one of your pet, call us 📞 4417 1560

Top 5 advantages of pet boarding at Parkview Pet Center!Choosing a place for your pet to stay whilst you are away is an ...

Top 5 advantages of pet boarding at Parkview Pet Center!

Choosing a place for your pet to stay whilst you are away is an important decision to make, and there are several options available to you. Here are 5 advantages why boarding might be a good choice for your pet.

• Your pet gets to socialize with other pets. Rather than letting your pet stay at home with just your pet sitter for company, it can mix around with other pets and gain some precious social time while you are away
• At Parkview Pet Center we offer exercise time and provide nutritious food from Royal Canin
• We offer additional professional services such as pet grooming which can help to boost your pet’s comfort during their stay
• Your pet will be in the care of staff who are professionally trained to ensure your pet is looked after with skill and empathy
•Our pet boarding facility is built with animal safety in mind, so you will be able to leave knowing your pet is unlikely to escape onto the streets

Pet boarding offer many benefits, but remember that all pets are different and have their own unique needs.

If you would like to find out more about our Pet Boarding Service, call us on 📞 4417 1560

When you choose mobile grooming, your pet is groomed just steps from the comfort of their home in a cage-free, quiet env...

When you choose mobile grooming, your pet is groomed just steps from the comfort of their home in a cage-free, quiet environment. 😸 🐶 🚐

Here are 4 reasons why you should give mobile pet grooming a try:

• Stress free environment. Many animals become anxious when they are taken to new places
• Increased convenience for owners. These days most people have busy schedules
• Fully equipped mobile pet grooming van 🚐
• Clean & happy pet 🐈🐕

Bottom line: Making the switch to mobile pet grooming means more comfort and convenience for you and your pet!

Ready to give it a try? Call us on📞 4417 1560 to book an appointment.

Adhering to a puppy vaccine schedule is synonymous with responsible puppy care. Beside that, a vaccination appointment i...

Adhering to a puppy vaccine schedule is synonymous with responsible puppy care. Beside that, a vaccination appointment is much more than a quick injection for your puppy 🐶. It is you and our chance to really see how your puppy has been doing.

For questions or appointments call us on 4417 1560.

Look at these supawstars 😍You couldn’t tell the difference but they are more brushed out and fluffier after the grooming...

Look at these supawstars 😍

You couldn’t tell the difference but they are more brushed out and fluffier after the grooming session. Getting all ready for the hot season!

For appointments or inquiries call us on 4417 1560!

We created this welcoming space tailored to the needs and instinct of outdoor cats. And we are happy to see that it is b...

We created this welcoming space tailored to the needs and instinct of outdoor cats. And we are happy to see that it is being used. 🐈🐈‍⬛

Useful tips for becoming a community cat caretaker:

• If you want community cats to come to you, or to any outdoor space of your choosing, food is the biggest motivator. Cats think with their stomachs and they make their homes where food is readily available.
• The perfect outdoor space for a cat will include access to water. If cats feel they can meet all their needs in the area you want them to stay, then they will not feel a strong need to make their home or hang out elsewhere.

For the occasion of Ramadan, we have prepared for you 20% discount on Partial & Full in-house Grooming! 🤩📞 Call us on 44...

For the occasion of Ramadan, we have prepared for you 20% discount on Partial & Full in-house Grooming! 🤩

📞 Call us on 4417 1560 or DM us to book an appointment!

P.S: Offer Valid from today 2nd April until 9th April.

نبارك لكم قدوم شهر رمضان المبارك  Wishing you a happy Ramadan! Our opening hours during Ramadan is from 10 am to 10 pm! ...

نبارك لكم قدوم شهر رمضان المبارك
Wishing you a happy Ramadan!

Our opening hours during Ramadan is from 10 am to 10 pm!

At Parkview Pet Center, we offer a wide variety of professional veterinary services to meet all of your pet’s healthcare...

At Parkview Pet Center, we offer a wide variety of professional veterinary services to meet all of your pet’s healthcare needs.

Our services are provided in a clean, safe, and friendly environment, our doctors are trained to the highest international standards using the latest techniques, which involve less pain for your pet, minimize the risk of infection, and make recovery time as short and safe as possible.

Our services include:
• Consultations
• Spay & Neuter
• Vaccinations
• Micro-chipping
• Surgeries
• Oral & Dental care
• Dermatology
• Diagnostic Imaging
• Anesthetics
• Rehabilitation
• On-site lab
• On-site pharmacy
• Euthanasia
• Grooming
• Relocation
• Pet Hotel
• Retail

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us on:

📞 4417 1560

Happy Mews! 😺Totally priceless, one of our front-yard furry-friend little Tiger was adopted! ❤️He found his fur-ever hom...

Happy Mews! 😺

Totally priceless, one of our front-yard furry-friend little Tiger was adopted! ❤️

He found his fur-ever home and is already enjoying life.

He used to come and his routine was to eat, chill or take a nap at the reception desk and then greet everyone he met by the waiting area. 🐱

We love happy endings.❤️

Happy Life sweet Tiger! 😻😻


30, Al-Hedaya Street, Madinat Khalifa North

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00


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