D D O G adoptions

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We have been carefully watching the new updates set to come into effect this week regarding the compulsory microchipping of cats, with interest.

It was us, who, with much concern contacted defra to ask what has been put in place for cats who are handed in as strays, be they missing, stolen, lost or feral, with regards to the holding time period that is in place for dogs for owners to find them if they are not chipped.

With dogs it is 7 days. After that they can be rehomed or euthanised and the owner loses all ownership rights.

We expected to be told that this had been carefully considered and that it was going to be the same as it is for dogs….

However it has been confirmed that whilst defra are expecting major rehoming organisations to give the standard 7 day claiming period to cats that they give to dogs, this is NOT going to be a requirement.
There are no requirements in place for holding times for cats.

We are thankful that Vet Times has picked up on our concerns and raised awareness in the article below.


This just shows us yet again that pet owners are not aware that there are practices that should be in place which aren’t, which could very easily let them and their beloved pets down in the worst way possible.

Make sure your cats are chipped and please make sure your contact details and phone numbers on their chips are up to date and in full working order and we suggest logging your cats chip numbers with your vet practices.

This could save their life.

Please get in touch if you’d like us to put you in touch with the chip companies we work with who support .

We will of course continue talking to defra about this as it appears that at a government level no consideration has been given to the fact that there will be cats whose data is not registered or out of date and whilst dogs are given a grace period for owners to be found.. cats are not.

Thank you all.

Sue & Dawn


Can we ask ALL rescues and ALL pet owners to email us at

[email protected]

who have had their rescue animals and pets euthanised since 20 May 2021 and:-

the Back Up registration ignored,

the animal not scanned prior to euthanasia (this can be confirmed by your microchip database provider)


presented by a person not registered on the microchip


in any scenario the vet refusing to speak to you.

Thank You

Dawn and Sue
Tuks Law - Scan Me



Sharing costs nothing but can still raise donations for animal rescues without costing you a penny.
This weekend a post was shared to Fundraising and Rehoming for Cyprus rescues and in just 3 days they have raised £52.00 in donations. This is just an example of one rescue and the power of sharing a post.
Photo courtesy of customer Louise Lilley of her gorgeous little dog Albert in his safety XXS three strap harness. Louise raised £5.00 for her dogs charity with the purchase of this harness.


We’ve all seen the articles and posts telling us that pet abandonment is rising.

We’ve seen the comments to surrender them to a rescue centres.

‼️‼️‼️‼️ NEWS FLASH ‼️‼️‼️‼️

Rescue centres are closing their doors. There are no spaces and the lives of many pets are at risk of euthanasia because there are too many pets and not enough spaces to keep them alive.

Many of these pets are pandemic born and have socialisation issues, behaviour problems, the owners have no time, no patience, no money or there’s been a change in personal circumstances and they desperately want to keep their dog but are unable too and are looking for a rescue space.

So what do we do????

Do we sit back on social media and talk about how unjust the situation is???

No what we do is become proactive and demand the government make breeders accountable for the pups they supply and start supporting grass roots rescue centres who are picking up the animals that the larger organisations won’t touch.

Cherry picking when lives are at risk is not how animal welfare should be seen to be operating.

Please write to your MP and explain what’s happening. Tell them that a year ago Victoria Prentis promised us that this situation was under constant review and it clearly isn’t.

Your MP can be found on this link 👇 tell them to talk to us.


Don’t let anymore pets die in the unnecessary and preventable way those in our photo did.




We are urgently looking for cross posters who can help our petition and the DEFRA consultation reach as many individuals and groups as possible.

This week alone we have been told of more dogs at risk of euthanasia and it has to stop happening.

6 month old puppy - aggression.

2 year old GSD - fighting with another resident dog.

Dog presented for euthanasia as owner not willing to support ongoing veterinarian treatment.

Large rescue organisation suggested PTS for a young dog with a treatable skin condition.

2 pups emaciated and chained and at risk of euthanasia.

10k signatures secures a government response. 2 people can sign from 1 email address using same postcode.

Petition Link 👇


Consultation Link 👇 (please also see pinned post).


We also have a private members bill being presented to Westminster for its 2nd reading that we would appreciate everyone asking their MP to support.

Thank You

Dawn and Sue

We highly recommend this three point harness for rescue s safety

We highly recommend this three point harness for rescue s safety

Sharing costs nothing but can still raise donations for animal rescues without costing you a penny.
This weekend a post was shared to Fundraising and Rehoming for Cyprus rescues and in just 3 days they have raised £52.00 in donations. This is just an example of one rescue and the power of sharing a post.
Photo courtesy of customer Louise Lilley of her gorgeous little dog Albert in his safety XXS three strap harness. Louise raised £5.00 for her dogs charity with the purchase of this harness.


Today is 👅

Not every pet is lucky enough to have a loving owner. Many dogs are living in appalling conditions in backyards, in abusive households or in shelters. Many cats are surviving on the streets, born wild or are awaiting adoption in rescues.

But there is yet another group of pets who have been abandoned through a death, financial hardship or neglect.

These pets display a range of coping strategies which often lead to their deaths.

These pets don’t lose their lives because of their behaviour but due to human failures.

But how many, where, how and by who?

Please help us reach Westminster and let’s find out why so many are being failed and how many healthy and treatable animals are euthanised each year.



Vets are reporting higher than usual occurrenced of gastroenteritis in dogs which is fitting with a wider phenomenon as reported by The Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET). So far we have found that the cases seen- whilst clearly being poorly- have responded well to treatment.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) advise that with prompt veterinary treatment almost all dogs make a full recovery from this uncommonly violent gastric bug.

How Is This Vomiting Bug Different?
According to Vet Dr Danielle Greenberg of SAVSNET, this vomiting bug is unusual due to:

Prolific vomiting of 5 or more episodes in a 12 hour period which can stop for a period (such as overnight) and then starts again
Dogs are often unable to keep water down at peak vomiting stage
Anorexia and lethargy for 2-5 days
Diarrhoea: Most dogs have ‘gravy-like’ diarrhoea
Full recovery can take 5-10 days

What We Know So Far:
This outbreak is affecting areas across the Midlands, Wales, the North of England and Northern Ireland
The illness is most likely a virus but has not yet been identified.
Seems to be dog-specific, thankfully humans don’t appear to be at risk.
This is not caused by Parvo or Salmonella


Please don't give tennis (or that size of any toys) balls to big dogs anyway!


It is quite clear that there are organisations and individuals who are:-

1) stating this consultation to increase the minimum age of imported pups to 6 months is non-rescue - that is not true and could result in people not completing the consultation as they are being led to believe it is not necessary.

2) believe the possibility of any loophole is enough of a reason to ban all imports within the areas addressed in the consultation. (Minimum 6 month importation age of puppy, cropped ears, docked tails).

There is an option to email the relevant department 👇

[email protected]

Please also include your MP in this email to send a clear message to DEFRA and associated organisations/individuals that to prevent rescue puppies and dogs from accessing a safe home in the U.K., via responsible rescue organisations, will be the catalyst for an animal welfare disaster.

Locate your MP 👇


Online Consultation Link 👇


Thank You for continuing to support our rescues.


❤️attention team tuk❤️

Firstly we want to say thank you.
Every single one of you who has joined this page with good intentions who wants to help- has helped.

Following on from the queens speech Tuks Law was mentioned in defras action plan for animal welfare. The same day we received an e mail requesting an important meeting which we were only too happy to join!!

As a direct result of our Tuks law campaign, with effect from 20th May 2021 with the full joint support of DEFRA, the RCVS and the BVA, the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct was updated for the very first time to reflect the absolute need to include scanning of microchips and our campaign has successfully requested that it apply prior to euthanasia to save lives.

We have opened the door that needed to budge in order to bring in change and we are so proud that in just 2 1/2 years, we have paved the way for animals lives to be more secure and protected. This especially applies to rescues as rescue back up will now be honoured as it it should be.

Scanning of microchips has much been ignored until now, until we highlighted rbu and euthanasia and the unnecessary loss of life these failures were causing. Thankfully, those who were able to change this listened to us, agree with us, congratulated us on our brilliant campaign and the rest, as they say, is history.

We have worked so, so hard for this and we aren’t finished yet. With all of your help our petition reached a whopping 121,166 signatures which qualified us for consideration of a parliamentary debate.

This week we heard that our debate will go ahead and our day in Westminster for is set for 28th June.

So now we need all 121,166 of you to please contact your mp and ask them to attend in support of on that day.

Our successful campaign is already part way there but there are other things that need addressing and we aren’t going anywhere!!

We already have the backing of defra, the rcvs and the BVA as a start as well as the national press, the kennel club, 2 microchip companies, PetScanner and MyPet but we do really need your mps to get involved now with the debate, in favour of .

This is what we all worked so hard for and shared, so whilst we have already achieved part of what we want to happen, we want to see the rest happen now too!!!

Everything we have done has been with Tuk and every poor, beautiful animal who lost their life as a direct result of unnecessary premature euthanasia in our hearts and our minds. These animals will not get their happy ever afters. They will never go home. They will never again know the love that is still there for them all because their deaths happened when they could have been avoided.

We have made sure that safeguards are now in place that will prevent more losing their lives and also that should any vet in the U.K., in any sitting, NOT adhere to the rcvs code of conduct regarding Tukslaw, they will be subject to a possible misconduct complaint which is something that has also happened because of our work.

So now we ask you all once again to help us get the word out there. E mail your mps, call them, tweet them, but please do contact them and ask them, as your representative to please attend on 28th June in support of .

We attach below a link you can use to find your mps details. We do also have a guide letter you can use (please contact us if you’d like it mailed to you). We can also tell you how many signed the petition in your constituency so you can let your mp know that their support is requested by many!!!

We can’t thank you all enough for the immense support, help and love you have all showed us, our rescues and owners and their beloved animals but we sincerely hope that in all we do, you all see, we are doing it for you all and whilst our hearts break with each animal and each rescue we hear has gone through such dreadfully sad losses, it inspires us more to keep going and keep going we will.

Please do let us know when you get replies!!

Sue, Dawn & Dominic xx


[email protected]

We wish you a VERY Happy New Year !💝

We wish you a VERY Happy New Year !💝


Are you a dog trainer, behaviour consultant or dog training enthusiast?



Please copy and paste and send to your local MP asking for their support for Tuks Law.

MP letter:-



I am writing to make you aware of the government e-petition called which I am happy to report has recently received over 100,000 signatures in under 5 months. This petition is now eligible for debate and I hope you can confirm your attendance when the date has been released.

Tuk was a young rescue dog who was euthanised whilst having full rescue back up, dual registered contact details registered on his microchip and was presented by an individual who was not his registered keeper.

Although his death prompted the petition during the past 18 months the reported number of unnecessary euthanasias of healthy and treatable animals, and in particular rescue animals with rescue back up registered on the microchip, has grown alarmingly. This is clearly an area in the microchip system which is failing and has not been acknowledged as such previously.

As my MP I am requesting you write to the DEFRA Minister George Eustice MP and Zac Goldsmith the Minister of State for Animal Welfare and urge them to make important changes to the existing microchip legislation in support of Tuks Law. I believe that mandatory scanning of microchips prior to the euthanasia of a healthy/treatable animal is the only preventative measure to stop animals being unnecessarily euthanised.

Tuks Law have received confirmation from the Royal College of Veterinarian Surgeons that veterinarians are not obliged to scan prior to euthanasia nor confirm that the person presenting the animal and signing the consent to euthanise form is registered on the microchip. This is unacceptable.

Rescue organisations, responsible breeders and pet owners register their information on the microchip as a secondary contact to protect their animals in times of vulnerability and it is unacceptable that this is not being acknowledged.

Together we must strongly challenge the government and DEFRA. We must support a positive outcome to keep all our animals safe and ensure that the rescue back up contact details on microchips are honoured and acted upon and that keeper details are confirmed on the original database.

I look forward to your early reply and trust that the response will fully address both the rescue back/dual registration contact details on microchips and all the Tuks Law petition concerns.


Best wishes

Locate your local MP here:-



Pet owners have been warned to be extra vigilant.


The x-ray on the left is of a foxtail tract that was injected with contrast medium to show just how far a foxtail can travel. The lesion between the toes of the foot on the bottom right is how these tracts will look to the naked eye. This is a great example of just how far foxtails can migrate in tissues. Thank you to Dr. Andrew Grange from Veterinary Surgical Centers in Berkeley for this amazing x-ray.


Harley needs his place in a loving family s hearts ASAP !
He s a Mioritic mix and since November 2018 he s back from a failed adoption without his fault and didn't deserves to stay in ,,jail,,


Sheba needs a loving family soon !!💖🍀💖


Sheba is 4-5 years old and despite her ordeal all she wants is love 💖
She kiss the vets hands and would do everything to please humans ...
Available probably in june after full recovery 💖🍀💖





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