VetOrto Yaacob Sharon AB

VetOrto Yaacob Sharon AB Book Small animal veterinary surgical consult / orthopedic / spine surgery
Smådjur veterinär kirurg

Nu fortsätter jag uppdraget i Vellinge Öresunds veterinärklinik, att hjälpa alla smådjur som lider av ortopediska proble...

Nu fortsätter jag uppdraget i Vellinge Öresunds veterinärklinik, att hjälpa alla smådjur som lider av ortopediska problem.
Högsta klass åtgärder av TPLO, Artroskopi av alla leder, patella luxationer, frakturer , övriga ortopediska problem och diskbråck operationer.
Såklart uppdraget i Lillö veterinärklinik fortsätter som vanligt ☺️

Korsbandsskada på en katt, notera subluxstion av leden pga instabiliteten

Korsbandsskada på en katt, notera subluxstion av leden pga instabiliteten

Veterinär mottagningen för smådjur i Annorlundavägen 15 , är öppet efter överenskommelse, gärna kontakta via Messenger e...

Veterinär mottagningen för smådjur i Annorlundavägen 15 , är öppet efter överenskommelse, gärna kontakta via Messenger eller sms 0768568882
Dock alltid öppet- tisdag kl 18-20.

Left-xray showing arthritis and biceps tendon osteophytes. Right- arthroscopic visualization of the exact same changes

Left-xray showing arthritis and biceps tendon osteophytes.
Right- arthroscopic visualization of the exact same changes

PGR on a dog that was previously operated for MPL but unfortunately got reluxated. Diagnosed with MPL grad 3/4 , already...

PGR on a dog that was previously operated for MPL but unfortunately got reluxated. Diagnosed with MPL grad 3/4 , already as a puppy

Supracondylar comminuted fracture , pre- and postoperative

Supracondylar comminuted fracture , pre- and postoperative

Patellar luxation grad 4, stabilized with a PGR implant.

Patellar luxation grad 4, stabilized with a PGR implant.


Tracheal collapse, the fluoroscopy version


Tracheal collapse, a stent Will folllow

Patellar groove replacment(PGR). To Those dogs and cats that a standard surgical technic is just not enough

Patellar groove replacment(PGR). To Those dogs and cats that a standard surgical technic is just not enough

Patellar groove replacment(PGR). To Thore dogs and cats that a standard technic is just not enough

Patellar groove replacment(PGR). To Thore dogs and cats that a standard technic is just not enough

Shoulder joint arthrodesis following a chronic shoulder joint severe luxation

Shoulder joint arthrodesis following a chronic shoulder joint severe luxation

Look who I found next to this supracondylar femural fracture.

Look who I found next to this supracondylar femural fracture.

Monteggia fracture on a dog. This was a challenge since the fracture is a older one, the ulna had a palpable callus alre...

Monteggia fracture on a dog. This was a challenge since the fracture is a older one, the ulna had a palpable callus already


Annorlundavägen 15



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