Gasiti acum, din intamplare, lasati sa moara.
Trebuie hraniti cu biberonul.
Daca aveti o pisicuta care alapteaza, sau orice alta posibilitate de a ajuta, va rugam sa ne scrieti
I stopped to check a very small doggie lying on the edge of the street, hoping she is alive.. Unfortunatly, she was not. And she was such a small doggie.
But what I hear from a few meters in the bushes..Them.. I dont know for how long they agave been here. They are cold and I think hungry..
I don't know what to do with them as I don't have time to feed them every hour 😭😭
We are searching for solutions for them. Until then we need to buy special milk, take them to the vet or find foster care for them
Thank you!
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor
CARPE CUI : 36353674
IBAN RON : RO24INGB 0000999906335258
IBAN EUR: RO23INGB 0000999906360496
SWIFT : INGBROBU // BIC: 606410008
Paypal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0728303952 (@cristiji5o)
In a world where kindness reigns,
And where love dissolves all pains,
There's a place where creatures smile,
CARPE’S place, mile after mile.
Happy dogs with wagging tails,
Cats purring as love prevails,
A cow grazes, serene and mild,
Rabbits hop, they’re all my childs.
In CARPE's garden they find home,
A sanctuary where they're roam,
Safe place, food, water clear,
In this haven, there's no fear.
So let's cherish this bond we’ve got,
With happiness, love and caring hearts
And in the garden of life, let's take our part.
Spic got his blood transfusion today. He is such a mild boy. ❤️
In the first comment you can see his blood donor, in case you miss seeing her :)
(the one and only...Kasi)
If you can help SPIC, please don't hesitate! Any small donation can make a difference
I am in need of help to keep going on and helping SPIC
Thank you!
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor
CARPE CUI : 36353674
IBAN RON : RO24INGB 0000999906335258
IBAN EUR: RO23INGB 0000999906360496
SWIFT : INGBROBU // BIC: 606410008
Paypal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0728303952 (@cristiji5o)
Noi dupa ce mancam, ne spalam :)
Pisicile Carpe - toate culorile, varstele si personalitatile intr-un video .
Toate abandonate, dar pe rand salvate, ingrijite si rasfatate.
Ar merita fiecare casa sa, dar cele mai multe au ajuns deja la maturitate, iar adoptia este o optiune din ce in ce mai indepartata pentru ele.
Pana le loveste norocul si cineva se indragoste iremediabil de vreuna, ele apreciaza grija pe care le-a purtam si ne multumesc cm stiu ele mai bine.
Au tot ce le trebuie, le mai lipseste doar omul lor.
Pentru toate cele necesare, donatiile pentru ele sunt cu drag primite:
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor
CARPE CUI : 36353674
IBAN RON : RO24INGB 0000999906335258
IBAN EUR: RO23INGB 0000999906360496
SWIFT : INGBROBU // BIC: 606410008
Paypal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0728303952 (@cristiji5o)
Va multumim!
Kids playing, when is nice and warm 😊
My baby Kasi today 🥰. Still at the vet clinic but on the good track :) . Soon she will start changing her teeth, she is chewing all she can find 😅...although she has her own bone as gift from the doctors 😅
Baiku, unul dintre mosuletii din CARPE, care primeste zilnic conserva pt ca nu prea poate sa mestece bobite.
Curand trebuie sa mergem la un control dentar ... 😊😅
Cand ti-e foame si nu stii cm sa ii spui lu' ma-ta sa se miste mai repede cu mancarea aia...
Nu stiu de ce am avut un feeling ca trebuie sa merg pana la Maxipet astazi. Ca nu era in plan deloc...Dar m-am ea e ce am gasit in parcarea/benzinaria din parcare. O amaraciune. Slaba uscata. Timida. Blana unsuroasa. Dar niste ochi atat de blanzi 😔
I didn't know why I had the feeling I needed to go to Maxipet today. It wasn't in my schedule. But I went. And I found her in the parking lot. Skinny as she can be. Shy. But look at those eyes.
Rescuing is a never ending story. And we need constant help to keep going.
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor CARPE
CUI: 36353674
IBAN EUR: RO23INGB 0000999906360496
IBAN RON: RO24INGB 0000999906335258
Paypal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0728303952
3 days ago somebody dumped this female dog where the village ends. She is so skinny that she moves a bit strange. And around her neck is that thing hanging and makes her keep her head down all the time. She is in poor condition and looks so sad and afraid, she breaks my heart. My mission is to manage to catch her. But she is afraid of people and runs. I feed her for 3 days and today i managed to get closer. Maybe i get lucky in the next days, i really want to save her until cold is coming. And to take out that thing around her neck :(