Happy Tails

Happy Tails Happy Tails - team of girls rescuing animals in Bucharest, Ilfov, Balan (Harghita), Romania. ABOUT US

Who we are? What we do? What is our focus?

To put it in few words, we are just normal people who love animals and who've been rescuing cats and dogs for a long time now. We wanted to save as many as possible, so we've decided to work as a team and call ourselves "Happy Tails" team. We are all volunteers and work our way between jobs, family and rescueing. This is because we believe that every animal deserves to be happy, no matter how sad

and without hope their life might seem at some point. Basically, we take dogs and cats from the streets in Romania, put them in foster care with our volunteers, heal their physical and emotional needs, than find loving homes for them. We do not have a shelter - all our rescues depend on the availability of foster homes. This is where we need volunteers most of all! Although we've been saving dogs and cats from all over the country, our main focus is in Balan (Harghita county), a small town in Romania. There is no other organization working there so many cats and dogs end up thrown away in the woods; we want to improve these statistics. We believe in spaying and neutering animals (with or without owner) as a mean of population control and a way to lower the number of strays. We also believe in education and most of our programs will be focusing on educating people towards animal benefit.

Blaze, now Flukke, has been adopted for a while now. And, oh, is he living la vida!! With an amazing family, he has a ho...

Blaze, now Flukke, has been adopted for a while now. And, oh, is he living la vida!! With an amazing family, he has a home and a garden, lots of fun and he is just thriving! And when you think that he was just thrown away, like garbage, on a pile of garbage, when he was just a couple of months! Thank you, Angie and Wiranda for making this possible!

Pip, our rescue, now adopted in the Netherlands, sends you her warm regards! Her mom, Michelle, is just great at making ...

Pip, our rescue, now adopted in the Netherlands, sends you her warm regards!
Her mom, Michelle, is just great at making our days brighter and funnier, with all the photos and videos of Pip and Beer (both adopted from us). Thank you, Michelle šŸ˜!

Shanti is adopted :) . Here with her sister, Pip.

Shanti is adopted :) . Here with her sister, Pip.

Well, if Evan's face doesn't convince you to foster or adopt him, we don't know what will :) Evan. Almost 8 months old, ...

Well, if Evan's face doesn't convince you to foster or adopt him, we don't know what will :)

Evan. Almost 8 months old, 8 kilos, short legs, long body, friendly.

We went to the shelter to take some photos of our dogs - easier said than done, of course. Please find attached the "fai...

We went to the shelter to take some photos of our dogs - easier said than done, of course. Please find attached the "failed photo album".
In any case, all the dogs that didn't stay for photos are for adoption :))))

Porthos being Porthos. We don't lose hope that we will find a good home for him, but for now, he is still in the shelter...

Porthos being Porthos. We don't lose hope that we will find a good home for him, but for now, he is still in the shelter. Since this is his home for such a long time, he is happy an unaware that life can be so much better.
If you are an experienced foster and like bigger dogs, maybe Porthos is the right one for you :) .

Bebe. 6 kilos, 4 years old. He's been abandoned so many times until he came to us that it's a wonder that he still trust...

6 kilos, 4 years old. He's been abandoned so many times until he came to us that it's a wonder that he still trusts us. Bebe just wants to love his forever person, that's why we are looking for a family that can spend a lot of time with him. He is fine with cats and other dogs, also ok with children. He's healthy, but shy - so no parties around him for the beginning :).
If you want to adopt or foster Bebe, please let us know.

Kansas. Three years have passed since Kansas is in our care and still no one for him. He doesn't know life outside the s...

Three years have passed since Kansas is in our care and still no one for him. He doesn't know life outside the shelter, so he is happy, but, for us, this is a failure. Because Kansas is with us since he was just a little baby, abandoned in the middle of the forest, far away from any human location. They were 4 siblings - but only Kansas didn't find a home until now.
Kansas is 3 years old, 12 kilos, friendly, a bit shy with humans at the beginning (understandably), healthy and funny. He still acts like a puppy :) .
If you want to foster or give Kansas a home, please let us know!

Ylva - she's a dog, not a meerkat :) . Ylva is 8 months old, small size, friendly, healthy, gets along with children and...

Ylva - she's a dog, not a meerkat :) . Ylva is 8 months old, small size, friendly, healthy, gets along with children and other animals. All she misses is a home - and we are looking for one for her. So, if you feel like you can foster or adopt Ylva, please let us know!

Evan. Almost 8 months old, 8 kilos, short legs, long body, friendly with everything that moves - he is just adorable! He...

Evan. Almost 8 months old, 8 kilos, short legs, long body, friendly with everything that moves - he is just adorable! He's so funny that we can't stop laughing everytime we see him. He does all kinds of faces, wants to play even with the flies :) . But, as we all know, the shelter is not a home, so we are looking for a family for funny Evan. He is vaccinated, dewormed, healthy - he is just missing a home of his own.
If you think you can foster or adopt Evan, let us know!

Ally.She's been with us since she was just 1 month old, and now she is almost 8 months old. The shelter is not a home, b...

She's been with us since she was just 1 month old, and now she is almost 8 months old. The shelter is not a home, but we are happy our friend, Mirela, rescued her and her siblings. Ally is around 15 kilos, vaccinated and dewormed, healthy and happy like any pup. She has medium energy level and an amazing personality, loves humans and other animals. She is fine with children, but we don't know about cats - though, based on how calm she reacts to anything, we suppose she will be fine with them too. Ally is simply royal in her attitude and her posture - it would be great to find her someone who can work with her because she pays very good attention to any sign we give her when we take her out for a walk.
If you want to foster or adopt her, please give us a sign! We're happy to talk more about Ally.

Yesterday we went to the shelter and what a good day we had! All dogs went for a walk, they enjoyed playing with Vladi a...

Yesterday we went to the shelter and what a good day we had!
All dogs went for a walk, they enjoyed playing with Vladi and we tried to take some new photos. Not that any of the dogs wanted photos, they just went and play šŸ¤£.
In any case, we now know for sure that most of our dogs are good with kids šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗ
šŸ“ø: Vladi & Ally

Bebe. Shy with strangers, but great with people he knows. 6 kilos of love in our shelter. We are looking for an experien...

Shy with strangers, but great with people he knows.
6 kilos of love in our shelter.
We are looking for an experienced foster who can teach Bebe to trust humans again. Heā€™s been abandoned once, he adapted to life in shelter, but the shelter is not a home.
Let us know if you want to talk more about Bebe.

Do you know any fat, clumsy, funny lady who thinks sheā€™s just a lap dog? Meet (again) Velvet. Sheā€™s been waiting for a f...

Do you know any fat, clumsy, funny lady who thinks sheā€™s just a lap dog?
Meet (again) Velvet.
Sheā€™s been waiting for a family for such a long time, but no one seems to see her.
She is around 3-4 years old, friendly with people and animals. She is a bit fat right now, but who can blame her - not much exercise in the shelter. Normal weight would be around 30-32 kilos.
She would fit perfectly in a family with a big yard/ farm or who spends a lot of time outdoors - because she loves running and playing.
Though she is great with children, she is very enthusiastic, jumps on everybody (which can lead to accidents for small kids due to her size) so she is more suitable for families with teenagers šŸ™‚
Let us k ow if you want to adopt Velvet!

3 weeks ago Nicole, now Stella,  arrived to her forever home. And then I received this message from her adopter: ā€œThat's...

3 weeks ago Nicole, now Stella, arrived to her forever home. And then I received this message from her adopter: ā€œThat's so great. She is very sweet and she fits in here very well.ā€
Fostering is very difficult. Or, to be more precise, very emotional. And rescues like Stella, who turned from feral to a couch cat, turn our hearts inside- out. Itā€™s difficult to put in words how we feel when we send them home after fostering, the mixed feelings we have that moment they leave - but for sure we feel nothing then happines when we see them thriving with their forever families. And gratitude for those who decided to give them a home. Thank you, Nicole!
And have a great life, Stella!


UPDATE: Multumim mult pentru mesajele legate de pui - se pare ca nu mai este nevoie de ajutorul nostru.
V-as ruga sa va indreptati atentia spre alti pui care au nevoie de ajutor - sunt atat de multi incat e greu sa nu gasiti unul care sa va placa šŸ™‚.

Animalele nu sunt cadouri.
Mai scriu o dată, că poate nu e clar: animalele nu sunt cadouri.
Cu toate acestea, avem o situație urgentă, pentru că puiul din poze a fost cadoul nedorit care acum trebuie să plece din casă. Așa că suntem Ć®n căutarea unei case provizorii (foster) pentru el, Ć®n București (sau cĆ¢t mai aproape de București). Puiul are 3 luni, a Ć®nceput schema de vaccinare, Ć®nvață să Ʈși facă nevoie afară (dar Ć®ncă nu știe, deci trebuie supravegheat). Ne ocupăm noi de mĆ¢ncare, vaccinare, Ć®i găsim familie definitivă - avem nevoie Ć®nsă de un loc pentru el, adăpostul nu este o soluție Ć®n acest moment.
Dacă Ć®l puteți ajuta, vă rog să ne trimiteți un mesaj. Mulțumesc.

Este ultima zi din 2023 si abia asteptam sa vina 2024, poate ca va fi mai bun, poate ca vom reusi sa facem mai multe luc...

Este ultima zi din 2023 si abia asteptam sa vina 2024, poate ca va fi mai bun, poate ca vom reusi sa facem mai multe lucruri pentru animalele nimanui, poate vom lega si mai multe prietenii prin cateii si pisicutele pe care speram sa le dam in adoptie. Dar oricum va fi 2024 speram sa facem totul impreuna, asa cm am facut si pana acum.
Poate ca nu suntem tot timpul prezente online - de fapt, stim cu siguranta ca nu suntem - insa va multumim ca aveti incredere in noi si ne sustineti tot timpul. Si ca, acordandu-ne noua incredere, le dati o sansa unor animale care altfel nu ar mai fi sau cine stie cm ar fi. Asa ca va multumim pentru 2023 si sa avem toti un 2024 minunat! šŸ¤

Cami si Cristina - echipa Happy Tails :)

Waiting for this year to end, we think about 2024 which we hope it will be a better year, a year to help many more animals!
But whatever the new year will bring, we hope to work together as we did until now!
We weren't very much available in the online environment lately, but we thank you very much for your trust and support because without your help our rescues and we wouldn't be here.
So THANK YOU for 2023 and may the New Year be a fabulous one for everyone! šŸ¤

Cami & Cristina - the Happy Tails team :)

Anyone for curious Evan? 4 months old boy, rescues whith his aiaters when he was just the size of a human palm. Friendly...

Anyone for curious Evan?
4 months old boy, rescues whith his aiaters when he was just the size of a human palm.
Friendly, happy, healthy - the perfect pup.
He will moat peobably be less than 10 kilos when he grows up - more like the short legs kind of dog ā¤ļø.
Let us know if you can foster or adopt him!

Ylva - funny little girl looking for a home. Ylva is only 4 months old and she came to our shelter when she was just 2-3...

Ylva - funny little girl looking for a home. Ylva is only 4 months old and she came to our shelter when she was just 2-3 weeks. Together with her siblings, she was just thrown away by the side of the river, in the woods. Lucky them, it happened that our friend, Mirela, was passing by and she saw them.
Now already vaccinated, dewormed, healthy and happy, Ylva is ready to go home. SHe is friendly with everybody, just a pup ready to learn and love. If you feel like you can foster or adopt her, let us know!

Pretty Ally is up for adoption! Found by our friend Mirela, in our care since she and her siblings were tiny little babi...

Pretty Ally is up for adoption!
Found by our friend Mirela, in our care since she and her siblings were tiny little babies, now Ally is ready to go home. She is a regular pup, all play and sleep the entire day, friendly with other animals (and with pretty much anybody else). She will probably be medium size (we will weight her later on, see how she is now).
If you would like to foster or adopt Ally, let us know šŸ™‚


What we do all day

I guess itā€™s ā€˜good night, everybodyā€™ from Nicole and Pip. Can you imagine that Nicole (white) was once a feral cat, afra...

I guess itā€™s ā€˜good night, everybodyā€™ from Nicole and Pip.
Can you imagine that Nicole (white) was once a feral cat, afraid of everything that moves?

La cabinetul unde ducem noi animalutele, a venit un baiat cu aceasta pisicuta. A gasit-o pe calea ferata, isi doreste sa...

La cabinetul unde ducem noi animalutele, a venit un baiat cu aceasta pisicuta. A gasit-o pe calea ferata, isi doreste sa ii gaseasca casuta. El nu o poate tine, nici el nu are un loc al lui šŸ˜Ŗ
Noi nu mai avem cm sa o luam, e cineva de aici care ne poate ajuta cu cazare temporara? Ne ocupam noi de cheltuieli!

Va rog mult, ajutati-ne sa ajutam! šŸ™šŸ˜Ŗ

Lui Rossy i-am gasit casuta, insa o alta pisicuta a fost abandonata in zona cu birouri, unde nu este in siguranta, si su...

Lui Rossy i-am gasit casuta, insa o alta pisicuta a fost abandonata in zona cu birouri, unde nu este in siguranta, si suntem in situatia in care lansam un nou apel pentru cazare temporara, caci de data aceasta chiar nu gasim nici un locsor unde sa o ducem šŸ˜Ŗ

Va fi sterilizata zilele urmatoare, ne ocupam noi de tot ce inseamna veterinar si hrana, poate stiti pe cineva care ne poate ajuta cu fosterul sau adoptie šŸ™ā¤

Last days of October we went to Orașul BĂLAN (where we have an annual spaying campaign) to talk and work on animal welfa...

Last days of October we went to Orașul BĂLAN (where we have an annual spaying campaign) to talk and work on animal welfare with a few NGOs from Romania and with the administration there. We were invited by Red Panda Romania and FDSC (Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile) to take part of the In Stare de Bine program, powered by Kaufland Romania. It was great to meet talented and pasional people from NGOs trying to make the world around them a little bit better - Code4Romania, Asociatia Copii pentru Viitor, , Fundatia Regala Margareta a Romaniei, Mioritics, Asociatia EDIT, Asociația Prietenia Copsa Mica, Romanian Youth Movement for Democracy, MTB Academy, Teach for Romania, Asociatia Techsoup Romania
We also talked to the administrative representatives and we hope that the future will bring better things for animals in Bălan. They are part of our community as well.
Of course, our Pufi was the star of the workshop - he also helped in presenting one of the strategies which included stray and family animals projects.


Ultimele zile din octombrie ne-au prins la Bălan, unde, la invitația FDSC și Red Panda RomĆ¢nia am participat la un workshop despre comunitate și implicare și unde am Ć®ncercat să vorbim cĆ¢t de bine am putut despre situația animalelor din oraș, cu și fără familii, despre cm poate fi aceasta Ć®mbunătățită, despre cum, ajutĆ¢nd animalele, ajutăm de fapt, oamenii din Bălan. Am făcut chiar și un mic plan de bătaie și, astfel, poate că viitorul nu va mai fi atĆ¢t de sumbru.


Nicole, her little protege, Pip and Pufi ā¤ļø. From a feral cat to the most loving and welcoming cat for all fosters - this is Nicole. We are looking for a home for this white, 1 year old girl - preferably with another cat, because she loves company. And preferably without children, as she gets scared easily of noises and sudden moves.


Not easy being the big sister for the new foster kitty - Nicole (white) and Pip.
Both cats are rescues and are in foster at my (Cristina) place. I was a bit afraid when I introduced them to each but it was unbelievable - they got along from the first second (literally)!
Pip will soon go home, but Nicole is atill looking for her forever family. Given on how well ahe reacts to cats, we are looking for a family that already has a cat and wants a friend for him/ her. Nicole is just a bit over 1 year old and she is in perfect health. Ahe is a bit afraid of people, she takes time to know new persons, but she is just perfect for a relaxed home.


Good morning with Nicole (white) and Pip (colored) ā¤ļø
The best days start with watching these two playing - they only met each other yesterday and they go along so well! If people would be more like cats!

Yukka was found and he is safe and sound at home šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ā¤ā¤ā¤ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøMISSING ~ Surhuisterveen FrieslandOur dear friend Wiranda l...

Yukka was found and he is safe and sound at home šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ā¤ā¤ā¤

ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøMISSING ~ Surhuisterveen Friesland

Our dear friend Wiranda lost her dog Jukka. We can only imagine what she and Jukka are going through, so if you happen to be in the area where he is lost - Surhuusterveen Friesland - please keep an eye on him!

ā€¼ļøIf you see Jukka, please do not chase after him as he is anxious but call šŸ“ž one of the numbers on the flyer immediately!


Nicole- for adoption, but also learning some kitchen basic skills until then
NIcole is just a bit over 1 year old. She loves other cats, she is a bit shy with people (but we are alao working on this), healthy and happy. Ready to go home, to a family who (preferably) has other cat(s).


Strada 1 Decembrie



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Happy Tails.

(EN/ RO)

Happy Tails is a team of 2, Cami and Cristina, doing our best to help stray animals in Romania. We are not an NGO, nor affiliated to an NGO, just normal people, trying to save animals in our spare time, between jobs and family. We do this because we are tired and depressed of seeing homeless animals on the streets in Romania, almost all the time abused.

We focus our efforts in 3 directions:

- spay and neuter campaigns in Balan/ Romania (and in other locations if we have funds). This is where Cami is from and where no other organization works for animal welfare.