Vi Odlar

Vi Odlar Vi odlar is volunteer based organization for urban gardening in Lund, part of ABC

Throughout the gardening we explore urban gardening as a practice, a grass-root movement and a liberating cultural expression. Through a problem-based and participatory approach, we solve seasonal challenges in order to garden food crops right in the middle of the city! We apply sustainable and innovative methods, use leftover materials and get inspiration by doing study visits
to other urban gar

dens in Lund and Malmö. During 2016, we continue to transform a gray industrial area into a dynamic and edible piece of urban art, open and accessible for all.

In trend 🌱 with space saving planting seeds in snails. First batch of seeds for zone 7 is ready to grow now

In trend 🌱 with space saving planting seeds in snails. First batch of seeds for zone 7 is ready to grow now

Vi Odlar had a really nice visit to some garden in denmark. Great exchange of wisdom. Thanks  for guiding and explaining...

Vi Odlar had a really nice visit to some garden in denmark.
Great exchange of wisdom.
Thanks for guiding and explaining different projects. I really appreciate your knowledge about gardening and hoping to meet you in future as well :)
Thanks jasper from whole team for your grapes plant.
Of course, many many thanks to Ziemeļu ceļš for organising and collaborating with us during the workshop. 🤗🤗

Had a nice discussion with Ziemeļu ceļš and Danmarks Naturfredningsforening about urban gardening in the backyard.

Had a nice discussion with Ziemeļu ceļš and Danmarks Naturfredningsforening about urban gardening in the backyard.

Harvest festival is near! Just a few days left till the harvest festival 2025 which is happening this Saturday! We as Vi...

Harvest festival is near! Just a few days left till the harvest festival 2025 which is happening this Saturday! We as Vi odlar are pleased to serve fika at stall 34, so come and visit us! We are a non-profit, volunteer based organization, part of big ABC Sweden and all money from the festival will go for the establishment of our new garden where everyone can learn how to grow things within urban area.

If you want to help with the harvest festival or volunteer with gardening, please send us pm! Hope to see many people there

It feels like autumn is here and winter is coming, but here in zone 7 it's still + 30 °C and our estimated frost time is...

It feels like autumn is here and winter is coming, but here in zone 7 it's still + 30 °C and our estimated frost time is 2 months ahead so gardening is going on with planting seeds of lettuce, garden cress, radishes and winter matcha

Before After


Today, we harvested potatoes 🥔 and great peas 🫛. Although the potato plants were not doing well this year, we got more t...

Today, we harvested potatoes 🥔 and great peas 🫛. Although the potato plants were not doing well this year, we got more than we expected 😍🤩.

There is one more lane of potatoes left. Feel free to join our next event to harvest some potatoes and peas 🙂.

Hoping to see you at the next event.

Harvest festival!

Harvest festival!

Skördefesten är tillbaka den 28 september i år och precis som vanligt är det ett evenemang som hyllar det närproducerade, ekologiska och handgjorda. Det hela sker i Stadsparken i Lund.

Här kan du köpa med dig grönsaker, blommor, honung och sylt, även hantverkare finns på plats med ull, lin, trä och keramik. Det kommer att finnas flera härliga serveringar och foodtrucks att välja mellan. Odlare och föreningar delar med sig av kunskap och odlarglädje, och det finns alltid roliga aktiviteter för barnen.

För dig som vill medverka som utställare eller försäljare under årets skördefest, välkommen med din intresseanmälan!

Today, it was very lovely day. Our garden was visited by a very inspiring person Sandy Sheehy, all the way from New Mexi...

Today, it was very lovely day. Our garden was visited by a very inspiring person Sandy Sheehy, all the way from New Mexico, USA.

Sandy is an environmental journalist, writer and author of two books. She is currently working on a book about community-based environmental initiatives around the globe. She told us that our sustainable urban gardening program would make an ideal illustrative and valuable addition to the book.

The coordinators (Victoria and Shubham) and one of volunteers Ashish had a productive discussion about challenges in urban gardening and its possible solutions.
Check out her work on website

Apparently I am bad at labelling seedlings 😅 I was rather sure it should be a pumpkin. But why does it look like zucchin...

Apparently I am bad at labelling seedlings 😅 I was rather sure it should be a pumpkin. But why does it look like zucchini? 🤷😅

Today we brought and planted 20 more raspberry  bushes from the old garden. The middle of May is a little too late to pl...

Today we brought and planted 20 more raspberry bushes from the old garden. The middle of May is a little too late to plant new bushes so we triple watered them and hopefully they will make it. Also the border and support were installed to slow down their invasion to the rest of the garden

A kind soul donated three Aronia bushes which now happily growing in our garden. Aronia is known as a super berry. It ha...

A kind soul donated three Aronia bushes which now happily growing in our garden. Aronia is known as a super berry. It has the highest amount of antioxidants among the berries and has other health benefits as
-Improve function of the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems.
-Prevent gastric damage.
-Protect heart cells from cell membrane damage and DNA fragmentation.
-Protect the liver from chemical damage.
-Enhance overall wellness.

We made an experimental bed this year. After removing weeds and roots with the help of our awesome volunteers a big pile...

We made an experimental bed this year. After removing weeds and roots with the help of our awesome volunteers a big pile was formed. We evened it out, covered with cardboard and compost and left it to incubate for a while. Today we made holes and planted pumpkin and zucchini plants in this bed, covered it from sun bleaching with jute mesh. Let's see by the end of the season how successful this idea would be 😄🤷🌱👨‍🌾💚


Kastanjegatan 13


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Our Story

We cultivate edibles using organic methods and build a more resilient and open community in Lund, Sweden!

Vi odlar! is an urban gardening and open meeting-place located at Stenkrossen - City of Lund’s house for culture, the arts and innovation. We are a part of non-profit organization ABC - Active contributions for people and the environment.

During 2019, we embark on our 6th gardening season at Stenkrossen. We invite you to share this enriching journey with us by participating at our open workshops, study circles, trainings and study visits. Keep posted here on Facebook where we share our upcoming events.

Contact: [email protected]