Pro Kinetik Vet by Dr Crina Potcoava

Pro Kinetik Vet by Dr Crina Potcoava Fizio si kinetoterapie, recuperare fizica veterinara post-operatorie, de intretinere si managementul osteoartritei.

Cainele tau vorbeste. Bine, poate ca nu foloseste cuvinte, dar, cand vine vorba de durere, are mai multe metode prin car...

Cainele tau vorbeste. Bine, poate ca nu foloseste cuvinte, dar, cand vine vorba de durere, are mai multe metode prin care iti transmite ca ceva nu este bine.
Haideti sa invatam impreuna limbajul durerii, pentru a putea interveni prompt si eficient in recuperarea patrupedului tau!

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For January's Walk Your Dog Month, it's important that we can understand how to tell if our dogs are in pain during their walks 🦮

Dogs are often great at hiding discomfort, but subtle signs can indicate pain – especially during walks. Here’s what to watch for to ensure your dog stays happy and healthy ✨

1. Limping or Favoring a Leg
One of the clearest signs is if your dog limps, avoids using one leg, or shifts weight to one side. This can indicate joint pain, muscle strain, or injury.

2. Changes in Gait
A stiff, unsteady, or hopping gait can indicate pain, as your dog may try to minimise pressure on certain joints.

3. Reluctance to Walk or Exercise
A dog that usually loves walks but becomes hesitant to leave the house might be experiencing chronic pain or discomfort.

4. Excessive Panting or Whining
While panting is normal during exercise, excessive panting, whining, or vocalising may signal pain or discomfort, even if the temperature is mild.

5. Frequent Sitting or Lying Down
If your dog sits or lies down frequently during walks, they may be trying to relieve pain or avoid using certain joints.

What to Do if You Notice These Signs:

Rest and Monitor: Give your dog time to rest and avoid strenuous activity.

Consult Your Vet: If signs persist, schedule a vet visit to explore treatment options.

For more information, head over to our free downloads section on our website for some useful monitoring tools:


Durerea are multe fețe 🐱

Absolventa a Facultatii de Medicina Veterinara, USAMV Cluj-Napoca in 2012, am urmat cursuri teoretice si practice de per...

Absolventa a Facultatii de Medicina Veterinara, USAMV Cluj-Napoca in 2012, am urmat cursuri teoretice si practice de perfectionare in domeniul anesteziologiei veterinare, inclusiv un stagiu in cadrul VETMEDUNI Viena.
Intre timp, am devenit interesata de subiecte precum managementul durerii si recuperarea fizica a pacientilor care au suferit interventii chirurgicale ortopedice sau neurologice, urmand, incepand din 2018, cursul de specializare CCRP oferit de catre Universitatea din Tennessee, USA. In acesti ultimi 6 ani am dobandit experienta lucrand cu cazuri diverse, de la fracturi, rupturi de ligamente incrucisate, luxatii patelare, la paraplegii, avulsii de plex brahial sau swimmer puppy syndrome.
In cadrul Pro Kinetik Vet, ofer servicii de fizioterapie (laser, electrostimulare), kinetoterapie (exercitii pasive si active, masaj terapeutic, kinesio taping), cat si protocoale personalizate pentru managementul osteoartritei (abordare complexa care vizeaza analgezie, agenti antiiflamatori, crestere a mobilitatii si a confortului pacientului), precum si educarea proprietarului in privinta manipularii pacientului sau a adaptarii conditiilor de mediu la noile nevoi ale pacientului patruped.

Angajamentul meu este sa va fiu alaturi la fiecare pas, pentru ca fiecare pas conteaza!

Elli 💜

Elli 💜

Primii pacienti care ne-au trecut pragul astazi! Au inceput anul in forta, la sala 💪

Primii pacienti care ne-au trecut pragul astazi! Au inceput anul in forta, la sala 💪


Diferite tipuri de hamuri si impactul lor asupra umerilor si gatului


For all those with yellow Labradors and anyone with friends who have them.
Very interesting new study on the link between colour and predisposition for CCL rupture.

The more we know about our dogs the more power we have to put into place preventative measures! 🥰

Prevention is always better than cure!

All credit to Laurie Edge-Hughes for sharing this information.

It’s based on the following study:

Lee BT, Baker LA, Momen M, Terhaar H, Binversie EE, Sample SJ, Muir P. Identification of genetic variants associated with anterior cruciate ligament rupture and AKC standard coat color in the Labrador Retriever. BMC Genom Data. 2023 Oct 26;24(1):60.

And here’s the short synopsis:

Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injuries are a common cause of lameness in dogs, particularly in breeds like Labrador Retrievers. Interestingly, recent research has uncovered a potential link between coat color and the risk of CCL rupture. Labrador Retrievers, which come in black, chocolate, and yellow, show different risks for this injury, with yellow Labs being more susceptible.

The study suggests that genetic factors linked to coat color might also influence the likelihood of CCL injuries. Specifically, the MC1R gene, which determines yellow coat color, is involved in inflammatory pathways that could predispose dogs to ligament issues. The researchers used a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify genes associated with both CCL injuries and coat color, focusing on a region of chromosome 5 near the MC1R gene. This region showed significant associations with CCL rupture, suggesting a complex interplay between genetic traits that influence both coat color and joint health.

Interestingly, the study also identified several other genes related to bone and cartilage health, inflammation, and gene regulation that may contribute to CCL rupture. These findings highlight the complex genetic landscape behind this common canine injury and open the door for further research into how coat color and other seemingly unrelated traits might influence health outcomes in dogs.

This groundbreaking study not only advances our understanding of CCL injuries in dogs but also provides valuable insights into the genetic factors that could help predict and prevent these injuries. As research continues, we may find more connections between seemingly unrelated traits and disease risk, ultimately improving the health and well-being of our canine companions.

Photo credit Marie Marketing

Great news for our elderly pacients 😊

Great news for our elderly pacients 😊

CCD involves a series of degenerative changes within the brain, tPBMT has been showing promising results in reducing or reversing some of these changes.

      Vetekineticus recuperare fizica veterinara

Vetekineticus recuperare fizica veterinara

La multi ani, colegi medici veterinari! Keep up the good work!

La multi ani, colegi medici veterinari! Keep up the good work!


Iazului 27

Opening Hours

Monday 14:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 20:00
Thursday 14:00 - 20:00
Friday 14:00 - 20:00





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