#GroomersGala #GroomingArt #RomanianGroomers #Nominalizati #Câștigători
Prima Gală a Groomerilor din România! 🎉
Aplauze pentru toți groomerii români! Talentul și pasiunea voastră transformă această meserie într-o adevărată artă. Datorită vouă, acest eveniment a devenit posibil și a lăsat o amprentă de neuitat! ✨
Mulțumim că ați făcut din această seară o amintire memorabilă! 🙌
Ne revedem la următoarea ediție!
#GroomersGala #GroomingArt #RomanianGroomers #Nominalizati #Câștigători
Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄✨
May your holidays be filled with joy and your New Year brings plenty of success in the grooming world.
We wish you a fabulous 2025 with amazing achievements! 🎉
#MasterGroomRomania #MerryChristmas #HappyHolidays #PetGroomingShow #2025Goals
All grooming enthusiasts💫Get READY to be inspired ➡MASTER GROOM ROMANIA 2024
Save the date! ❤3 August, 2024
#dog #grooming #groom #groomingdog #groomingart #GroomingEvent #GroomingProfessionals
MASTER GROOM ROMANIA 2024 where passion meets dog grooming art🎉 Save the date🎊3 August 2024➡️ #grooming #groomingevent #groomingdog
Numaratoare inversa, emotii constructive!
Clock is ticking, competition brings growth!
You're not in competition with anyone....you know your value....you run your own race.
You're not trying to be better than anyone else...just know your limits!
You want to assess your limits...to evolve...to be better than you were before....
This is You...and you are the Competitor in this Competition!!!
It's all about you...and with you!!...
We look forward to seeing you!
Amalia Ceausu, Catalin Neagu and Corina Betina!
Umberto Lehmann
Emilia Díaz
@Chiara Piccionetti
Attila Kovacs
Artero Pet Care
Animal Magic Award Winning Groomers
Special Dog Grooming
Grooming by Catalin Neagu
.#mastergroomromania #groomingcompetition #growyourself #groomingromania #bucuresti #poole #justgrooming #bichonfrise
#foxterrier #petslove #lovewhatyoudo
#mastergroomromania #groomingcompetition #groomingisanart #groomingshow #dogpro #arteropetcare #dogsconnectingpeople