Lunch time...😍😉
Odin, Oscar, Olive & Oprah, 12 weeks old... 🤗💖
All are reserved... 😊
Oscar and Olive, "blue" boy and "red" girl of litter "O" first time out from our kennel...!
Lioness vs. Jackals part 2...😍🤣
Koumori vs. litter "O"... 😍🤣
Some of little jackals are @v@il@ble... 😊
The Lioness and the Jackals... 😍🙉
Hinata Go Yamawaru Kensha & litter "O"...
Odin Godsking of Mirceasan Nordic, "green" puppy-male of litter "O", at 10 weeks old...!💖🤗🥰
Available for reservation... 😊
Olive Iceangel of Mirceasan Nordic, "red" girl of litter "O", at 10 weeks old...💖🤗🥰
Onix Snowpeak of Mirceasan Nordic, the "blue" puppy-male of litter "O" at 10 weeks old... 💖🤗🥰
Onix is reserved... 😊
Beauty "white" puppy-male of litter "O", at 9 weeks old... 😍🤗🥰