Kornas vänner

Kornas vänner På Almviks gård har Krishnarörelsen beskyddat kor i enlighet vediska principen om ko-beskydd i snart 30 år. Vårt bankgironummer är 587-7329

Donationer är välkomna: SEB kontonr. 53541033630
IBAN:SE 915000 0000 0535 41033630 BIC ESSESESS.

Today it's Bhima's 12th birthday! 🥳

Today it's Bhima's 12th birthday! 🥳

Radio Krishna besökte Almviks gård och samtalade med Tejasvi Krishna prabhu bland annat om att se kon som en moder och ä...

Radio Krishna besökte Almviks gård och samtalade med Tejasvi Krishna prabhu bland annat om att se kon som en moder och även om hans projekt med att använda kodynga för att framställa biogas. 🙂

Vi besöker Almviks gård i Järna och träffar Tejasvi Krishna das som är en av de drivande i goshalan -- kobeskyddet. Här berättar han om vikten av att se kon ...

"Lord Krsna, the Supreme personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow. Without know...

"Lord Krsna, the Supreme personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one cannot realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities or humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful"

Canto 4: Chapter Twenty-one, Text 38: purport.

Hare Krishna! Due to the severe draught in Sweden this year there has been a drastic shortage of both hay and straw. We ...

Hare Krishna!

Due to the severe draught in Sweden this year there has been a drastic shortage of both hay and straw. We fortunately have quite enough of our own hay but our straw yield wasn't much so we are in acute need of buying more straw for our cows in Almvik goshalla. What we have may only last about a week and a half.
We've been searching for a while and the options aren't many, so it seems we'll need to buy straw from quite far away.

We need to buy around 50 large bales of straw. Each bale costs 1500:- now. So we need 50.000 - 75.000 SEK altogether. Hopefully we'll find something cheaper but that's what the prices for imported straw has been since the autumn.

That's an astronomical sum, but whatever little or large contribution you could imagine to give would be greatly appreciated. After all, Krishna is the source of all our riches so somehow or another we're hopeful that we'll be able to buy them or we might also buy part wood chip and dry hay of lower quality that can be used for the deep straw beddings and as fodder for the cows.

As mentioned, it has become urgent now as what we have won't last more than about a week and a half, so we're grateful for quick help too, though we can buy gradually too hopefully when we can afford to.

If you happen to know someone who can sell to a lower price, that would also be a huge help. This is from Poland, so transport makes it much more expensive. If we could find cheaper straw, that would be preferable of course.

Kindly share this with friends too and/or Facebook-groups where it may be acceptable.

Thank you so much on behalf of the cows!

We have swish: 123 680 08 41 and SEB kontonr. 53541033630
IBAN:SE 915000 0000 0535 41033630 BIC ESSESESS.
Bankgironummer is 587-7329

Kindly mark your donation "straw" (Märk gärna "straw")

We want to thank so much for the donations we've gotten so far also!:

Yogindra prabhu has donated 10.108:-
Devaki Acharya 108:-
Monica Smedinge 300:-
Ronny D'hoore 452:-
Isvari-Radha Devi-Dasi 200:-

General information:

Almviks gård goshalla cares for cows and oxen since 40 years according to the Vedic principles of goraksya - cow protection, which means that we never sell or eat our cows. All cows and oxen live here their lives through and are taken care of with love and compassion. We also have indigenous cow breeds threatened by extinction such as fjällnära, väneko and gudbrandalsoxe.




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