The Russian Blue cat is a graceful, green-eyed beauty, intelligent, alert and lively. They are usually mild in their temperament, often cuddly and definitely not couch-cats. We breed the beautiful Russian Blue on a small scale under the name S*Catullus. The breed has had a reputation for being shy to strangers, though most Russians today are very social, friendly and curious. We strive for the max
imum in socialisation by not only exposing the kittens of the sound of household but also to friends, car drives, the toothbrush, harness is you want to go for a walk and so on. S*Catullus kittens are sold at the age of 13-14 weeks of age. The are delivered with full vaccination protocol, veterinary examined and ID-marked with a microchip and will have passport. The kittens are insured again hidden defects for three years, they are registered in SVERAK (FIFe) and come with pedigree. Are you curious about trying out a cat exhibition, but have no experience, then we are happy to coach you. We have a policy of selling the kittens in pairs, or to homes where they have or soon will get a cat companion. For us the Russian Blue simply is the perfect cat. You need to be owned by one, or two... or...
If you are curious about this cool breed you are more than welcome to come and visit us and our cats.