Bewe Horseshoes AB när kvalitet och kunnande efterfrågas

Bewe Horseshoes AB när kvalitet och kunnande efterfrågas Import av hästskor och hovslagarutrustning
Konsultation inom hovslageri
Tillverkning av verktyg på

Börje Wetterlind åkte 1986 till USA för att knyta kontakter med tillverkare och grossister inom verktyg för hovslageriet då han tyckte att verktygen som såldes i Sverige inte höll den kvalitet man önskade för professionellt användande detta blev starten på den nya era inom hovslagaryrket vi ser idag


FootPro™ DIM 2 Impression material is a non-toxic, non-allergenic, dental silicone mixture that you mix by hand to a malleable consistency and apply to the sole of the horse's foot with a pad to provide gentle cushioning support.

👉Good to know
-Two-component silicone
-Mixing ratio -1:1
-Choice between 20A or 40A durometer
-Variable processing/hardening time
-Non-sticky and handy wide jars




Att sko hästar är ett hantverk som kräver både kunskap, erfarenhet och en djup förståelse för hästens anatomi och biomekanik. Trots detta har det blivit allt vanligare att privatpersoner försöker sko sina egna hästar. Enligt hovslagaren Rebecca Giegold är det en farlig trend som kan leda...


Discover what the different Save Edge rasps and accessories can do for you. High-quality rasps with specific features, designs and improved work comfort with the practical handles, knife sharpeners and files.
"Where tradition meets cutting-edge technology, delivering nothing less than PERFECTION."

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Did you know that copper has those natural properties that make a nail healthier? Three copper facts that show how using a copper nail with Cu Shield Technology can prevent and help repair hoof problems:

- Copper has natural antibacterial properties that ensure a clean environment around the nail in the hoof.
- Copper does not rust. The advanced coating technology protects the nail from rust and wear in the hoof. This protection is crucial because wear or rust can compromise the integrity of the hoof wall.
- Copper seamlessly blends with other metals. The innovative application of Cu Shield Technology ensures the copper does not compromise the integrity or strength of the nail.

More copper facts and benefits of Cu Shield Technology on

Intressant pod av Simon Curtis som intervjuar Pelle Algotsson

Intressant pod av Simon Curtis som intervjuar Pelle Algotsson


Our extensive network of partners in over 88 countries are ready to assist you! Each Kerckhaert-partner offers you to work with your favorite House of Brands building blocks. They think along with you and your work being the one-stop-shop , supplying all the essentials for high-quality and professional work.
Discover who your nearest House of Brands partner is on!


The Classic Plus is a sports shoe with innovative design developed to provide more grip and support. The horseshoe model comes in a full-creased left and right, front and hind shoe. The front shoe has embedded motion on the toe with Radius toe clip. This added rolling gives the necessary movement and rolling comfort to the horse. In addition, the shoe is slightly narrower on the branches and wider on the heels for optimal support. The Sole Relief on the shoe reduces pressure on the horse's sole. There is a studhole indication on the heels which is useful when you want to add extra grip. The hind shoe with Radius side clips differentiates by the larger inner bevel for more traction and the wider toe for more wear resistance. The wider outside heel provides extra lateral support to the hind hoof. Together with the distinctive clean nail holes that each have the correct nail angle, this horseshoe model is a pleasure to use with only little adjustments needed for a perfect shoeing. Adjusted thickness (9 mm) for improved grip. Designed especially for horse working on modern all weather surfaces.


The "ORIGINAL" Save Edge Rasp is known for its smooth yet aggressive cutting action. Its superior tooth design and precision grinding process have made this rasp the industry standard for many years!


Vettec SuperFast is ideal for foal adhesive shoes and applying customised support. In addition, it is also great for raising the heels, correcting the angle of the heels and making medial or lateral extensions. Vettec SuperFast is also excellent for minor hoof repairs. This 30-second hoof glue can be used for minor repairs, levelling of hooves, heel raises, customised fittings and extensions in foals. Super Fast allows farrier, vet and owner to protect the hoof when the condition of the hoof wall does not allow traditional hoof shoes to be nailed. Temporary shoeing with Super Fast, together with Equi-Pak, provides tailor-made support in cases of laminitis or other lameness, when nailing is too painful. At the same time, it offers the possibility of improving the angle of the heel or creating medial or lateral support. Temporary shoeing with Super Fast can also be used for trail running and occasional training. It also prevents the need to nail traditional horseshoes to fragile and brittle hoof walls.

- Initial set time: 30 sec
- Small hoof repairs and toe cracks completed quickly
- Helps to hold thin, brittle hoof walls together
- Create a custom shoe in minutes
- Apply Super Fast to the hoof for medial or lateral support or to change the angle of the heels.


Rörby Gård, Angarn


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