Kornas vänner

Kornas vänner På Almviks gård har Krishnarörelsen beskyddat kor i enlighet vediska principen om ko-beskydd i snart 30 år. Vårt bankgironummer är 587-7329

Donationer är välkomna: SEB kontonr. 53541033630
IBAN:SE 915000 0000 0535 41033630 BIC ESSESESS.

Today it's Bhima's 12th birthday! 🥳

Today it's Bhima's 12th birthday! 🥳

Radio Krishna besökte Almviks gård och samtalade med Tejasvi Krishna prabhu bland annat om att se kon som en moder och ä...

Radio Krishna besökte Almviks gård och samtalade med Tejasvi Krishna prabhu bland annat om att se kon som en moder och även om hans projekt med att använda kodynga för att framställa biogas. 🙂

Vi besöker Almviks gård i Järna och träffar Tejasvi Krishna das som är en av de drivande i goshalan -- kobeskyddet. Här berättar han om vikten av att se kon ...

"Lord Krsna, the Supreme personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow. Without know...

"Lord Krsna, the Supreme personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one cannot realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities or humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful"

Canto 4: Chapter Twenty-one, Text 38: purport.

Hare Krishna! Due to the severe draught in Sweden this year there has been a drastic shortage of both hay and straw. We ...

Hare Krishna!

Due to the severe draught in Sweden this year there has been a drastic shortage of both hay and straw. We fortunately have quite enough of our own hay but our straw yield wasn't much so we are in acute need of buying more straw for our cows in Almvik goshalla. What we have may only last about a week and a half.
We've been searching for a while and the options aren't many, so it seems we'll need to buy straw from quite far away.

We need to buy around 50 large bales of straw. Each bale costs 1500:- now. So we need 50.000 - 75.000 SEK altogether. Hopefully we'll find something cheaper but that's what the prices for imported straw has been since the autumn.

That's an astronomical sum, but whatever little or large contribution you could imagine to give would be greatly appreciated. After all, Krishna is the source of all our riches so somehow or another we're hopeful that we'll be able to buy them or we might also buy part wood chip and dry hay of lower quality that can be used for the deep straw beddings and as fodder for the cows.

As mentioned, it has become urgent now as what we have won't last more than about a week and a half, so we're grateful for quick help too, though we can buy gradually too hopefully when we can afford to.

If you happen to know someone who can sell to a lower price, that would also be a huge help. This is from Poland, so transport makes it much more expensive. If we could find cheaper straw, that would be preferable of course.

Kindly share this with friends too and/or Facebook-groups where it may be acceptable.

Thank you so much on behalf of the cows!

We have swish: 123 680 08 41 and SEB kontonr. 53541033630
IBAN:SE 915000 0000 0535 41033630 BIC ESSESESS.
Bankgironummer is 587-7329

Kindly mark your donation "straw" (Märk gärna "straw")

We want to thank so much for the donations we've gotten so far also!:

Yogindra prabhu has donated 10.108:-
Devaki Acharya 108:-
Monica Smedinge 300:-
Ronny D'hoore 452:-
Isvari-Radha Devi-Dasi 200:-

General information:

Almviks gård goshalla cares for cows and oxen since 40 years according to the Vedic principles of goraksya - cow protection, which means that we never sell or eat our cows. All cows and oxen live here their lives through and are taken care of with love and compassion. We also have indigenous cow breeds threatened by extinction such as fjällnära, väneko and gudbrandalsoxe.

Yesterday we served the cows together in the evening and took the evening meal together in our home.

Yesterday we served the cows together in the evening and took the evening meal together in our home.

At Almviks gård we believe that protecting cows is a most important component of protecting the earth. According to the ...

At Almviks gård we believe that protecting cows is a most important component of protecting the earth. According to the ancient Vedic texts the cow is the representative of Mother Earth. And, when the cow and the bull are mistreated, Mother Earth withdraws her bounty.

Radha och Rohini ute och betar. 🙂🐄

Radha och Rohini ute och betar. 🙂🐄

https://youtu.be/6gfggJOJHyATitta gärna på vår nya film om att arbeta med oxarna i skogen.


Titta gärna på vår nya film om att arbeta med oxarna i skogen.

Working with the bulls in the forest at Almviks gård Sweden

För några dagar sedan fick vi en ny ko till Almvik som har fått namnet Rohini. Hon är av rasen Brown Swiss liksom vår ko...

För några dagar sedan fick vi en ny ko till Almvik som har fått namnet Rohini. Hon är av rasen Brown Swiss liksom vår ko Radha som kom i oktober.

Här är länken till det senaste numret av Almviksnytt.

Här är länken till det senaste numret av Almviksnytt.

En av mina mest älskade böcker skriven av Srila Prabhupada är Light of the Bhagavata. Den är kanske unik. Han skrev den i Vrindavana 1961, efter att han fått en inbjudan till världskonferensen ”Kongressen för att utveckla den mänskliga anden”, som hölls i Japan. Eftersom de flesta delta...

Cleaning and decorating our cow-barn.

Cleaning and decorating our cow-barn.

It has been one week since we welcomed our new beautiful cow Radha. She is giving milk for temple and community, we are ...

It has been one week since we welcomed our new beautiful cow Radha. She is giving milk for temple and community, we are making from her milk butter and yogurt for our beloved Panca Tattva. Welcome Radha! Haribooool

Haribol, today was very busy Sunday feast for our oxen. Nandi and Bhima did ox ride for many kids and then they brought ...

Haribol, today was very busy Sunday feast for our oxen. Nandi and Bhima did ox ride for many kids and then they brought about 2 tons of potatoes to our vegetable storage room. All glories to their service!

Serving our cows in Almvik.

Serving our cows in Almvik.

Today we had again beautiful ox ride after Sunday feast and very kind guests ... Tejasvita and Srikanth brought for cows...

Today we had again beautiful ox ride after Sunday feast and very kind guests ... Tejasvita and Srikanth brought for cows lot of potatoes, carrots and few bananas. They was here already few times before and they always bring nice surprise for cows. Thank you Tejasvita and Srikanth for Sunday feast you made for cows and oxen, they was really happy. Everyone can do service for cows and receive lot of mercy from their blessings. Go mata ki jay !

Another beautiful Sunday with cows... Kids and also adults had experience with ox ride, feeding, brushing cows, jumping ...

Another beautiful Sunday with cows... Kids and also adults had experience with ox ride, feeding, brushing cows, jumping in the strow and we had also nice surprise on father´s day. Thank you very much dear friends, all of us enjoyed this sunny afternoon 🙂🐃🐂☘️🎂


Bh Marcel is working with Nandi and Bhima on Almvik´s field 🐃🐃

Hare Krishna dear friends of cows, we have new cowherd boy bh Marcel which is regularly training oxen Nandi and Bhima an...

Hare Krishna dear friends of cows, we have new cowherd boy bh Marcel which is regularly training oxen Nandi and Bhima and working with them every day. We had also two times visit of students here and show them ox ride and work on field. They really liked it and we are looking forward to meet new visitors. Actually we are learning oxen to work on field and we are cultivating new place to grow vegetable. We would like to inform all of you that we are doing now during season every Sunday ox ride for kids and adults. You are welcome to have fun and wonderful experience with riding , feeding and brushing oxen. If you want to make individually ox ride, cow experience or special surprise for kids ,you can contact us true Whatsup on number +33613682545 . Hariibol

Idag fyller vår fjällnära ko Dhavali 10 år! 🥳

Idag fyller vår fjällnära ko Dhavali 10 år! 🥳

Tribhangasundara has been taking care of our cows since October and will continue to do so until our goshala family arri...

Tribhangasundara has been taking care of our cows since October and will continue to do so until our goshala family arrives. He is taking full responsibility for the goshala even though he is very busy with his own building company. He is doing this service without any payment. Actually he has been doing it for more than ten years (!) before bhaktin Noora came to Almvik. We wish to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for this wonderful service!

On the 8th of January in the morning our dear cow Bhumi left her body. She would have turned 20 years this summer. Bhumi...

On the 8th of January in the morning our dear cow Bhumi left her body. She would have turned 20 years this summer. Bhumi has been having trouble with her health since a few years back. She could eat unlimited amounts but still lose weight. Our old veterinary checked her for parasites and so on, but she didn't have any such problems and he couldn't figure it out. So she was simply getting extra food to eat.
In the last couple of weeks she lost quite a lot of weight, so we were trying to get her checked by a veterinary, but unfortunately she left before we got an appointment.
On the day before she left she was eating fine and acting in a normal way, but the next day Tribanga Sundara das found her lying down. We went to check on her together, and he called for a few men to help turn her or to get up. While we waited he went to get water in a bucket for her. When he returned we noticed that she had slowed down considerably, after having been completely alert just before. She wasn't interested in the water at all. Thus we simply started chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, and she just left peacefully.

Lila and her daughter Dhavali. 🙂

Lila and her daughter Dhavali. 🙂

Igår var barnen från Almviks gård uppe hos korna och tag hand om skötseln.

Igår var barnen från Almviks gård uppe hos korna och tag hand om skötseln.

A few photos taken right after sunset in Almvik this evening. This is three generations of väneko cows. Due to the large...

A few photos taken right after sunset in Almvik this evening. This is three generations of väneko cows. Due to the larger genetic variety the väneko breed of cows look pretty different from each other.

"May I always see the cow and may the cow always see me.The cow belongs to me and I belong to the cow.I wish to live in ...

"May I always see the cow and may the cow always see me.
The cow belongs to me and I belong to the cow.
I wish to live in a place where cows live".

From Gavopansishad

"Ko-seva" - gemensam tjänst till korna,  är nu igång igen på måndagar.Lakshman och Shyamasundar hade tillagat en god pas...

"Ko-seva" - gemensam tjänst till korna, är nu igång igen på måndagar.
Lakshman och Shyamasundar hade tillagat en god pastarätt till alla som deltog.

Almviks ungdomar brinner för kobeskydd.

Almviks ungdomar brinner för kobeskydd.




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Övriga djuraffärer i Järna

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