Wow - full booked tours the whole weekend 42. Sorry for all the guests than were not able to participate on the tours. Hope to see you another time and remember that you can book your ticket online Next year we will plan for more tours 🫶# efterårsferie#visitsweden#söderåsen#elgpark
Such a lovely autumn day at the moosepark🍂🍁☀️#söderåsensälgpark#söderåsen#moosepark
What ? Lucifer is eating his velvet - I told people that a moose is vegetarian, but they are apparently flexitarians 😅😂
Mating season is on!! Lucifer has only little velvet to go🤗The park is closed until week 42 #söderåsensälgpark#matingseason#antlers#bullmoose
Gaya and Mira are resting in the sun☀️#africandwafgoat# söderåsensälgpark
Icecream and barbecue sausage after the moosesafari 😎#söderåsensälgpark#söderåsen#summeractivity# meetamoose
Ready for a moosesafari 🤗#söderåsensälgpark#moosepark#safari#elgpark#visitsweden#soderasen
All tours full booked today 🌺Thank you, to all the nice visitors we had and also a big thank for sharing pictures afterwards 🙏🏽❤️
For you who did not get a tour today, we and the moose hope to see you another day 😊
Play and fun in the moose park🤗🌺 #soderasensmoosepark#söderåsenälgpark#älgpark#elgpark#moosepark#skäralid#visitsweden#soderasen
Fun to do 🤗even when it is raining 💦full booked safari-tours today❤️#söderåsensälgpark#visitsweden#soderasen#learnaboutmoose