We have 5 new members to the team 🤩🤩🤩😍😍
All are from Who has the best snakes 🤩😍
Took som pictures of them not the best ones but here they are 😄. And some pictures of the new setup 😄
1,0 Freckle Granite - Caraxes the best dragon from House of the dragon 😃
0,1 Black Pastel fire - Brinnie our son wanted that name from his favorite disney movie elemetal.
0,1 Granite - Metallica it's to honor the seller/breeder lunarballsreptiles and a cool namn 🤩
0,1 GHI Yellowbelly - Kayle a character from one of my favorite game Leauge of legends
0,1 Enchi Lemon Pastel - Lux also a character from leauge of legends