Save A Puppy's Soul Association

Save A Puppy's Soul Association 2019 gründete Daniel den Verein um ausgesetzte, verunfallte und verletze Hunde und Katzen zu helfen.

Daniel a fondé l'association en 2019, pour venir en aide aux chiens et chats abandonnés et blessés

🇬🇧 Luck had these two little souls. On the way to Poeini, Daniel saw them by the roadside and was able to persuade them ...

🇬🇧 Luck had these two little souls. On the way to Poeini, Daniel saw them by the roadside and was able to persuade them to come along. This way, the two have already had a taste of what it feels like to be transported, and perhaps one of our partner organizations will quickly find them a new home. They have already taken a step away from the street and into the safe shelter provided by Daniel.
🇷🇴 Noroc au avut aceste două suflete mici. Pe drumul spre Poeini, Daniel le-a văzut pe cele două la marginea drumului și a reușit să le convingă să vină cu el. Astfel, cele două au avut deja o primă experiență despre cm este să fii transportat, și poate că printr-unul dintre partenerii noștri își vor găsi rapid un nou cămin. Un pas au reușit să facă deja, departe de stradă și în adăpostul sigur oferit de Daniel.
🇩🇪 Glück hatten diese beiden kleinen Seelen. Auf dem Weg nach Poeini sah Daniel die beiden am Straßenrand und konnte sie überreden, mitzukommen. So haben die beiden schon einmal einen Vorgeschmack darauf bekommen, wie es sich anfühlt, transportiert zu werden, und vielleicht findet sich über einen unserer Partnervereine schnell ein neues Zuhause. Einen Schritt haben die beiden bereits gemacht, weg von der Straße und in die sichere Unterkunft bei Daniel.
🇫🇷 La chance a souri à ces deux petites âmes. En route pour Poeini, Daniel les a vues au bord de la route et a pu les convaincre de le suivre. Ainsi, les deux ont déjà eu un avant-goût de ce que c'est que d'être transporté, et peut-être qu'un de nos partenaires leur trouvera rapidement un nouveau foyer. Elles ont déjà fait un pas, loin de la rue et dans le refuge sûr offert par Daniel.

🇩🇪 Für die Gesundheit der lieben Vierbeiner kaufte Daniel heute Antiparasitenmedikamente im Wert von 2184 Lei (~440 €). ...

🇩🇪 Für die Gesundheit der lieben Vierbeiner kaufte Daniel heute Antiparasitenmedikamente im Wert von 2184 Lei (~440 €). Wir sind für jede Spende in Lei oder Euro dankbar.
🇷🇴 Pentru sănătatea celor dragi patrupezi, Daniel a cumpărat astăzi medicamente antiparazitare în valoare de 2184 Lei (~440 €). Suntem recunoscători pentru orice donație în Lei sau Euro.
🇬🇧 For the health of our dear four-legged friends, Daniel bought antiparasitic medications today worth 2184 Lei (~440 €). We are grateful for any donations in Lei or Euro.
🇫🇷 Pour la santé de nos chers amis à quatre pattes, Daniel a acheté aujourd'hui des médicaments antiparasitaires d'une valeur de 2184 Lei (~440 €). Nous sommes reconnaissants pour toute donation en Lei ou en Euro.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont Euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248

🇩🇪 Leider sind 20 Säcke nicht ausreichend, weshalb wir heute erneut nachkaufen mussten, nachdem wir das letzte Mal am ve...

🇩🇪 Leider sind 20 Säcke nicht ausreichend, weshalb wir heute erneut nachkaufen mussten, nachdem wir das letzte Mal am vergangenen Freitag eingekauft haben.
🇷🇴 Din păcate, 20 de saci nu sunt suficienți, așa că a trebuit să cumpărăm din nou astăzi, după ce am cumpărat ultima dată vinerea trecută.
🇫🇷 Malheureusement, 20 sacs ne suffisent pas, c'est pourquoi nous avons dû racheter aujourd'hui, après avoir fait nos courses vendredi dernier.
🇬🇧 Unfortunately, 20 bags are not enough, which is why we had to buy more today, after we last shopped last Friday.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248



Good morning

🇩🇪 Auch nach den Feiertagen geht es weiter. Kurzfristig wurden 20 Säcke Hundefutter gekauft, damit die Hunde auch zwisch...

🇩🇪 Auch nach den Feiertagen geht es weiter. Kurzfristig wurden 20 Säcke Hundefutter gekauft, damit die Hunde auch zwischen den Feiertagen gefüllte Näpfe haben. Vielleicht gibt es ja noch ein nachträgliches Weihnachtswunder für die lieben Seelen.
🇷🇴 Chiar și după sărbători, activitatea continuă. Pe termen scurt, au fost cumpărate 20 de saci de hrană pentru câini, astfel încât câinii să aibă boluri pline și între sărbători. Poate că va exista încă o minune de Crăciun pentru sufletele dragi.
🇫🇷 Même après les fêtes, cela continue. À court terme, 20 sacs de nourriture pour chiens ont été achetés afin que les chiens aient des gamelles pleines même entre les fêtes. Peut-être qu'il y aura encore un miracle de Noël pour les âmes chères.
🇬🇧 Even after the holidays, things continue. In the short term, 20 bags of dog food were purchased so that the dogs have filled bowls even between the holidays. Perhaps there will still be a belated Christmas miracle for the dear souls.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248


🇩🇪 Die kleine Negruta frisst zwar etwas, ist aber noch nicht über den Berg. Sie benötigt noch weitere medizinische Hilfe...

🇩🇪 Die kleine Negruta frisst zwar etwas, ist aber noch nicht über den Berg. Sie benötigt noch weitere medizinische Hilfe, die nur mit Eurer Unterstützung möglich ist! Wir halten Euch über Negruta auf dem Laufenden.

🇷🇴 Mica Negruta mănâncă puțin, dar încă nu a trecut peste probleme. Are nevoie de ajutor medical suplimentar, care este posibil doar cu sprijinul vostru! Vă ținem la curent cu Negruta.

🇫🇷 La petite Negruta mange un peu, mais elle n'est pas encore tirée d'affaire. Elle a encore besoin d'une aide médicale supplémentaire, qui n'est possible qu'avec votre soutien ! Nous vous tiendrons informés sur Negruta.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248

820 RON (approximately 164 €) were the cost of the medications that Daniel purchased today for the pack (currently, ther...

820 RON (approximately 164 €) were the cost of the medications that Daniel purchased today for the pack (currently, there are nearly 200 dogs at our shelter). Winter is relentlessly approaching Tecuci, and the first sub-zero temperatures are already here. The pack would appreciate monetary donations, as we currently have several projects that need to be completed before the real onset of winter (including pouring concrete for the floors of the first kennels). Please help us!

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248

Our food supplies are running low, and the last invoice from October 16 has not yet been fully settled. Please help us w...

Our food supplies are running low, and the last invoice from October 16 has not yet been fully settled. Please help us with your donation so that the dogs can receive their daily meals in the coming weeks.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont Euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248

Winter is getting closer. With the help of our dear colleagues from the recycling company, we were able to equip a few o...

Winter is getting closer. With the help of our dear colleagues from the recycling company, we were able to equip a few outdoor enclosures with concrete elements today. This means that the first dogs are no longer exposed to rainwater. Would you like to help us? Every euro supports us in further expanding the enclosures.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248

The first container arrived yesterday, sponsored entirely by Hopscotch Tierhilfe. We are very grateful for this and are ...

The first container arrived yesterday, sponsored entirely by Hopscotch Tierhilfe. We are very grateful for this and are now one step closer to certification. However, we still need another container as a treatment room; this will require a further €6,500. Please help us with a donation, no matter how large. With the certification, we can continue to save four-legged friends from the streets in the future.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕 Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕 Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕 Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248

In the coming days, a new food order is due, and the old invoice has not yet been fully paid. Please help us ensure that...

In the coming days, a new food order is due, and the old invoice has not yet been fully paid. Please help us ensure that our beloved four-legged friends have food in the coming weeks!

Asociatia Salvati un Suflet de Catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248


🇩🇪 In der vergangenen Woche sind 50 € an Spenden eingegangen. Vielen lieben Dank an die Dame! Nur durch eure Spenden können wir das Futter kaufen und die Tierarztrechnungen bezahlen. Das Rudel bedankt sich für jeden Euro/Leu.
🇷🇴 În săptămâna trecută, am primit 50 € în donații. Un mare mulțumesc doamnei! Numai prin donațiile voastre putem cumpăra hrană și plăti facturile veterinarului. Hațul vă mulțumește pentru fiecare Euro/Leu.
🇫🇷 La semaine dernière, nous avons reçu 50 € en dons. Un grand merci à la dame ! C'est uniquement grâce à vos dons que nous pouvons acheter de la nourriture et payer les factures vétérinaires. La meute vous remercie pour chaque Euro/Leu.
🇬🇧 Last week, we received €50 in donations. A big thank you to the lady! Only through your donations can we buy food and pay the veterinary bills. The pack thanks you for every Euro/Leu.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248


În ultimele 7 zile, contul a primit 150 de lei (~30 de euro) și 30 de euro drept donații. Erau 250 de lei (~50 euro) în cutia noastră de donații din studioul de sport.
Mulțumesc mult donatorilor! Doar cu ajutorul vostru putem salva și întreține cateii noștri.

Asociatia Salvati un suflet de catel
🐕Cont Lei: RO34BACX0000001869497001
🐕Cont euro: RO07BACX0000001869497002
🐕Paypal: [email protected]
🐕 Revolut: 0751571248


Lieben Dank an die Hopscotch Tierhilfe e.V., die es uns ermöglicht hat, den ersten Container zu kaufen. Damit bleiben noch knapp 7.000 € für den zweiten Container übrig.




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