Scoala🎓🩺 nu doar distractie faina, la .
(btw partyul are tema Gotica 🕸️, ca sa stiț’ din timp, sa va pregtiț’ 🧛🏻♀️).
Lisette este un internist veteran, printre primii specialisti din Europa, cu experienta in clinica privata (unde e si asociat), axata pe rezolvarea problemelor. Este implicata in apararea profesiei in comisia nationala de deontologie a Olandei, de la Haga si de 30 ani course master al cursului ESAVS de med int din Utrecht.
Ea si Erik au facut din acest curs probabil cea mai solida scoala postuniversitara de medicina din Europa.
Pentru mine este un dublu erou, profesional, specialist practician din privat, trateaza zilnic cazuri dificile de second opinion, fara umbrela protectiva a mediului academic si un erou al dreptatii profesionale cu sute de cazuri in comisia de deontologie, in care s-a luptat pentru dreptatea profesionala.
Skills: gandire critica, abordare matematica a cazurilor, neuro- & gastrologie, pasionata EKGuri.
Mai multe info, lectori, program si inscrieri aici:
Lisette Overduin is a veterinary specialist in companion animal internal medicine and a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicin. She graduated in 1984, then gained general experience through short and longer working relationships in companion animals.
Subsequently she did an exploratory internship at the department of internal medicine at Ohio State University in the United States. After her return to the Netherlands, she started training as a specialist in Utrecht, which was completed in September 1989. From January 1990 to September 1994, she subsequently conducted a doctoral research in patients with epilepsy, leading to the thesis 'Slow- release Phenytoin in Canine Epilepsy'. Partly because of this PhD research, she has a strong interest in dogs and cats with epilepsy and she regularly gives lectures on this subject. She has been working in the practice since January 1, 1990 and together with Hans van Herpen one of the founders of the clinic.
In addition to her practice-related activities, she is also active in other areas within and outside veterinary medicine. She was a member of the board of the Veterinary Specialists Group, was part of the editorial board of the Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde for 9 years and is now a member of the editorial board of the Veterinary Memorandum.
She lectures extensively through various organizations and for pharmaceutical industries and has been a teacher and course leader of the Internal Medicine course at the European School of Veterinary Advanced Studies since 1993. Teaching is a passion, especially because of the contact with students / colleagues, the feedback this gives and because of the continuous need to be busy with in- service training to achieve a good lecture.