🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸
Activitati de seara😍😍😍
2 baietei si 1 fetita in cautare de parinti, va rugam pentru detalii pm❤️
Evening activities😍😍😍
2 boys and 1 girl looking for parents, for detailes please pm❤️
Crystal is whishing you a wonderful evening😍😍😍
Iubita frumoasa Charlotte❤️❤️❤️
Our beautiful love Charlotte❤️❤️❤️
🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸
Adorabilul COSMO in cautare de parinti la 6 saptamani😍😍😍
Our adorable COSMO in search of hos parents at 6 weeks old😍😍😍 #crescatorautorizat #felisamainecoon #mainecoonromania #mainecoonkitten #pisoimainecoon #pedigreemainecoon
🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸
COSMO adorabilul nostru de 6 saptamani, gata de plecare in martie asteapta familia potrivita care sa l iubeasca❤️❤️❤️
Our adorable COSMO is waiting for his perfect, loving family❤️❤️❤️ #crescatorautorizat #felisamainecoon #mainecoonkitten #pedigreemainecoon
🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸
COSMO baietelul nostru perfect😍😍😍, este perfect in tot🥰 , forma capului, profilul, temperamentul prietenos si jucaus, culoarea black silver tabby cu desen clasic,un baietel de vis de 6 saptamani ce poate fi luat acasa in martie , trebuie doar sa intrebati🥰🥰🥰
COSMO our perfect little boy😍😍😍, hes really perfect in every way🥰, head shape, profile, temperament, black silver tabby classic patern, a dream boy at 6 weeks old and ... he can be taken home in March you just have to ask🥰🥰🥰
🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸
Superbul nostru CAPITAN in cautare de parinti 😍, nascut pe 28 noiembrie, culoare black high silver tabby, va fi gata de plecare in luna martie. Este pur si simplu o incantare❤️, va asteptam cu mesaj pentru detalii❤️❤️❤️
Our gorgeous CAPTAIN is looking for his family😍, born on Nov 28, black high silver color, will be ready to leave in March. He is simply a dream boy❤️, for detailes please pm❤️❤️❤️
🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸
Va prezentam baietelul nostru cel mai nazdravan, COSMO😍, doar 4 saptamani si multa personalitate deja, va stam la dispozitie cu detalii❤️❤️❤️
Everybody meet our cutest boy COSMO 😍 just 4 weeks old and full of beans already, feel free to ask about him❤️❤️❤️
🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸 va ureaza un Craciun linistit si binecuvantat❤️❤️❤️
🌸Sofia's MagicLands🌸 is whishing you a Happy and Merry Christmas❤️❤️❤️
Frumoasa noastra Brigitte netulburata de zarva expozitiei😍😍😍 , inca disponibila❤️❤️❤️
Mishu and Bessie been to the best groomer who made them look even more gorgeous❤️❤️❤️
Sofia's MagicLands
this girl has such beautiful, big dark green eyes!! She is a high siver black tortie color with beautiful Maine C**n facial features, she is a little over 2 months old now and waiting for a home, pm if interested❤️❤️❤️ #mainecoon #mainecoonkittens #puimainecoon #pedigreemainecoon