Her name is Amza – she is a very old and sick cat who was abandoned probably because she is too old and sick. She was found just in time, before the weather became very cold and she wouldn’t have had any chance to survive outside. I took her in and went directly to the vet because she was very thin (her weight was only 1.7 kg) and not a good general state .
And indeed she was in need of medical care. She was admitted to the vet and multiple tests were performed. She was hypertensive, she had hepatic problems, kidney issues and on top on everything she has Hyperthyroidism. So she started treatment, she stood in accomodation at the vet office for 2 weeks and she was stabilized.
Amza responded well to the treatment and started to eat very well . She is very sweet and funny, with a bit strange behavior with people (she likes to be near people but she doesn’t like to be held in someone’s arms . haha ).
Her recovery came with high costs that we need to cover: 2320 lei for the vet office treatment. In the next period of time she must be supervised and blood tests regularly checked. But she is worth it, I am telling you! She is an amazing cat!
Any support for Amza’s treatment is highly appreciated
Thank you
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor CARPE
IBAN RON : RO24INGB 0000999906335258
IBAN EUR: RO23INGB 0000999906360496
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