The Northern Star Cat Club - The Swedish TICA Club

The Northern Star Cat Club - The Swedish TICA Club The official page for the Swedish TICA club " The Northern Star".

Gott Nytt År!Have a fantastic evening and hopefully it is not too loud where you live!See you all next year!

Gott Nytt År!
Have a fantastic evening and hopefully it is not too loud where you live!
See you all next year!


Dear friends!
It has been a busy year for all of us and now that 2024 is on its final stretch, I would like to wish you all a very peaceful and happy Christmas!

To all of you who are showing in TICA - don´t forget to enter the Viking Cats show - 04/05/01 2025 Kirke Hyllinge!
Then there is a nice show in Holland - 18/19/01 2025 in Asperen (NL)
Also if you want to come to Vienna, we have a fantastic Ragdoll special and a 300€ CASH prize - 05/06/01 2025

And then there is the Annual in September in Dresden/Germany!
This is the biggest and most important Show for all TICA people!

If you want to come to any of these shows - visit TOES and enter your cats!

Have some wonderful days, eat., drink celebrate and be merry!
God jul och gott nytt år!

Yesterday the Cat Fancy lost one of its brightest stars.Phillipa Holmes has passed away.She was a wonderful judge and a ...

Yesterday the Cat Fancy lost one of its brightest stars.
Phillipa Holmes has passed away.

She was a wonderful judge and a good friend to many.
Known for her great humor and wit, she was an icon not only in TICA, but in other associations as well.

No matter where she went, she was always friendly and cheerful.
In the ring she impressed with her sensitive handling - especially with kittens - and her undisputed expertise.

We will miss her, you don't often find people like her anymore.

Farewell - Scottish Lady!

Please take your time and read this text, watch the videos.Although it might not directly concern you, it is a good exam...

Please take your time and read this text, watch the videos.
Although it might not directly concern you, it is a good example how some companies work.

Thank you!

Today we want to cover a very important but sad topic - this is going to be a long read - so you might take a coffee.

"The Danger of Self Cleaning Litter Boxes"

I know, this is probably more an "American thing" - but since they are sold over Amazon, Ali and other platforms, I thought it was important enough to talk about it.

Self Cleaning Litter Boxes might be a good thing, if you are handicapped, or an elderly person. Also they might be a good addition to regular litter boxes - but I personally would not take them as only solution.

I saw a few of them here in the local pet stores in Vienna, and most of them seem to be too small for big Maine C***s anyway - so I never really thought about them. Beside that they are really super expensive. (400€ and up)

But lately I thought of buying one for my mother - she is getting older now and on some days has a hard time keeing down to clean the toilet of her Maine C**n.

Then I stumbled over two specific videos about this topic, and they really made me sick and angry.
I uploaded the videos and more infos onto my server so you can download it and watch it yourself (Link below)

Many cats had to die in such lethal traps - the sellers and the platforms couldn´t care less ... and here we have to talk about Amazon and how it deals with negative reviews.

Customers are offered gift cards that will be activated, once they leave a 5 star review ... negative reviews with photos or videos are either deleted, or the customer is bribed to change to a 5 star review.

The companies just continue to sell their crap under a different name.
Needless to say that 95% of them are made in China ...

The problem I have with that - and that leads me to the second video I uploaded - is that platforms like Amazon are getting more and more taken over by corrupt sellers, who knowingly sell you dangerous products.
All made in China.

The guy in the second video is actually a Tech-Guy but he´s also a devoted cat dad.
He has a complete different approach to this scam with the Self Cleaning Toilets - from a more technical point of view.
He´s talking very fast - but in a nutshel - he compares this toilets with fuses being sold on Amazon that won´t blow up, when you feed them with the wrong amplitude. Which they should - because that´s what they´re here for.

So here is the link to the Server - please feel free to download everything you wish and share it.

The first video was made by Philip Bloom and his YT channel is about his 5 cats:
There is also a private FB group from Philip who tested all these litter boxes and you can join it here:
this is his FB page:

The other one is Louis Rossmann - he owns a company that repairs electronic devices. He has 3 cats - so of course this is also concerning him.
This is his YT channel - if you are intrerested in his content:

Hello my dear cat friends!Since Carmen our usual host for the "Cat of the Month" is currently enjoying the Canarian sun,...

Hello my dear cat friends!
Since Carmen our usual host for the "Cat of the Month" is currently enjoying the Canarian sun, its my pleasure to announce our next Cat of the Month ...

It's Valentine's Day! ♥♥

Show us your Love Cats, your Cuddle Bugs, no matter what breed and age!
This time it's all about the love we have for our best feline friends and the love they have for each other!

Post your pictures in the comments, and the Cat with the most HEARTS! ♥ (this time its hearts that count) - will be our February cat!

Only for the records - of course - only real photos count! 😉

Sweeticats och The Northern Star Cat Club - The Swedish TICA Club önskar alla medlemmar och vänner ett gott nytt år!Vi s...

Sweeticats och The Northern Star Cat Club - The Swedish TICA Club önskar alla medlemmar och vänner ett gott nytt år!
Vi ser fram emot att träffa er på de Svenska TICA utställningarna.

The board of the Northern Star Cat Club wishes all members and friends a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!Sara,...

The board of the Northern Star Cat Club wishes all members and friends a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Sara, Michelle, Carmen & Niklas


Hello dear members and friends of the Northern Star!

We hope you and your 2- and 4-legged families are doing well and that you are all safe and sound.
Christmas is just around the corner and we are all much more stressed than we should be.

And, yes - of course we on the Board have also been affected ... which is why things have been a little quieter over the last few weeks.
But, of course, we have been working on our new projects in the background.
We have some great ideas for next year, which we will be sharing with you soon in a letter to all our members.

But first of all - as a little Christmas present, so to speak - from us to all of us:
We have 2 new background images, for this group and the page.
We hope you like them as much as we do!
We will use one for here and the other one for the page. So go and check out the other one too!

With this in mind, we wish you a wonderful Advent season!
Eat all the cookies and make yourselves comfortable!

Sara, Michelle, Carmen & Niklas

Today we like to celebrate the birthday of our wonderful secretary Carmen!!Happy, happy birthday dear!Eat all the cake -...

Today we like to celebrate the birthday of our wonderful secretary Carmen!!

Happy, happy birthday dear!
Eat all the cake - for it has no calories today!
Thank you for being with us!


Off topic:
A typical Sunday in Vienna …

You know you're in Vienna when you have to wait with your Fiaker because the horses of the Spanish Riding School are crossing the street.


Ok ... and now for the drawing of the main prize.

4 x 2-day entries for the REGIONAL AWARDS SHOW in Denmark - hosted by the Viking Cat Club ...

We like to congratulate all winners and we also thank you from our hearts for supporting our Club and the Cat shelter with your entries.

We will contact each winner and also each participant in the next days and we will keep you updated for upcoming news.

We hope you all had fun and we will meet you and your beautiful felines soon, at our next (Virtual) Show.

Sara, Michelle, Carmen & Niklas


Kitten class is coming up now :)


Cats by Geraldine Tessens


Alters by Lies Mullem





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