DCR Club Show-27.05.2023
Formular de inscriere si tarife!
Important!Cainii cu urechi cupate si coada taiata pot participa numai daca poseda un certificat veterinar din care sa rezulte ca aceste interventii chirurgicale au fost facute in scopuri curative.
Entry form and fee for DCR Club show-27 May 2023.
Important! Dogs with cropped ears and cut tails can only participate if they have a veterinary certificate from which it can be concluded that these surgical interventions were done for curative purposes.
pentru DCR Club Show/for Club Show
Baby, Puppy, Veterans - 125 lei/25 euro
Youth, Junior, Intermedia, Open-150 lei/30euro
Working, Champion, Honour-150lei/30 euro
the third dog and the next -125 lei/25 euro