Webexovet - Treating exotic animals

Webexovet - Treating exotic animals Useful information about exotic and Zoo animals, educational conferences, courses, clinical cases.


🔸Reasons of Urolithiasis in ferrets are:

1. genetic
2. diet
3. infections
4. lifestyle (immobility, obesity)
5. systemic diseases

For diagnosis we use: anamnesis, results of examination, laboratory tests of urine, X-ray and of course, ultrasound.

Author: Dr. Maratkanova Polina (https://www.instagram.com/chipolina_vet?igsh=MTdnOWUxZWx4bXBubQ==)

Myringotomy is an operation when the tympanic membrane is pierced in order to remove abnormal contents from the middle e...

Myringotomy is an operation when the tympanic membrane is pierced in order to remove abnormal contents from the middle ear and take exudate for analysis in order to identify the disease agent and to correct selection of drugs. Our patient: rat with torticolis, on pictures: pus behind the tympanic membrane ➡️right after myringotomy➡️after flushing the middle ear.

Author: Maratkanova Polina (https://www.instagram.com/chipolina_vet?igsh=MWFxZnp2d2s1aDU4bw==)

HYPERTHYROIDISM IN GUINEА PIGS 🐹- Females and males over the age of 2.5 years- Clinical - Swelling of the ventral neck p...


- Females and males over the age of 2.5 years
- Clinical - Swelling of the ventral neck part, hyperphagia, hyperactivity, tachypnea, sleep too much, weight loss, sensitivity to touch, alopecia, diarrhea.
- Diagnosis - Increased levels of T3, T4, ultrasound, biopsy, scintigraphy. Ref T4 14.2-66.9 nmol / l; 1.1 - 5.2 ng/dl.
- Therapy - Methimazole 0.5-2 mg/kg orally SID. Carbimazole 1-2 mg/kg orally SID. Thyroidectomy. Radiotherapy (Radiation therapy, Radioactive iodine (I-131, 1mCi s/c - N. Shumaker)

- In case of thyroidectomy supportive care is needed (control of Ca and T4 levels). It is important not to damage the laryngeal nerv. In 42%, it is not completely removed.
Our patient: guinea pig Bundy, 4 yо, diagnosed with papillary thyroid adenoma.

✅Author: Dr. Maratkanova Polina

International Congress "Small Mammal Medicine in Practice - Emergencies"✅ Organisation: VetProAcademia✅ When: 8-9 june 2...

International Congress "Small Mammal Medicine in Practice - Emergencies"

✅ Organisation: VetProAcademia
✅ When: 8-9 june 2024
✅ Where: on-line
✅ Language: English

✅ Speakers: Maria Ardiaca-Garcia DVM PhD (Madrid), Anders Montesinos DVM PhD (Madrid), Agata, Godlewska DVM, Jakub Fatyga DVM, Oliwia Lis DVM, Justyna Ignaszak-Dziech DVM.

More information and registration: https://u.to/KF_uIA

On May 25, 2024, a series of 5 oncology exobinars will start with DVM Polina Maratkanova.➡️ Scalpel vs Medication – comm...

On May 25, 2024, a series of 5 oncology exobinars will start with DVM Polina Maratkanova.

➡️ Scalpel vs Medication – common dilemmas in exotic mammal medicine ⬅️
👉 Rabbits Therapeutic Problems 🐰
Otitis - therapy or surgery
Liver problems - therapy or surgery
GI tract syndrome - therapy or surgery
👉 Rabbits oncological problems 🐰
Thymoma - therapy or surgery
Adenocarcinomas metastasis - therapy or surgery
Testicular tumours - therapy or surgery
👉 Rats problems 🐀
Mammary glands disorders - therapy or surgery
Otitis and zymbal gland - therapy or surgery
Pododermatitis - therapy or surgery
👉 Ferrets oncological problems
Lymphoma - therapy or surgery
Adrenal glands disorders - therapy or surgery
👉Guinea pigs problems 🐹
Urinary bladder stones - therapy or surgery
Lymphoma - therapy or surgery
Thyroid gland tumours - therapy or surgery

✳️ Each webinar will last approximately 90 minutes
✳️ The first of the webinars - "Rabbits Therapeutic Problems" - will be available on the www.vetproakademia.myvod.pl platform from May 25, 2024
✳️ Included in the purchase price: 7-day access to the recorded webinar, PDF materials, certificate with educational points and LIVE Q&A session on the ZOOM platform
Sign up today: https://vetproakademia.myvod.pl/kurs/1342/scalpel-vs-medication

Dental abscesses are a common pathology of rabbits. The main treatment method is the elimination of the source of infect...

Dental abscesses are a common pathology of rabbits.

The main treatment method is the elimination of the source of infection, surgical excision or marsupialization of the abscess. And how to handle such a wound, especially if it is drained into the oral cavity? The best choice is warm sodium chloride, chlorhexidine not more than 0.025% and Manuka Honey, a natural bacteriostatic.

The photo shows the natural healing process with local application of sodium chloride 0,9% + Manuka honey and systemic antibiotic therapy.

Author: Anastasia Vysokich

🦇Baseline of Physiological Body Temperature and Hematological Parameters in Captive Rousettus aegyptiacus and Eidolon he...

🦇Baseline of Physiological Body Temperature and Hematological Parameters in Captive Rousettus aegyptiacus and Eidolon helvum Fruit Bats.

✅Authors: Melanie Rissmann, Virginia Friedrichs, Nils KleyNils Kley, Martin StraubeMartin Straube, Balal Sadeghi, Anne Balkema-Buschmann
✅Year: 2022

To better understand the physiology of these animals, and to generate baseline knowledge, we monitored the body core temperatures of R. aegyptiacus bats in the aviaries, and found a circadian variation between 34°C and 41.5°C. We also determined the hematological parameters of both species, and detected specific differences between both bat species. For values of clinical chemistry, no correlation to age or s*x was observed.

Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/physiology/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.910157/full

🐰 When spaying rabbits, it is very important to remove both the ovaries and the uterus.  Here is an example in this clin...

🐰 When spaying rabbits, it is very important to remove both the ovaries and the uterus. Here is an example in this clinical case.

Rabbit Ozzy (6 yo) was spayed in another clinic at an early age, with what kind of method the owners did not know exactly. She came to us with complaints of uncontrolled urination and a suspected intestinal tumor. Blood tests revealed anemia.

Palpation revealed a mass in the area of ​​the uterine stump, which was confirmed by US, the surgery was performed to remove the neoplasia. According to histology, uterine adenocarcinoma was confirmed and adjuvant chemotherapy with carboplatin 150 mg/m2 was prescribed once every 3 weeks, 3 sessions. Ozzy did great. Now the bunny is doing well.

Author: Dr. Maratkanova Polina (https://www.instagram.com/chipolina_vet?igsh=MWFxZnp2d2s1aDU4bw==)

🔥Free Webinar! Rabbit Husbandry and disease.✅Speaker: John Chitty✅When: 14th of May Registration: https://thewebinarvet....

🔥Free Webinar! Rabbit Husbandry and disease.

✅Speaker: John Chitty
✅When: 14th of May
Registration: https://thewebinarvet.com/webinars/rabbit-husbandry-and-disease?utm_source=promo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=upcoming


This webinar will cover how deficiencies in husbandry can and does cause or contribute to disease. It will also cover how improved husbandry can promote good health, treat disease and be seen as preventive medicine in its own right.

Learning Objectives:

🔸To understand how good husbandry should be related to the biological needs of rabbits
🔸To understand how basing husbandry on the 5 welfare needs will reduce disease occurrence
🔸To understand which diseases have a major link to poor husbandry
🔸To understand how improving husbandry should form part of any treatment protocol
🔸To understand how to include rabbit husbandry in the practice’s preventive medicine protocols

🟢 Chacoan Mara (Dolichotis salinicola) is a herbivorous rodent of South America, a family of mumps, 4th in size after ca...

🟢 Chacoan Mara (Dolichotis salinicola) is a herbivorous rodent of South America, a family of mumps, 4th in size after capybaras, beavers and porcupines.
🦷Teeth formula: I 1/1, P1 / 1, M3 / 3. Dental disease is a typical problem for both wild and domestic representatives of the rodent genus. The approach to diagnosis and treatment does not differ from the standard methods adopted in guinea pigs and chinchillas. An important aspect is the prevention of the development of dental disease, namely:
🌿1. Diet based on crude fiber (grass, hay, twig, dry leaves, roots), grain-free grass granules, a minimum amount of simple carbohydrates (apple, carrots). 2. Vit C in a dose of at least 25 mg / kg at least 2 times a week
💡3. The use of UV lamps in individual modes
🏃4. Exercise
🟢 Our patient is a male, 5 years old, with dental disease; the X-ray shows a violation of the occlusion of the teeth, elongation of the crowns, pe*******on of the crowns into the ventral cortical bone. Pneumatosis of the gastrointestinal tract is a consequence of impaired consumption of coarse fiber and excessive proliferation of gas-producing bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
Author: Vysokikh A. N.


Zastój żołądkowo jelitowy (GI stasis) – czy oby na pewno wiesz o nim wszystko?
Czy może jednak Ci się tak tylko wydaje?
Pora zrobić solidny rachunek sumienia i dowiedzieć się jak pomagać najlepiej i najskuteczniej w tym jakże powszechnym schorzeniu, które jednocześnie może być tylko wierzchołkiem góry lodowej problemów.
Jednak trzeba się do tego zabrać solidnie i jeśli czerpać wiedzę – to tylko od najlepszych 😊
Dlatego zapraszam Ciebie na webinar poświęcony w całości temu zagadnieniu
Co? Kiedy? Gdzie? I najważniejsze – Jak pomóc!
W świat problemów żołądkowo jelitowych małych ssaków, a co najważniejsze w świat ich rozwiązań wprowadzi Ciebie Polina Maratkanova, lekarka weterynarii, magister opieki nad zwierzętami egzotycznymi i dzikimi (UCM, Madryt) z ponad 17-letnim doświadczeniem. Międzynarodowy wykładowca, autor artykułów i książek na temat zwierząt egzotycznych.
Działaj szybko i skutecznie 😊
Szczegóły pod adresem:

🟢 Already in May, the largest conference on exotic animals in the world will take place in Belgium, which takes place on...

🟢 Already in May, the largest conference on exotic animals in the world will take place in Belgium, which takes place once every 2 years. One of the founders of the Webexovet school, Polina Maratkanova, will also present her report there and attend lectures and master classes to then share with you the latest information in the world of exotic animal treatment.
Birds, reptiles, mammals: here you can see a detailed schedule:https://icare2024.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/ICARE-program_20240205.pdf
Register: https://icare2024.eu

🦧 Carotene jaundice - the skin acquires a yellowish tint due to the accumulation of beta-carotene in the cells of the de...

🦧 Carotene jaundice - the skin acquires a yellowish tint due to the accumulation of beta-carotene in the cells of the dermis and is a physiological reaction to excess carotene (provitamin vitamin A) in the body that occurs when a large number of carotene - rich foods are consumed.
🔸Beta-carotene is found in fruits and vegetables of yellow, orange and red color - carrots, red and yellow bell peppers, pumpkin, apricots, persimmons, oranges and tangerines.
🔸Beta-carotene refers to fat-soluble compounds. The conversion of carotene to vitamin A and its utilization occurs in the liver. Therefore, with excessive intake of carotene into the body with food and insufficient intake of fats, free circulation of carotene and staining of the skin in shades of yellow are possible.
🎃 As a rule, such patients have no other complaints besides jaundice. But we always exclude diseases of the hepatobiliary system and hemolysis. Our patient is 4 years old and he turned yellow, as he loves persimmon and pumpkin).

🔸The nematode Oxyspirura conjunctivalis  lives in the conjunctival sacs of many species of primates, whose diet consists...

🔸The nematode Oxyspirura conjunctivalis lives in the conjunctival sacs of many species of primates, whose diet consists of cockroaches.
🔸The parasite cycle has not been fully identified; it has been established that it takes place with the participation of an intermediate host, and in this case it is a marble cockroach (Nauphoeta cinerea).
🔸Active discharge from the eyes, conjunctivitis, keratitis can be observed. Rarely, obstruction and abscesses of the nasolacrimal canals can be observed.
🔸The diagnosis is established on the basis of direct visualization of nematodes. An effective method of treatment is the mechanical removal of parasites and the use of Ivermectin and Moxidectin, which is part of the pipettes for external treatments at the withers.
🔸This is a brown-headed tamarin with a facial abscess against a background of invasion by nematodes before and after conservative treatment.

#ветеринарныйврач #ветеринарнаямедицина

Huge non-invasive lipoma in a guinea pig.🔸Lipomas are very common in guinea pigs, but there are quite invasive lipomas t...

Huge non-invasive lipoma in a guinea pig.
🔸Lipomas are very common in guinea pigs, but there are quite invasive lipomas that pe*****te between the muscles and fascia. There are lipomas that degenerate into liposarcoma, so it is always better to remove them and not wait for them to grow to that size.
🔸Before surgery, it is necessary to take cytology or, even better, a core biopsy.
The good thing is that this lipoma was non-invasive and we removed it easily. The guinea pig underwent well the surgery and recovered quickly.
Author: Maratkanova P.


🐇According to numerous literary sources and statistics of clinical work, it can be said, that the most informative method for diagnosing ear pathologies is CT, but the most accessible is otoscopy with video otoscope.
🔸We recommend performing an otoscopy at every appointment, regardless of the presence of ear-related complaints. Especially for lop-eared rabbits.
🔸To prevent the development of EAM diverticulitis and otitis media associated with perforation of the eardrum from the EAM side, we recommend washing the EAM once every six months.
🔸This can be done easily under the control of a video otoscope, subclavian catheter and warm saline solution. This should be done delicately, without strong water pressure and always with intubation of the patient.

📝 Multifocal pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis in a ring-tailed lemur.🔸Lemur catta or cat lemur - one of the most recogniza...

📝 Multifocal pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis in a ring-tailed lemur.
🔸Lemur catta or cat lemur - one of the most recognizable lemurs among primates.
Our male patient, 5 years old, was admitted with progressive lameness, selective appetite, and a decrease in physical and social activity.
🔸Under general sedation (a combination of midosalam + isoflurane), an examination and diagnostic procedures were performed. 🔸Radiography revealed areas of altered bone density, a biopsy and an open histology of the suspected areas were performed, with the sampling of material for microbiological examination, including mycobacterium spp. No infection was detected, tumor growth was not determined.
🔸Histological diagnosis: multifocal pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis.
🔸Chronic recurrent focal osteomyelitis is a rare inflammatory disease in children and adolescents, characterized by localized edema and pain in the shoulder blades and long bones of the limbs.
🔸 The etiology has not been studied; it may be an autoimmune disease. The localization of the lesions in our case is not typical; hip joint pathology or trauma can also be suspected.
🔸 Treatment in humans includes the use of NSAIDs and immunomodulators. Our lemur receives Meloxicam at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg once every 3 days, which ensures a comfortable life for him.
Author: Vysokikh A. N.

🐀 Ultrasonography is useful in diagnosing intracranial tumors in rats. In particular, pituitary adenoma.🔸Latest article ...

🐀 Ultrasonography is useful in diagnosing intracranial tumors in rats. In particular, pituitary adenoma.
🔸Latest article from the Los Sauces team: Ardiaca García M., Montesinos Barceló A., Bonvehi Nadeu S., Romero Herrera P., Plaza Serrano P. Diagnosis of intracranial neoplasia using transcranial ultrasound in two pet rats.
Suspicion of an intracranial tumor is based on connected clinical signs. These signs can be subtle and misleading and are common to many other diseases. To date, the presumptive diagnosis could only be confirmed using CT or MRI.
🔸Our results show that ultrasound is the cheapest, simplest, fastest and safest method for definitive diagnosis of this type of tumor, which, unfortunately, is so common in rats.
🔸The article is here:

Dr. Zoltan giving a seminar about exotic mammal medicine in Johannesburg on 7/September at 6:30pm. The location is Craig...

Dr. Zoltan giving a seminar about exotic mammal medicine in Johannesburg on 7/September at 6:30pm. The location is Craig View Veterinary Clinic, 44 Reier Road, Atlasville, 1600 Boksburg, Gauteng.
Please secure your place by emailing [email protected]
Spaces are limited; please RSVP ASAP.

📝 Trichobezoar in galago.The thick-tailed Galago (Otolemur crassicaudatus) is a species of nocturnal primate, Galagidae ...

📝 Trichobezoar in galago.
The thick-tailed Galago (Otolemur crassicaudatus) is a species of nocturnal primate, Galagidae family, infraorder Loriformes.
The diet consists of fruits, berries, seeds, flowers, insects, eggs, poultry, resin and gum. They live in small groups.
🔸This type of galago is similar to a cat, they constantly groom themselves and fellow tribesmen by licking soft, fluffy hair, so in captivity they must receive pastes to remove hair from the stomach for cats. With age, probably against the background of a violation of the evacuation stomach function, hairy bezoars of the stomach can often be found.
🔸 If the bezoar is small, then, like other animal species, it does not create problems. But in galago, it usually fills the entire lumen of the stomach, disrupting the process of food processing. Surprisingly, even with large bezoar sizes, galago does not vomit. We regularly inspect animals, knowing about this problem.
🔸Our patient is a female 13 yo, with a low weight (960 grams), without behavioral complaints. During the examination palpation revealed a large bezoar confirmed by ultrasound and X-ray.
🔸Blood tests revealed an increase in Alt and ALP and moderate anemia.
🔸Standard anesthetic protocol includes Midazolam 0.25-0.5 mg/kg, Ketamine 10 mg/kg, Isoflurane 3-1% 1 l/min. Additionally, we used: Maropitant 2 mg/kg, famotidine 2 mg/kg, Lidocaine 30 mcg/kg/min, combination of Amoxicillin 12.5 mg/kg + Metronidazole 20 mg/kg, crystalloid infusion.
🔸 Gastrotomy is performed according to the standard protocol. The patient soon got better.



Johanna Peiner-Gigler, Wildlife Veterinarian, Senior Scientist1, Friederike Polin, Wildlife Veterinarian, Senior Researcher1, Hanna Rauch-Schmöcking, Wildlife Veterinarian, Researcher1, Hataypat Rattanatanya Veterinarian, PhD Student2, Biologist Anita Metzinger, BSc Veterinary Medicine Medicine1, Wildlife Biologist Paul Griesberger, Researcher3, Gabriel Stalder Veterinarian, Senior Scientist1
1 Research Institute for Wildlife Ecology, Vetmeduni Vienna, Savoienstraße 1, 1160 Vienna, Austria. 2 Department of Interdisciplinary Life Sciences, Vetmeduni Vienna, Savoienstraße 1, 1160 Vienna, Austria. 3 Institute of Wildlife and Game Biology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Gregor-Mendel-Str. 33, 1180, Vienna, Austria


🔸Because new anesthesia protocols are species appropriate and weight dependent, general anesthesia in the wild has improved significantly. Anesthesia in wild ruminants is generally stable, but recovery from anesthesia can be rough, prolonged, and patients' rumen activity is disrupted for a long time.
🔸Drugs that increase cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels, such as caffeine, shorten recovery time and improve recovery periods after general anesthesia in rats and humans (RH) without affecting vital parameters such as heart rate or blood pressure at low doses.
🔸Eight adult red deer (Cervus elaphus) kept in large (> 100 ha) natural enclosures were captured and collared for ecological research. They were anesthetized with 2.5 mg/kg zoletil (tiletamine + zolazepam, Virbac, Switzerland) plus 0.08 mg/kg medetomidine (20 mg/ml, Richter Pharma, Austria) and placed in a lateral or chest position.
🔸All animals received 5 L of nasal oxygen and 8-10 ml/kg/h of Ringer's lactate intravenously. Reversed with 5 mg of atipamezole per 1 mg of medetomidine intramuscularly, on average 57.8 minutes after the administration of the anesthetic. Half of the animals were slowly injected with 0.7 mg/kg caffeine (Novacoc, Richter Pharma, Austria, food approved) intravenously at the same time point. 🔸Recovery time averaged 12.5 minutes and was reduced to 8.5 minutes in individuals treated with caffeine intravenously. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increases respiration and muscle activity, increases cardiac output, increases urine output, and is thought to accelerate cognitive recovery (RH).
🔸Conclusion: Administration of caffeine appears to result in faster and more uniform recovery from anesthesia in red deer. To confirm these initial observations, controlled studies are needed that measure vital parameters during and quality of the recovery period.

🔸Dr. Doug Mader is a triple board-certified veterinary specialist and has been a veterinarian for nearly four decades. H...

🔸Dr. Doug Mader is a triple board-certified veterinary specialist and has been a veterinarian for nearly four decades. He is an internationally recognized speaker, has written three best-selling medical textbooks, numerous book chapters and scientific publications. He has had long standing pet columns in the Long Beach Press Telegram, Reptiles magazine, and the Key West Citizen. Dr. Mader is the recipient of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Conservation Award, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Achievement Award, and the Fred L. Frye Lifetime Achievement Award for Veterinary Medicine. He is a seven-time winner of the North American Veterinary Community Speaker of the Year award and a four-time winner of the Western Veterinary Conference Educator of the Year award. He is also a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine in the United Kingdom. Dr. Mader is Human Animal Bond Certified and practiced in California for many years, but today lives and works in the Florida Keys.

🔸New book by D. Mader: https://www.dougmader.com/order

🔸Listen to the full podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/am/podcast/the-vet-blast-podcast/id1521133220?i=1000590329636

🐿️Squirrels (Sciurus) are not a simple patient, nimble, impetuous, fearful, defensive and painfully biting. 🔸Our patient...

🐿️Squirrels (Sciurus) are not a simple patient, nimble, impetuous, fearful, defensive and painfully biting.
🔸Our patient had a maxillofacial trauma in childhood, which led both to a malocclusion of the incisors and the need for weekly tooth length corrections. The formula of the teeth is: p 2/2, k 0/0, p 2/1, m 3/3, only the incisors constantly grow in squirrels.
🔸We correct incisors’s length only under sedation, but for this patient we made an exception. This little squirrel is hand raised , human oriented and does not experience much stress from manipulations.
🔸With this type of correction, there is a big risk of damaging the tongue and lips with a mill, so we lay a thin piece of skin or leatherette behind the incisors, which ensures the safety of soft tissues and reduces the risk of damage to the temporomandibular joint.
Author: Vysokikh A. N.



🔸Manena Fayos DVM, Pg.Cert, Msc.1, Natalia Sastre PHD2, Ibone Anza DVM, PHD1, Emmanuel Serrano PHD3, Roser Velarde DVM, PHD3
1 Centro de Recuperación de Fauna Silvestre de Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain. 2 Servei Veterinari de Genètica Molecular (SVGM) Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain. 3 Wildlife Ecology and Health Group, Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain
Short Abstract

🔸On March 2022, the fresh carcass of a free-ranging iberian grey wolf (Canis lupus signatus) was admitted to the Wildlife Centre of Cantabria (Spain) for post-mortem examination.
🔸The wolf was a juvenile male in poor body condition, with a high parasite burden (ticks and fleas). Upon gross examination, a tentative diagnosis of an haemolytic disease was made based on the icterus, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenomegaly, and dark orange urine. 🔸Histopathological findings of diffuse interstitial pneumonia with alveolar oedema, acute periacinar degeneration of the liver, and the presence of erythrophagocytosis, haematopoiesis, and hemosiderosis in the spleen also supported this diagnosis. Occasional meronts consistent with Hepatozoon canis were also seen in the spleen. Real-time qPCRs of the spleen tissue tested positive for piroplasmids (Babesia/Theileria spp.) and Hepatozoon spp. Both amplicons were sequenced and genetically identified as Babesia canis and Hepatozoon canis, respectively. An immunohistochemistry test of the lung tissues ruled out a co-infection with distemper virus.
🔸This case prompted a retrospective study of the prevalence of the two vector-borne diseases in the wolves of Cantabria. Thus, a qPCR assay of 88 wolf spleen samples belonging to the years 2017-2021 was performed, obtaining a prevalence of 4,5% for Babesia canis, and of 96,5% for Hepatozoon canis. The final diagnosis of the death of this wolf was a fatal systemic haemolytic disease caused mainly by Babesia canis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a fatal babesiosis in a free-ranging grey wolf.

Shedding in rabbits and how to help them.🔸Shedding is a normal process when the coat partially or completely replaces an...

Shedding in rabbits and how to help them.
🔸Shedding is a normal process when the coat partially or completely replaces and the skin renews.
🔸Rabbits are born naked, gradually overgrowing with delicate fur. Molting in rabbits can be age-related and seasonal (spring and autumn). Generally rabbits have two age-related molts in the first months of life. 1st at 1-1.5 months, 2d at 3.5-4 months. Each lasts a couple of months and ends when the rabbits are 5.5–6 months old and become s*xually mature. From this age, they molt in the same way as adults.
🔸There is a lot of different information about how many times a year molt takes place, what is the duration, but in fact, everything is individual. It depends on the housing conditions, diet, physiological state, breed, castration. Typically, molt begins from the neck and tail, followed by the nape, back, croup, belly, and sides. But this is also individual: someone sheds in clumps, someone sheds permanently throughout the year, someone has a standard beautiful shedding, someone has alopecia areas, someone does not.
🔴How to understand if there is a pathology or not?
- The skin is not hyperemic
- No scurf
- No erosive lesions, eczema and scratching
- There may be a "darkening" of the skin
🔴What is important to remember while molting?
- Rabbits are very clean and actively lick themselves and their companion, swallowing fur
- They do not have vomiting, so fur accumulates in the stomach for years
- This fur can cause obstruction in the GI tract, form trichobezoars in a mixture with food and cause death of the animal!
- Long-haired rabbits (angora, jersey wooly) are at increased risk
- Deficiency of sulfur-containing amino acids, iron and magnesium because of the cereals diet can affect the poor quality of the wool and the rate of its growth.
- Stress and chronic hypomotility increase the risk of trichobezoar formation
🔴How to improve hair removal?
- Diet! (a lot of hay and grass - hard fiber in the diet, which improves intestinal motility)
- Sufficient amount of consumed water (50-150 ml / kg / day)
- Brush the coat at least once a week, and during shedding - every day
- Hygienic haircut during the heating season and summer
- Use hair removing pastes, (there is no confirmed information about the effectiveness in rabbits, but may have a positive effect if fed regularly from an early age)
🔴What not to do during molting?
- Wash the rabbit (since the fur is thick and thin, it easily form the tangeles + it’s very stressful for the animal)
- Drink pineapple juice, papaya, give prunes - they won’t dissolve the existing fur, but they contain a lot of fructose, which negatively affects the intestinal microflora.

Local lymphoma on the nose in 2 yo Syrian hamster. The owners noticed that the swelling on the nose started growing fast...

Local lymphoma on the nose in 2 yo Syrian hamster. The owners noticed that the swelling on the nose started growing faster, we provide biopsy and dental CT and it showed lymphoma with no skull damaging. Do the surgery is quite tricky in this case because of the location: how to remove it radically with saving the nose shape, so we suggested radiation therapy. After 8 sessions and 40 Gy summary dosage the tumor totally regressed. There was small skin burn after treatment, but it healed uneventfully.
Author: Polina Maratkanova

SCC in the bearded dragon.Bearded dragon Gena 🦎8 yo was admitted with big neoplasia on the mandible in the mouth area, s...

SCC in the bearded dragon.
Bearded dragon Gena 🦎8 yo was admitted with big neoplasia on the mandible in the mouth area, small one on the lower eyelids and on the skin of the back.
The cytology showed skin carcinoma. We examined this handsome guy for metastases and removed all the tumours. Since cytology revealed a malignant tumor, intrasurgical radiation therapy was additionally performed to prevent the development of relapse.
Gena tolerated anesthesia well and the sutures healed well. Histology confirmed squamous cell carcinoma. It’s already 3,5 months without release. But SCC is very malignant neoplasm, so in most cases relapse develops.
Surgeon - anesthesiologist: Maratkanova P.
Exotic vet: Shevchenko М.

🌡️Hyperthermia in large cats during anesthesia.🔸Doctors working with large cats are aware of the development of hyperthe...

🌡️Hyperthermia in large cats during anesthesia.
🔸Doctors working with large cats are aware of the development of hyperthermia during anesthesia. The temperature of a large cat varies from 37.8 to 39.4 C.
Predisposing factors for the development of hyperthermia:
1.High ambient temperature
2. Anesthesia in direct sunlight
3. Anesthesia in cramped, poorly ventilated rooms
4. Large or excess weight
5. Imperfect thermoregulation in young and old animals
6. Excited status and active movements in the enclosure before the introduction of anesthetics
7. The effect of anesthetics themselves on the thermoregulation center
8. Dehydration before and during the anesthesia
9. Convulsions during the anesthesia
10. Sepsis
11. Neurological diseases.
🔸Treatment of hyperthermia:
1. Provide shade and ventilation at the anesthesia site
2. If possible, put the animal on its back, spread the front and pelvic limbs, wet the ventral part of the neck, abdomen, limbs, paw pads with alcohol, cold water till the temperature decreases, but not less than 36.5 C.
3. Possibly to use snow, cold accumulators, cold water gloves, frozen packaged foods
4. Use an insulated rescue blanket with the golden side facing in
5. Use a cold air source / fan, hair dryer
6. Use Midozalam to Control Seizures
7. Use intravenously cooled (no more than 35 C) crystalloid solutions
8. If the above measures do not work, use a cool water e***a. Bladder and stomach lavage can be used with caution
9. Do not use other anesthetics
10. Reverse alpha 2 agonists but be aware of the effects of antidotes
11. Check the temperature every 5 minutes.





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