70 dogs from private shelter in Dambovita county,Romania needs your help

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  • 70 dogs from private shelter in Dambovita county,Romania needs your help

70 dogs from private shelter in Dambovita county,Romania needs your help 400 dogs lived in a good shelter until their caretaker's money ran out and everything was uncertain. Then Mrs. But every time Mrs. And so the 400 dogs stayed.

This is the true story of a wonderful lady from Romania and the dogs and other animals she saved! This story begins almost 15 years ago, when Mrs Bogza bought land and built a small cottage where she decided to bring her dogs from the mountain to have them near Bucharest. It was to be a quiet place where family could enjoy the countryside for weekends and holidays. Bogza kindly helped a lady look

ing for a place where to house 200 dogs saved from streets by renting her a land helping with fencing. Bogza travelled from Bucharest to Butimanu, she saw many abandoned dogs and cats. She couldn’t just drive by the old and sick, or the young puppies and kittens in danger. So she started to build paddocks also on her land. In 2013 the Romanian government started to kill the strays in barbaric way the strays who’s only fault was to be abandoned. In time, Mrs.Bogza had saved nearly 400 dogs. Early attempts to adopt out animals were problematic, and Mrs. Bogza heard bad misinformation on sending dogs abroad. For almost 8 years, Mrs.Bogza cared and fed over 400 dogs without asking a penny !!! She spent all her family savings to pay the workers from this shelter and a smaller shelter she created in Bucharest, buying food and paying vet care for all the animals she saved, registering, spaying/neutering and vaccinated all the dogs from shelter without asking for help! She also created the SEMPER FIDELIS DOMUS , a non profit association. Targeted in an estate battle over her late husband's estate, Mrs. Bogza was in a desperate situation. Little by little, help came. The smaller shelter was taken on by wonderful friends from Lippstadter Pfotenhilfe Germany, so 70 dogs and 40 cats were saved! (These friends still share their food donations with the Butimanu shelter and help care for special needs dogs). The main shelter in Butimanu struggled on. Then came help: Supporters from the U.K. found adopters for many dogs. Three dogs even went to Sweden! Some financial support came from the U.S. And then some miracles from Germany: A pair of dynamic women started arranging transfers to Germany shelters which could find dogs. And then a woman representing an organization in Germany not only helped place dogs, but began renting paddocks in Butimanu for its own rescue efforts! Thanks to all these efforts, the dogs at Butimanu now number only 120! But even with all this support, more is needed. The money coming in does not entirely cover the cost of food, workers and utilities. The paddocks are becoming old and need costly repairs. Just last year, an epidemic of heartworm overtook the shelter, requiring significant funds to test and treat. Most of all, our remaining dogs need sponsors and donors. As more adoptable dogs leave, the ones that are left are the old, the special needs, the ones who are so understandably still afraid of humans. We are so close to finding a happy ending for the Buimantu dogs. Won't you help? PLEASE HELP MRS.BOGZA FIND A HAPPY ENDING FOR THE BUTIMANU DOGS!!! ANYTHING YOU CAN SPARE WILL BRING US CLOSER TO THIS GOAL!!!

Amazing news for Christmas 🎄☃️❄️🐶🐾🙏Thank you Nicole Eichler, all the wonderful people at Tierheim Pfungstadt Cate Elsten...

Amazing news for Christmas 🎄☃️❄️🐶🐾🙏
Thank you Nicole Eichler, all the wonderful people at Tierheim Pfungstadt Cate Elsten, Pusa Bogza
Dolly and Dora, two 8-year old dogs from Semper Fidelis Domus in Romania will be travelling to Germany at the beginning of February 🎉🎄.

❤️🐾🐶👏T H A N K   Y O U 👏🐶🐾❤️THANK YOU to everyone who took part in our recent fundraiser for food. From this we raised £...

❤️🐾🐶👏T H A N K Y O U 👏🐶🐾❤️

THANK YOU to everyone who took part in our recent fundraiser for food. From this we raised £275.00 - and another thank you here to Anthony O'Callaghan for the great top up donation making a total of £300.00 👏❤️👏!
THANK YOU to all of the people who signed up quite some time ago to our “£2 Monthly Appeal” - the donations raised from October 2021-November 2022 are £473.00 👏❤️👏! This just proves that no donation is ever too small and that “little by little, a little becomes a lot” ❤️❤️. Further thanks here to Kathy Barrett who very kindly takes care of this for us ❤️🙏.
Finally, THANKS to Sue Ellis-Nixon, Jo Akturk and Jill Brown who have also raised another £100.00 by giving so much time to set up stalls at weekends in various locations to sell items at Fetes and Fairs. 🐶❤️👏
The TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED IS AN AMAZING £873.00 which has now been transferred to the Shelter 🎉❤️. This money will ensure a good delivery of food and medical and other supplies needed for the elderly dogs at SFD.
We cannot thank everyone enough - too many to mention individually, but your ongoing support throughout the year is priceless and so very much appreciated. ❤️🙏🐾🐶❤️

❤️🐾🙏 PLEASE vote - it is in German but very easy to follow - just add your email address and then verify it in the email...

❤️🐾🙏 PLEASE vote - it is in German but very easy to follow - just add your email address and then verify it in the email you will receive - Tierheim Pfungstadt really deserve this - they have worked wonders with so many dogs and do some amazing work with the elderly dogs from 70 dogs from private shelter in Dambovita county,Romania - without them so many dogs would not now have the chance of a home and a much better life! PLEASE vote for them 🙏🐾❤️

Neben unseren Vermittlungstieren beherbergen wir auch unsere sogenannten "Ägidekatzen". Diese Katzen, stehen unter unserem fürsorglichen Sch

Remember Elsa from SFD? The Grandma who arrived in Germany after many years in the shelter, then immediately had an oper...

Remember Elsa from SFD? The Grandma who arrived in Germany after many years in the shelter, then immediately had an operation on her leg from which she recovered well and all tests were fine?
This was her looking well and happy at Tierheim Herzprung following her op:
Well, Grandma Elsa is about to have the most comfortable, loving and warm Winter of her life! She has now been adopted and has a fantastic new home. A million thanks to Nicole Eichler, Danny Josenhans, Cate Elsten, Pusa Bogza the amazing Tierheim Herzsprung and the wonderful people (and doggie companion) who have made all Elsa’s dreams come true at last ❤️🙏🐾❤️.
Be happy Elsa - you are home now 💕

Heute habe ich auch noch wunderschöne Nachrichten für euch, denn unser Ömchen Elsa konnte diese Woche in ihr neues Zuhause umziehen 💟🥳💟...

Wir freuen uns so sehr, das unsere süße Elsa zum ersten mal in ihrem Leben nun auch erfahren darf, wie schön ein eigenes liebevolles und behütetes Zuhause ist. Bei ihrer neuen Familie kann Elsa nun ganz entspannt ihren Lebensabend genießen und viele schöne Dinge erleben, was ihr bisher nicht möglich war. So kann sie voller Freude den heimischen Garten erkunden, neugierig durch die Natur mit ihren Menschen streifen, ausgiebig mit ihren Zweibeinern kuscheln und sogar das gemütliche Bett darf sie mit ihrem neuen Frauchen teilen ☺️. Mit den anderen 3 Hunden der Verwandschaft versteht sich Elsa auch bestens und hat so auch bereits neue Kumpels gefunden 💖.
Ihr neues Frauchen hat uns auch bereits ein paar Schnappschüsse von Elsa geschickt und schon bald bekommen wir die nächsten Grüße, sobald sich Elsa vollständig eingelebt hat in ihrem neuen Zuhause...

Wir möchten uns vom ganzen Herzen bei dem neuen Frauchen von Elsa bedanken, das sie der tollen Hundeoma ein liebevolles Zuhause geschenkt hat und ihr so noch einige wunderschöne Jahre schenkt 💗💓💗

❤️ Wonderful news ❤️For those of you who follow the SFD shelter dogs, you may also be aware of our ‘American arm’ - star...

❤️ Wonderful news ❤️
For those of you who follow the SFD shelter dogs, you may also be aware of our ‘American arm’ - started by Cate Elsten - Always Loyal Dog Rescue. So we are sharing some breaking news which is truly heartwarming. With the help of our dear friend Daniela in Germany, six more elderly dogs now have an entirely new life, with all the comfort they have never known before and lots of love and affection, in Jenny’s ‘Place of Grace’ forever home. Thank you to everyone involved who has made this possible ❤️🙏
If you want to know more about the valuable work Always Loyal Dog Rescue are doing, please visit their website at https://www.alwaysloyaldogrescue.org/

Update on Sammy from SFD - small steps one day at a time, with help from wonderful people ❤️

Update on Sammy from SFD - small steps one day at a time, with help from wonderful people ❤️

Cindy and Jazzy from SFD, settling in at Tierheim Pfungstadt and enjoying so many of the things that we take for granted...

Cindy and Jazzy from SFD, settling in at Tierheim Pfungstadt and enjoying so many of the things that we take for granted for our dogs. But for these SFD dogs it is often the first time they have been for a walk on grass or had the space to move around freely and receive individual attention and affection.
Thank you to all involved, we say those words such a lot, but this truly means the world to everyone involved with Semper Fidelis Domus 🙏❤️x
Nicole Eichler ❤️


Cindy and Jazzy from SFD, settling in at Tierheim Pfungstadt enjoying so many of the things that we take for granted for...

Cindy and Jazzy from SFD, settling in at Tierheim Pfungstadt enjoying so many of the things that we take for granted for our dogs. But for these SFD dogs it is often the first time they have been for a walk on grass or had the space to move around freely and receive individual attention and affection.
Thank you to all involved, we say those words such a lot, but this truly means the world to everyone involved with Semper Fidelis Domus 🙏❤️x
Nicole Eichler ❤️

Thank you to Daniela Herzig-Hofmann and the wonderful friends of Umbra Canis - Gemeinsam stark für all/t/e Hundeseelen e...

Thank you to Daniela Herzig-Hofmann and the wonderful friends of Umbra Canis - Gemeinsam stark für all/t/e Hundeseelen e.V. for helping more dogs from SFD to find homes. This is such good news to help Jacko by also taking his brother Pacco ❤️❤️ Without the help of our brilliant friends in Germany, so many of the SFD dogs would still be in Romania, but now they have the chance of a happy future!

❤️ Nino you have come a long way ❤️

❤️ Nino you have come a long way ❤️

Some of our black dogs in SFD ❤️

Some of our black dogs in SFD ❤️

“Black Dog Syndrome” is well known to almost anyone who runs a shelter in the U.S., Europe or some other parts of the world.

Black dogs in shelters have been objectively shown to have the lowest adoption rate and highest euthanasia rate, regardless of their breed.


There are many theories, including superstition, difficulties in photographing them well, and subjective perceptions that they are “less friendly” or “more aggressive.”

It is no surprise that many remaining dogs at the SFD shelter are all or almost all black.

You can help support them by going to https://alwaysloyaldogrescue.org/donate.

Our black dogs thank you, and so do we!

Can anyone sponsor Vincent? 🙏🤞

Can anyone sponsor Vincent? 🙏🤞


Vincent and his siblings followed their Mama to the SFD shelter when they were not yet weaned.

Mama was skin and bones and had run out of milk, but she was one smart mama! She somehow knew that there was food to be had at the shelter and managed to get her family there.

Vincent and his siblings have grown up at the shelter and live together in the same paddock, where they love to roughhouse.

Despite limited socialization with humans, Vincent is a friendly guy and we hope he finds a place soon.

In the meantime, a sponsorship or one-time donations would really help with his upkeep.

Read more about Vincent at https://www.alwaysloyaldogrescue.org/available-dogs/vincent and please consider a donation!

Precious Malu - 14 years old and still in a shelter 😰

Precious Malu - 14 years old and still in a shelter 😰


At an estimated age of about 14 years, Malu is now the oldest dog in the SFD shelter.

She lost a hind foot in a train accident while young and with four new puppies.

They were freezing in the snow of a harsh Romanian winter when they were found by a family friend of Doamna B just as she was starting the shelter.

The puppies have all grown and found homes.

Malu is thought to be too old and weak to travel now, but the support of a stranger could make her remaining years secure.

If you would like to sponsor Malu or make a one-time donation, please go to https://alwaysloyaldogrescue.org/ and find the red donate button.

Love and thanks from Malu and those who care for her.

❤️❤️ Elsa from SFD has arrived in Germany and as you can see, she looks happy and loved and living the life she deserves...

❤️❤️ Elsa from SFD has arrived in Germany and as you can see, she looks happy and loved and living the life she deserves. As you will see in the post, there is a problem with her leg, but we are 🙏🙏’ing this is nothing serious and she will see the vet on Thursday.
Thank you so very much to everyone who helped with expenses for her vet check. Soooooo happy for this loving friendly little soul ❤️❤️❤️


🙏❤️🙏 This is Elsa from SFD - she is due to travel to Germany tomorrow to Tierheim Herzsprung where she will enjoy a wond...

🙏❤️🙏 This is Elsa from SFD - she is due to travel to Germany tomorrow to Tierheim Herzsprung where she will enjoy a wonderful new quality of life, and may even find her forever home.
Elsa is not young and she will need complete blood work and vet checks upon arrival. Can I please appeal for any help with these expenses 🙏. Tierheim Herzprung have been amazing in offering Elsa a place but obviously they have many other animals to take care of but they want to offer this beautiful girl a home.
If anyone can help, no matter how small a donation, please send direct to
Paypal Account: [email protected]
Safe travels Elsa - be happy and healthy and enjoy your retirement ❤️🙏❤️

Diese sanfte und liebe Maus ist die 13 Jahre alte Oma Elsa, die derzeit noch in Rumänien lebt.

Oma Elsa lebt seit jungem Alter in einem rumänischen Tierheim und hatte dort nie die Chance auf ein neues Zuhause gehabt, da von dort meist keine Hunde adoptiert werden. Nun ist leider ihr Hundekumpel mit dem sie dort all die Jahre zusammen gelebt hat, kürzlich verstorben und seit dem vereinsamt die Kleine immer mehr 😥.
Wir wurden angefragt ob wir nicht ein Plätzchen für Oma Elsa frei hätten, da sie nicht einsam im rumänischen Tierheim ihren Lebensabend verbringen soll. Sondern vielleicht doch noch die Chance auf ein liebevolles Zuhause bekommen soll und da wir auch ältere Hunde sehr gut vermitteln, hätte die süße Maus bei uns sicher noch gute Chancen auf ein ganz fürsorgliches Für-Immer-Zuhause 💕.

Ein Plätzchen für Oma Elsa hätten wir, das wäre also nicht das Problem. Jedoch könnt ihr euch alle denken, das leider ein alter Hund auch wieder so einige Tierarztkosten mit sich bringen wird und diese müssen wir leider auch berücksichtigen, da wir auch die tierärztliche Betreuung gewährleisten müssen.
Aber könntet ihr zu dieser süßen Hundeoma, nein sagen und ihr die Chance auf ein glückliches Hundeleben verwehren???
Wir können und möchten es einfach nicht.

Wir wären euch unheimlich Dankbar wenn ihr Oma Elsa mit einer Spende für ihre anfallenden Tierarztkosten unterstützen möchtet, denn sie muss einmal komplett vom Tierarzt durchgecheckt werden und auch ein Blutbild zur Organ Kontrolle benötigt die Süße.

Daher sind wir über jeden Hilfe für Oma Elsa`s Tierarztkosten unwahrscheinlich dankbar und es ist eine große Hilfe für uns 💓.
Wir wären euch unglaublich dankbar, wenn ihr uns helft Oma Elsa ein schöneres Hundeleben zu ermöglichen und schicken jeden Spender einen lieben Knuddler von uns zu 🥰🍀

Tierheim Herzsprung
Sparkasse Ostprignitz-Ruppin
IBAN: DE71 1605 0202 1001 0493 61

[email protected]

Wenn per Paypal überwiesen wird, bitte als Freunde, da sonst Paypal-Gebühren anfallen.

❤️ Another happy ever after for one of the lovely souls from SFD - thank you everyone who is responsible for Raico going...

❤️ Another happy ever after for one of the lovely souls from SFD - thank you everyone who is responsible for Raico going to his ‘Happy Place’ - we all hope he has many years of love and comfort now.
🙏 Pusa Bogza Nicole Eichler Cate Elsten Tierheim Pfungstadt 🙏

❤️❤️ Happy times for Bingo - thank you Daniela Herzig-Hofmann Umbra Canis - Gemeinsam stark für all/t/e Hundeseelen e.V....

❤️❤️ Happy times for Bingo - thank you Daniela Herzig-Hofmann Umbra Canis - Gemeinsam stark für all/t/e Hundeseelen e.V. for helping this lovely boy - travel safely Bingo, this is your new beginning ❤️❤️

Herzenshund Bingo


451 H

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00




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Our Story

This is the true story of a wonderful lady from Romania and the dogs and other animals she saved!

This story begins almost 10 years ago, when Mrs Bogza bought a land and built a small cottage and a yard where she decided to bring her dogs from the mountain to have them near Bucharest. Here was supposed to be a quiet place where she can come with her family for the weekends and holidays to enjoy countryside. Also Mrs.Bogza has been so kind and helped another lady (who was looking for a place where to take her 200 dogs she saved from streets as the place where she was keeping them was sold by owner) by renting her a land and helping her to build a fence for her shelter.

But all this dream ended when she started to go often to visit the constructions and she found many abandoned dogs and cats in her way from Bucharest to Butimanu. She couldn’t drive near old and sick animals or young puppies and kittens who were in danger near highway or in the fields, so she started to build paddocks also on her land. From her own 10 dogs and 2 paddocks, she has now a shelter with more than 100 paddocks!

In 2013 when in Romania the government started to kill in barbaric way the strays who’s only fault was that they were abandoned in the streets by “humans” Mrs.Bogza started to save every dog and cat found abandoned in the streets of Bucharest and took them to safety in her shelter in Butimanu, shelter in which in a couple of years there were over 400 dogs.

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