
HundWahl Hundens välbefinnande står alltid i centrum! Hos HundWahl i Falsterbo får du hjälp med hundmassage, stretching, akupressur, träningstips och föreläsningar.

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Another dry v raw comparison. Another win for biologically appropriate raw dog food.

It was a look-back at 95 client-owned dogs in a vet clinic - 48 with chronic enteropathy (CE, gut disease) and 47 without (the control group).

They found that a diet containly mainly meat was protective of CE (as was zero carbohydrates and a meal with more than 14% water).

Link in comments.

This builds on the study released in Nature last year that found raw fed dogs suffer less gut disease.

I think the score is around 6-0 now for these comparisons. That is, ZERO studies indicate high-carb dry food is actually good for anything in dogs or cats.

If your dog is suffering bad gut disease there is a process when changing them to real food. This is important as sometimes, particularly in bad cases, simply shifting them to a new food may not work as well as you'd hoped. We liken it to buying a new car but driving it on a bad road. You must fix the road first if you want the car to work. Below is how to do it. We call it the ReSEG solution. 13 years doing this tells us it absolutely works for the majority. If it doesn't work to fix your dog's recurring gut issues we will give you your money back instantly. That's the deal.


Bone Broth (No Onions): One of the Most Healing Foods You Can Feed Your Pet

Bone broth is an excellent bioavailable source of vitamins, minerals and nitrogen, with potent healing properties. It can benefit bone health, help with pain and inflammation, and support immune health and GI tract. Bone broth can be a meal supplement for dogs and cats recovering from tummy troubles, as well as for picky eaters and older animals with declining appetites. 👌

Check out today’s free article to learn more about giving bone broth to pets.

Learn more about the benefits of feeding bone broth to your pet here:


Watch the replay here:

After Rimadyl became popular, one of my technician's dogs died 2 weeks after using it. In the emergency service, we had dogs coming in with kidney failure, liver failure, gastric ulcers, etc. after using Rimadyl. Alarm bells!⁠

Labrador Retrievers are specifically mentioned as sensitive to Rimadyl/Carprofen.⁠
Galliprant is supposed to have the least amount of side effects, but it is labeled for use in arthritis only.⁠
Metacam can only be given by injection once for cats. Oral Metacam is specifically labeled as NOT for use in cats.* It can cause renal failure.⁠
Onsior is only labeled for postop pain for orthopedic surgery or spay/neuter.⁠
The Previcox insert has a list of adverse reactions too long to even put in this caption.⁠

Potential Adverse Reactions for ALL NSAIDs ⁠
- Kidney Failure⁠
- Liver Failure⁠
- Seizures⁠
- Gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation. If your animal is on an NSAID, make sure you check their stool! Dark, tarry stools, diarrhea, anorexia, and other GI symptoms can be signs of a serious issue.⁠

✳️ I ALWAYS do lab work before starting an NSAID to make sure liver and kidney function are fine. Then, I do lab work every 3 months while the pet is on the medication. ⁠
✳️ Always ASK for the drug inserts from your veterinarian!⁠
✳️ I absolutely minimize the use of NSAIDs with my pets by using alternative therapies and safer OTC options where possible.⁠

❌ Do NOT mix NSAIDs with steroids. ⁠
❌ NSAIDs should NOT be given with any other NSAID!! This can kill your pet. You have to have a minimum 7 day wash out period (wait 7 days) before switching.⁠
❌ Do NOT give antacids (like Famotidine) with NSAIDs (there is a potential reaction where the tissue of the stomach swells)⁠

✅ For natural pain management options, read more here:⁠

✅ For Syringomyelia:⁠

*Edit to add: Metacam has been labeled for cats outside the US, but still has a narrow safety margin in cats and signs of overdose may be seen at small overdose levels.

Allt är inte som det ser ut.. spännande läsning! Väldigt lätt att behandla symtom istället för att gå till grunden om va...

Allt är inte som det ser ut.. spännande läsning! Väldigt lätt att behandla symtom istället för att gå till grunden om vad det verkliga bekymret är.

Spine and muscle injury can cause hot spots If you have ever seen a dog dressed in a T-shirt laced...


Giftmyterna florerar bland hundfolk och underblåses ivrigt av veterinärer och andra experter. Jag har svårt för att förstå hur någon kan peka ut ett äpple som giftigt, eller en morot som en sockerbomb, för att samtidigt förespråka ultraprocessat f***r och godis, som bevisligen innehåller ingredienser som strider mot alla naturens lagar. Det är lite som att sila mygg och svälja kameler.

Låt oss prata om vad som verkligen är farligt för hundar ...
Dela gärna ❤️
Bästa hälsningar till alla djur och deras människor 🌻
***rberikning ***rberikning


The Hadza of Tanzania wash their hands with animal intestines and have the healthiest gut bacteria in the world! “They don’t suffer from the diseases we suffer from,” researcher says. You won’t find a single case of allergies, autoimmune disease, heart disease, obesity, diabetes or cancer am...

Hoppas att fler veterinärer hakar på att jobba förebyggande istället!Hope that more veterinarians start working for well...

Hoppas att fler veterinärer hakar på att jobba förebyggande istället!
Hope that more veterinarians start working for wellness instead of emergency!

Dr. Matthew Muir, an integrative veterinarian for 20 years, is on a worldwide mission to help put pets on the right track for good health and wellness.


A recent peer-reviewed paper found owners reported flea & tick products🦟 containing the potent pesticide, Isoxazoline💦, cause a reaction in 2 OUT OF 3 DOGS!

Reactions include seizures, behavioural issues, muscular/balance issues, and even death.

The pesticide can be found in products like: NEXGARD, NEXGARD SPECTRA, BRAVECTO, SIMPARICA, CREDELIO, REVOLUTION PLUS, and others.

This pesticide is so powerfully potent🔥 that it starts killing within two hours after administration! In fact, it kills 98.7% of newly arriving fleas within 24 hours! Because of this, Isoxazoline drugs now carry a warning⚠️ on their labels in both the U.S. and Canada. Even the FDA-U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning statement for veterinarians and pet parents.

Facebook Live discussion on the new study with Judy Morgan D.V.M, a veterinarian involved in the new peer-reviewed paper. here:

Download the pdf for full details:

Bästa sällskap vid pappersarbete 👩🏽‍💻

Bästa sällskap vid pappersarbete 👩🏽‍💻


Att ha husdjur kan sätta gundkant på tillvaron på många sätt men det kan också vara tålamodsprövande. Vissa hundar kan behöva mycket fostran innan det går att ha dem i möblerade rum och det kan ibland vara frestande att säga till på skarpen – men gör inte det!

Nu är lagret på Mush vom och även wild  påfyllt! Välkommen att höra av er! 🤗🐾

Nu är lagret på Mush vom och även wild påfyllt! Välkommen att höra av er! 🤗🐾


Mellanvägen 7C


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