🍁🥔Thank you everyone who came to our harvest fest and made it to the coziest autumn day🥔🍁 You are all welcome to join us for our next gardening day this upcoming Saturday 💚💚
Some sneak peeks from yesterday’s gardening day that ended with a delicious cookout 🌱🔥🥬🫓
#campusgarden #bröd #trädgård #garden #communitygarden #cookout #barbeque #odling #permaculture #permakultur #uppsala #weeding #community #plants #flatbread
🌱Ending the gardening day by planting some zucchini🌱
Thanks to everyone who came today! 💚
The Garden
Den här videon filmades av en våra volontärer, Jinsong Yang, i helgen. Jinsong valde The campus garden som miljö för en videohyllning till sin väns giftermål. Videon visar de otroliga höstfärgerna i trädgården och några av våra volontärer som jobbar med att täcka bäddar inför vintern, rengöra lera och snickra 🔨🪚 🍁
Tack Jinsong och tack till våra flitiga volontär 🥰
This video was shot by one of our volunteers, Jinsong Yang, this weekend in the garden. Jinsong chose the Campus Garden as the setting for a video celebrating his friend’s marriage. It shows off some of the beautiful autumn colors in the garden and some of our volunteers working on covering beds for the winter, cleaning clay and working with some carpentry 🔨 🪚 🍁
Thank you Jinsong and thank you to our hard working volunteers 🥰
Today, we are excited to announce the procurement of the land for the new Uppsala University Campus Garden!🌻
We plan to transform this space into a flourishing urban garden built upon sustainable principles. A place for learning, community, and comfort – where everyone is welcome!
The garden will be filled with vegetables, flowers, trees, bushes, and much more! We hope to create a center for education, engagement, and collaboration.
Stay tuned to watch the garden continue to grow and take shape or become an active part of the project yourself and help the garden come to fruition!
Join us on our mission towards a sustainable future 🌱
Visit the garden space in-person at Villavägen 14, 752 36 Uppsala
Stay updated via @uucampusgarden on Instagram or Facebook
Contact us directly at [email protected]