
Nikarad Dresaj Canin, Pensiune Canina, Dog Sport, K9 Training,Mondioring, IPO, Scoala dresaj canin, Arad

Scoala de dresaj canin “NIKARAD” este situata in orasul Arad, in vestul Romaniei, intr-un minunat loc pe malul raului Mures. Pasiunea pentru caini in general si pentru dresajul canin in special ma urmareste de peste 30 de ani. In anul 1989 am obtinut Atestatul de Instructor dresaj canin( fiind membru al Clubului National de caini Utilitari). Bazat pe aceasta si sustinut de familie( Cristina si Al

ex) am deschis in anul 2001 SCOALA DE DRESAJ CANIN “NIKARAD”, prima scoala de acest gen din Arad. Prin activitatile desfasurate ne propunem sa obtinem prin sistemul de dresaj motivational caini care sa ajunga sa fie companioni perfecti (caini de companie), bodyguarzi profesionisti (cainii pentru paza si protectie personala) sau sportivi desavarsiti (caini care participa la campionate de dresaj spotiv BH, IPO, Obedience, Mondioring)

Rezultatele obtinute pe plan competitional precum si marele numar de caini care au absolvit cu success cursurile, dau SCOLII DE DRESAJ CANIN “NIKARAD” un titlu de excelenta binemeritat. Canine training school "NIKARAD is situated in Arad, western Romania, a great place on the shore of the river Mures. Passion for dogs in general and especially for dog training follows me from over 30 years. In 1989 I received canine training Certified Instructor (National Club of the working dogs). Based on this and supported by my family (Cristina and Alex) I have opened in 2001 the CANINE TRAINING SCHOOL"NIKARAD" , the first school of its kind in Arad. Through our activity we aim to get through the system of motivational training dogs that come to be the perfect companion (pet dogs), professional bodyguards (guard dogs for personal protection) or perfect athletes (dogs that participate in the working dogs championships BH, IPO, Obedience, Mondioring)

The results obtained in the competitions and the large number of dogs who have successfully completed the courses, give to K9 TRAINING school "NIKARAD" an excellent well-deserved title.


Cincinat Pavelescu 22





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